Status: :B

Please Understand It Has To Be This Way (Barsexual)

First Day

"Happy birthday, Aunt Cindy!" Mikey exclaimed into the phone. It was 7:10 in the morning. Aunt Cindy was an early bird had already opened a few gifts that were either mailed to her or given to her by her son--Mikey and Gerard's cousin--who currently lived with her.

Mikey spoke politely over the phone with her, asking her what she got as presnts and wondering when there would be a family get together. Hopefully soon because Mikey missed his family. Especially his mom.

"Aunt Cindy, Gerard wants to talk to you, can you hold really quick while I get him?" Mikey said, busting open Gerard's bedroom door.

Gerard's arm fell lazily over the side of his low bed as he lay face down, on his belly, covered by heaps of blankets. October grew cooler. Mikey groaned, not having realized that Gerard wasn't even awake yet. He covered the phone with his hand and kicked Gerard in the leg,
lightly. He whispered, "It's Aunt Cindy's birthday! She's waiting to hear from you."

Gerard flipped over and sat up, looking over at Mikey who held the phone out to him. He took a deep breath, preparing a voice that didn't make him sound like he had just woken up, then grabbed the phone and spoke very enthusiastically, "Hello?!"

Mikey could hear an excited, but muffled Aunt Cindy responding to Gerard's voice. "OLD" people were into Gerard. It's because they found him incredibly charming, in a way. But Gerard's charm only always worked with "old" people. He couldn't pull anything off on the pretty blond girl walking down the street.

Soon enough, Gerard hung up the phone, letting Aunt Cindy know that he had to start getting ready for his first day of work.

Wow. My first day... Gerard thought. He imagined what it would be like behind the counter. And now he had to take orders from a boss. And he got a paycheck!

Gerard took a quick shower and was out by eight 'o' clock. Wrapped in just his white towel, he felt a surprisingly cool breeze come in from the hallway. Mikey had a window open. Now, the smell of breakfast began to kick into Gerard's senses. He roamed into the living room,

"Mmm, eggs and bacon."

"Thought I'd make us something nice." Mikey mumbled. "It's your first day."

Gerard was looking out the window. "Thanks, Mikey! Wow, it's chilly today." He watched the pouring raindrops race down the closed window next to him, "Can I borrow one of your jackets?"

He looked back at Mikey who was nodding.

Quickly, Gerard made his way back into the bedroom to get ready. He slipped on a pair of soft, grey boxer briefs. His closet had very little clean clothes. Thank goodness for Mikey; a second wardrobe. Gerard picked up a pair of jeans, put them on and thn quickly went over to Mikey's room.

In this closet, the t-shirts were all bunched up in one section of the closet, then came the sweaters and jackets in another section and finally pants. He searched through the closet, as if rushed and soon pulled out a red, checkered, button-up shirt (which came with a matching scarf that hung above Mikey's closet) and a heavy, brown jacket.

After dressing, Gerard gently pushed his delicately gorgeous hair back, and out of his face, and finally went to go enjoy breakfast with his brother.

Not very long after breakfast, Mikey was driving Gerard to work in their only car. He parked for a moment in the parking lot of the comic shop; 9:22. "We haven't really talked about this ride issue." Mikey muttered.

"I can ask Frank for a ride home." Gerard assured, lowering his freshly brewed cup of coffee from his lips so that he could talk to Mikey. "I can even walk--I could use the excercise."

"And what about tomorrow?"

"Well since Frank works late afternoons--"

"Don't always rely on Frank to help you out with this stuff, alright? He won't always be there for you." Mikey interuppted. He sounded almost mad.

This terrified Gerard. Something was wrong. But he thought Mikey was happy about this. Was it possible that he found out about Lexi's little secret? Was that why he was acting like this?

"I'm going to call Frank for lunch. It'll work out. Bye, Mikey." Gerard said, trying to react as if Mikey didn't just sound like he was really pissed. He stepped out of the vehicle, looked in one last time and said, "Thanks." before shutting the door.

