Status: :B

Please Understand It Has To Be This Way (Barsexual)


Out of nervousness, Gerard ran his large hands through his hair, pushing it towards the ceiling, more maleable now with the sweat he was beginning to develop. He had been standing in front of the bathroom mirror now for quite a few moments. Enough moments to let Frank, at a urinal behind him, unbutton, unzip, relieve, zip, button and walk back to the sink next to Gerard. He was nervous as he watched Frank wash his hands and hum an old Bouncing Souls song. Frank sighed,

"You look just fine, Gerard." he whispered, trying to reassure his friend. He had lost his place in the song, after speaking so he spoke again, just to make some noise. "What's the matter with you, anyway? Are you not excited to see your girlfriend!?" Frank said jokingly and playfully punched his friend in the shoulder before any of the water was dried from his hands. He took a bunch of paper towels from the dispenser and wiped the excess water from his hands.

Gerard slapped the droplets of water that fell from Frank's hand off of his leather jacket as he shyly said, "She's not my girlfriend," and secretly thought, but I wish she were.

"I know, Gerard, I was just kidding." Frank smiled sweetly up at his friend. He sat down at the sink he had just used. Frank was ready to wait for him to build up some confidence.

They were in the bathroom at the Chinese restaraunt that they had agreed to meet the two girls--their dates--Mikayla and Lexi at. Mikayla had already texted Frank, saying she was not far from the place and Lexi was supposed to arrive at approximately 8:00 PM.


Gerard straightened out his outfit in the mirror. He wore a pair of black jeans and a plain black t-shirt with his leather jacket. It was a normal look for him but still it took him a while to pick out. He thrusted his hand into his pocket pulling out a container of Altoid mints. Gerard took two out of the container, put them both in his mouth, then offered some to Frank. "Want?"

"No, thanks." Still sitting up on the sink, Frank smiled again, politely.

Gerard shoved the mints back into his pocket and began to walk in the direction of the door.

But Frank caught him.

With his left hand, Frank quickly grabbed Gerard's and pulled him back. He held Gerard's hand tightly in his as he hopped off of the sink and looked up, into his eyes.

"Really, Gerard, you have nothing to worry about. You look good."

Gerard, unable to take the compliment, just gave Frank a crooked smile. It lingered for a second on his lips until the door bursted open and the two men parted like one of them had an air borne disease.

Gerard walked out first.

And it was good timing too, because at that moment, Mikayla was entering the restaraunt. "Good evening," the host greeted her as she entered, ready to find her a seat.

"Hi," she smiled her absolutely gorgeous smile and let her long, and loosely curled chocolate hair sway and fall behind her shoulder. She walked faster now, past the host because she saw Frank and Gerard.

"Baby!" she exclaimed, delightfully. Frank caught her in his arms, kissing her lips tenderly.

"Hi, Gerard." She said, cutely.

Mikayla abruptly let go of Frank, leaving him confused as she went up to Gerard, wrapping her hands around his forearms, "Where is she?!" Her smile was big. This made Gerard a little more excited about his date with Lexi. If Mikayla was this excited to see her, then he should be too.

"Not here yet." He responded, quietly, sorry to bring her hopes down. "But she'll be here soon."

When Lexi did arrive, they were escorted to a four person table very soon. Gerard held her hand on the way to their seat and while they sat. Gerard was terrified. He was not sure if it was too soon to hold her hand but in the end she did not seem to mind.

"I like it here." Lexi whispered to Gerard. Gerard agreed with her,

"I do, too."

Then Lexi looked up at Mikayla and Frank who sat opposite of them. Mikayla was smiling like a creep ever since they had been introduced to each other. This made Lexi feel uncomfortable. She had an almost permanent "What the fuck?" look on her face as her eyes scanned the menu--eyes, barely squinting, raised eyebrow--and this made Mikayla feel like she was doing something wrong.

It is quite odd that it was Mikayla making Lexi feel uncomfortable, and not Gerard because that's what you'd expect but Gerard was just making her feel more comfortable, letting her hold his hand underneath the table and gently squeezing it to show her that he was really,
quite aware of her. Mikayla began to panic so quickly she started a conversation.

"Lexi." She started, "Where are you from?"

"Don't ask her where she's from!" Frank joked. "You're going to make her think we're in some kind of gang."

"We're not in a gang!" Gerard laughed at Frank's joke but Mikayla sat against the back of her chair, which had Frank's arm around it, and crossed her arms.

"Baby girl, I was joking." Frank explained as he leaned into her and covered her face in many quick, little kisses that made smoochy noises. This made Mikayla smile again.

