Status: :B

Please Understand It Has To Be This Way (Barsexual)

Em Jay

It was a cold, dark night in New Jersey. October approached quickly, being introduced with thick, grey clouds that covered the sky each night, leaving little moonlight to shine down on the world.

She walked down a long alley way, her boots making loud noise as she made her way to a short, forest green door that stood at the end. She knew she was safe here, as eerie as the setting was. The green door was an entrance to the back of her cousin's apartment.

She knocked on the door twice.

It opened, immediately.

Ernie was her cousin. He smiled, brightly, careful not to drop the joint that he held in his mouth, and greeted her, "Alexis!" He excalimed, letting her inside.

Lexi stepped in, a little nervous. "Hey, Erns..." she looked around at the messy apartment, noticing that maybe he had been dumped by another girlfriend.

He liked housekeepers...

"Did you run out?" He asked her, making his way to the sofa and throwing things off of it. He knew that she ran out because that was the only reason she would ever visit.

"Well..." Lexi turned around to a rather large bag of marijuana being thrown at her. Her insticts worked quickly, as she caught the bag with both hands. "Thanks."

"That should keep you away." Ernie laughed as he started making his way into the small kitchen. "Just kidding, lil' cous'. Here, save that bag and join me." He said, cooly, handing her the joint as he exhaled, feeling brilliant.

A few days later Gerard was invited to Lexi's apartment. She was going to tell him about what he didn't know. What she wanted out of Gerard was something special and she was not going to risk him not knowing about one of her biggest secrets. And it was a trust thing. If you are going to date someone, the two of you should trust each other, right?

Gerard looked around her bright, clean apartment, pleased. There was more light in her living room than any other room that he could ever rembemer. A huge portrait of Jim Morrison hung neatly on the wall. He loved it.

"So..." Gerard began, "I think maybe we should hang out here more often." A short chuckle escaped him.

"Do you like it?" Lexi asked, shyly, brushing a black lock of hair behind her ear. She was standing around, waiting for Gerard to sink it all in.

"Yeah!" He exclaimed, excitedly. "I can see us doing a lot here." He began to look around the kitchen, and then stopped. "That...was not supposed to be suggestive." Afraid Lexi would think he was some sort of a pervert, Gerard cursed at himself, mentally.

"Oh, it's all right." Lexi sighed. It was quiet as Gerard continued to show himself around. Lexi just followed him.

Once they got to her bedroom she spoke again. "Gerard, there's something I think I should tell you before we do anything else."

"What is it, Lex?" He gently took her hand, lifting it up to his lips and kissing her knuckles.

He made her feel so comfortable. She felt like she could melt by his side at that very moment. But she remembered that what she was about to tell him could possibly make him dislike her. So she regained focus,

"Gerard, I smoke...pot." She prepared for rejection.

Gerard's face showed no signs of regret and he didn't seem bothered at all. "Well...that's all right." Gerard breathed, nervously. He had never smoked anything that wasn't a cigarette. Mikey wouldn't like this. "I've never done it, but I hear good things."

Lexi giggled. "So you're cool with it?"

"Yeah, why not?" Gerard flashed her a toothy smile.

"Oh, thank goodness."

Gerard pecked her cheek.

"I guess I have something to tell you, then." Gerard confessed. this made Lexi worry for a moment because lots of things were worse than pot...
♠ ♠ ♠
Oooo, a cliffhanger. A little baby one, but's cool, no?

I thought a lot about what this note would look like.
And you guessed it, I'm looking to apologise for this agonisingly short chapter.
The next one is being written and so close to being done's longer.
I really love you readers,especially In The Closet for the idea for this chapter. Without her this update would not be here yet.
Thank you

P.S. I know NOTHING about ANY drugs. D:
...but the title of this chapter is "code" for MARIJUANA. Ooooh, spooky. (Sarcasm)