Rain sprinkled down on Gerard as he pulled on Mikey's warm and fashionable scarf, gripped tighter onto his hot cup and walked up to the door of his new workplace. He took one last breath before opening the door and taking in the warm, quite air that belonged to the comic

9:25 AM

A voice came fom behind the counter. "Gerard."

It was Mr. Jerry Peterson. He swiveled around in his chair, making himself visible to Gerard who had now found his way to the customer's side of the cash register.

"Morning, Mr. Peterson." Gerard whispered.

"Call me Jerry... Or boss. I like the authority in that one." Jerry said jokingly. Gerard could tell he was going to like mornings with Mr. Peterson.

"Okay, Jerry. What can I do today?" Gerard inquired, inviting himself around the counter that held the cash register on a small window.

Behind this counter was where the employees not only helped customers make their purchases, but Gerard had always seen the younger employees, later in the day, hang out back there, either listening to the radio, or making conversation with lonely customers who had no one behind them in line, or doing crosswords, texting, twittering and facebooking and whatnot on the somewhat outdated computer that sat a few feet into the small area. It was maybe fourteen by seven feet.

Enough room for four to fit comfortably. Comics and other papers were sprawled along the counter and small desk that was at the very end of the tiny work area.

"Well..." Jerry thought for a moment. "It's day one. That makes it orientation day. And then later, well, later you can organize this room for me. When the rest of the guys get here, I'll have them help you out with all the rules. Leave your stuff in here, and follow me to
the back now."

Gerard chuckled at the messiness of the work area he was assigned to clean up. Not that it bothered him but since when did working at a comic shop involve janitorial services? He pushed it to the back of his mind and set his stuff down in the corner then followed Jerry back.

It was three hours until lunch.

Gerard got forty-five minutes.

So he called up Frank and asked him where he was. Frank worked at a music shop. He worked in the guitar section. Fortunately, his lunch hour was the same as Gerard's. So they decided to meet up at a Subway.

The rain was getting heavier as the morning made it's way to the afternoon. Frank got to the sizzling warm sandwhich store first, drying himself off and feeling uncomfortable because now his sock was wet. And he was hungry. Thank goodness he made lunch plans with his best friend. This would make him feel better. Frank tucked his hands further into his striped sweater for extra warmth.

Gerard arrived about five minutes later with a fresh cup of coffee in his hands. Coffee cups are hot!

"Gimme some!" Frank demanded as soon as he saw Gerard. Gerard took one last sip before handing it to Frank. He went up to the professional sandwhich maker and looked for what to order. Frank warmed up his hands with the paper coffee cup then followed Gerard.

Soon as they both finished ordering their subs Frank ordered the submaker to make those two to go. Gerard glanced back at him, questioningly as he pulled his black, fake leather wallet from his back pocket and began to search for a that crisp five dollar bill that he remembered even placing into his wallet just a few days ago when he recieved change for a bottle of inexpensive wine.

"I got it." Murmured Frank. He extended his arm to stop Gerard from handing the obidient lady his money. Frank dug aroud his jean pocket for spare ones and fives that would eventually fold out of their crinkly forms to make the total of their lunch expenses.

"Combos for these both?" She asked, ready to reach for the cups.

"Just mine, please." Said Frank.

Gerard already had his coffee.

Frank filled his cup up with iced tea soon after paying.

"Why are we getting these to go?" Asked Gerard as he took the bagged up sandwhiches from the counter and started to make his way out of the sandwhich shop.

"The car has a heater." Frank was careful, letting the door shut quietly behind him. "And a radio."


"I've got sixteen more minutes." Frank had whispered as soon as he finished swallowing that last bight of his sub.

Gerard didn't say anything.

But Frank expected him to respond with how many more lunch minutes he had until it was time to go. "You?"

Gerard said "Wanna do something after we get out of work today?"


"We could hang out at your place."

"Okay, I'll pick you up at the shop at four."

With that they continued to converse about Gerard's exciting day.

With Gerard's exciting day came an exciting night...
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope it's long enough for you.
(That's what she said.)