Lexi giggled at Frank and Mikayla's adorable behavior.

Gerard went ahead and asked her what she wanted, "You can have anything, and maybe dessert. That's if you want it." He said, kindly, peeking up at her flawless face through his choppy black hair.

Lexi was looking down at her slightly bulging lump of a stomach, and instantly felt hideous, embarrased of her weight and unable to control her want to eat very little, or not eat at all. But she was hungry because she had a small breakfast and an even smaller lunch. She
thought, well I'm on a date and he's nice enough to offer to buy me dessert even though we'd be too full for it anyway... She decided that Gerard would probably prefer her to get something the size of what she didn't normally eat even though he didn't know that she ate little portions of food due to her insecurity of being slightly chubbier than him. Slightly chubbier than anyone, anyway.

"Okay, thanks Gerard." She went back to feeling comfortable.

Mikey was at home with Patrick. They had spent the day together at a shopping mall and they had a lot of fun. Now it was night time and they decided it would be best to go back home. But not alone. Patrick did not hesitate to say yes to Mikey when he suggested that they hangout at his house for a couple more hours.

They were eating popcorn and watching a somewhat scary movie. Patrick held Mikey's hand tightly as the movie was coming to it's climax and was soon over afterwards.

They sat together, silent, in the dark for a moment after the movie had ended until Mikey calmly stood up and flipped the light switch in the corner of the room, which made it many times brighter in there, and affected his eyes.

"Good movie," Mikey commented before turning back around to face Patrick. Patrick moved swiftly and quietly, creeping up behind Mikey so that he could kiss his delicate mouth as he turned around.

Patrick's lips crashed into Mikey's, unexpectedly, but it was a good crash. Mikey's hands involuntarily latched onto locks of Patrick's smooth, brown hair as their lips moved in unison. And that was it right there: Patrick and Mikey's first kiss.

"That was good," said Patrick, meaning that the kiss was good, not the movie. Mikey tried not to laugh as he reached for Patrick's soft hand. "Couch?" Patrick asked.

Mikey nodded and turned to the couch, then layed on top of it with his hand still attached to Patrick's. Patrick lowered himself onto Mikey and kissed him softly, creating a moment the two felt made them one.

The way Mikey kissed Patrick back with his bottom lip dancing with Patrick's top lip was what made their hearts melt on top of each others'. And it was such a good feeling.

After this moment Patrick wanted it rougher. He sat up on Mikey's waist, with a leg on eiter side of him and attacked Mikey's neck, hungrily sucking at him like a blood-draining vampire. This made a low, throaty moan escape Mikey's lips.

The two enjoyed themselves very much that night. And Mikey's hands never left Patrick's hair.

Maybe it was something that ran through the Way family that made them able to hold onto things for a long time. May they be grudges, hair or hands, but Gerard and Mikey really shared that quality tonight.

The only moment Gerard let go of Lexi's hand while on their date was when she went to the restroom. She didn't mind it, either. The hand holding truly made her feel secure.

"Oh, I'll join you." Mikayla jumped at the chance to have some alone time with their new friend.

"Okay," Lexi breathed, shyly at Mikayla. With that they were off.

"Comic shop chick's a keeper!" Frank said once they were out of earshot. The way he raised his voice at the word "keeper" made Gerard doubt Frank on that statement.

"Do you think so?"

"Oh, yeaahh," Frank breathed cooly, sitting back in his chair, across from Gerard. "She's pretty."

Gerard smiled at him, but didn't say anything.

In the bathroom, Mikayla leaned against the granite sinks and fixed her appearance in the side mirror. It was quiet in the bathroom of only three stalls. Just Mikayla and Lexi.

Lexi slammed open the door to the third stall, nervously, making Mikayla jump. "Oops! Sorry. I didn't mean to make you jump. I don't like public restrooms very much."

It was obvious that Lexi was intimidated by Mikayla's gorgeous appearance; perfect hair, perfect make-up, perfect outfit, perfect looking boyfriend, etc. Whereas Lexi saw herself as a sort of "slapped together" girl. She didn't experiment much with her looks as you could tell Mikayla had done atleast once in her lifetime to look that good.

She looked down at her black skinny jeans that fit her too tightly and her zebra-print buttoned dress shirt and thought to herself, This is my best blouse. This is the best you can do, Alexis? You're pathetic.

But it wasn't a bad shirt at all. It had a great collar and a belt that went around the abdomen. She chose the right thing to wear, especially if she wanted to look slimmer. Lexi was just hard on herself, that was her personality.

Being angry at herself, she missed Mikayla's short rant about not having to apologise to her, how it wasn't her fault and how she wasn't very fond of public restrooms either.

But she caught that last part.

"Who does?" Lexi chuckled, turning on the water to wash her hands.

"So, uhm." Mikayla began.

Lexi looked up at her with a kind face. The bathroom lights shined brightly on her small, soft features and this showed Mikayla that Lexi was all-ears.

"Do you like Gerard much?"

"Of course I do." Lexi began to lead Mikayla out of the restroom and back to their table. "I wouldn't be here right now if I didn't. I always knew there was something sort of special about Gerard ever since I can remember first seeing him at the comic shop."

"Oh." Mikayla breathed, "Are you... Nevermind."

"Am I what?"

"Nevermind. I'm just a girl. Just girl talking." And now Mikayla felt awkward and uncomfortable around Lexi because she gave off a bit of a tom-boy essence that Mikayla could not relate to, whatsoever.

"No, you can ask me. Hurry before we get to the table." Mikayla was still silent. "Were you gonna ask me if I planned on kissing him tonight?" Lexi blushed as she spoke that.

"You read my mind." Mikayla mumbled, amazed.

"Hey, we're girls right?"

Mikayla nodded.

"I'll only kiss him if he kisses me."

They finished girl talking just in time. It was right before they turned the corner to their seating area.

As soon as Lexi sat down she intertwined her fingers with Gerard's again. This made him feel all fuzzy inside and he couldn't help but smile.

But soon their date was over.

Frank and Mikayla wanted to give them a little while alone so they said their "goodbyes" and "hope to see you again soons" and went to get in the car.

Gerard and Lexi didn't stand in silence for one second. Gerard spoke instantly, "Thanks so much for coming on this date, Lexi. I really appreciate you even giving me the time of day." He was honest with her and she liked that.

"Awh--" Oh, fuck. I didn't mean to "awh" at that! "thanks, Gerard. You're really, really sweet. I like you. We have to do this again soon, okay?" She made him promise.

He did.

Gerard leaned down to hive her a kiss on the cheek. It made a soft smooching sound as well as making Lexi smile. "Okay, bye, sugar." Gerard, breathed happily at her and turned around to be picked up right there on the curb by Mikayla and Frank.

After he had gotten in the car Lexi waited a second before walking back to her car just to avoid any awkwardness.

"A kiss on the cheek?! Gerard! That's the best you could do?" Mikayla exclaimed, seeming utterly disappointed at the lack of mouth to mouth kissing.

"Babe, relax." Frank said, calmly as he looked back at Gerard from the road, who was in the back seat of his car. "It was just the first date. I don't think he gets to kiss her yet." Frank was confused. It's been a while since he's dealt with this situation. That was kind of a high school thing.

"You better kiss her next time, boy." Mikayla laughed at Frank's cuteness.

Mikey had made sure Patrick was no longer with him by the time Gerard made it back to the apartment. Frank didn't come with him this time becaue he was finally ready to go back home.

But he wasn't ready to go back alone.

As Frank drove out of the apartment parking lot where he dropped Gerard off, he asked his girlfriend kindly, "Do you want to stay at my place tonight?"

"Sure, baby. I've been missing you lately." She said and grabbed his right hand, holding it promisingly in her's.

When they got to Frank's place he knew he was ready to get some rest. But Mikayla didn't want that tonight. Frank led her to the bedroom and pulled his shoes off. He robbed the bedspread of its tidiness and buried his small body under it.

Mikayla pulled her hair up into a bun and began to undress. She found some of Frank's favourite boxers and one of his older band t-shirts and put that on. Soon she was on the bed, too. Disappointment spread around her face when she heard Frank snoring.

What was the point of me staying the night is he is just gonna fall asleep on me like this?

She didn't care if he was asleep. She lifted the thick, white blanket and his gorgeous presence was revealed. She placed gentle kisses along his neck and he began to wake up from his light snooze.

"Baby," he groaned, quietly.

"Yeah, Frankie?" Mikayla whispered as she unbuttoned his pants, tugging them slowly below his knees. He was now totally awake and decided to kick off his pants completely.

"Babe, what are you doing?" Frank asked.

"I love you, Frank." She spoke loudly, making it seem like she had hurt feelings or was pissed off.

"Me too." He sat up, taking her face in his hands and connecting their lips. "Youre gorgeous." Frank whispered before snaking his hand up, underneath her shirt. He pushed her down next to him and tried to build up enough strength to lean over her, kiss her passionately and then eventually make love to her.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know. I suck.
But did you enjoy this?
I'm trying you guys. Really, I've been thinking up the next few chapters in my head now...
Fucking comments, anybody?