Status: :B

Please Understand It Has To Be This Way (Barsexual)

Tounge Doesn't Wait

Frank stood on his apartment balcony, later that evening. He had about three cigarrettes that night--working on his fourth.The sun was setting and he was all alone. Frank didn't like to be alone. But he lived alone. He had no siblings and his girlfriend had not yet moved in with him.

Soon Frank's phone had begun vibrating in his pocket. Frank let the smoke escape his lungs before answering the call. It was his girlfriend, Mikayla. He smiled at the screen before, flipping open his phone and putting it to his ear, "Mikayla?"

"Frankie!" She squealed, "How are you?"

Frank had not seen Mikayla in about three days. To this particular couple, that was a lot of days. One too many, to be exact. So Frank immediately knew Mikayla was going to want to make plans. And he was fine with that. He wanted to see her, too.

Frank smiled into the phone, "I'm good, what about you, love?"

"Well I'm good--just wondering if you're available tonight. Maybe I could come over?"

Frank walked inside looking around at his apartment. He thought it needed some cleaning up but it would do. "Sure you can come over." Frank said, "But there's not much to do. Wouldn't you like to go out and see a movie?"

"I'm sure I could think of something to do." Mikaylamumbled, suggestively."But if you want to go see a movie I'm fine with that. Oh! Harry Potter is out today. We could see that..." She suggested Harry Potter, knowing it interested Frank. It really did. Frank was indeed a fan.

"Good idea, beautiful. I guess I'll see you soon, then?"

"Yeah. I love you."

"I love you, too. 'Bye." Frank said and hung up. He was smiling to himself, Immediately he started cleaning up around his house, picking up any dirty clothes, dirty dishes, dirty magazines etc. His place wasn't too big a mess, though. He had it cleaned up in only a few minutes.

Then he went to the kitchen to get a drink. He took some liquor and poured it into a glass. Only a little bit, though. He didn't know why exactly he was having liquor rightthen and there. But he was having it. He usually used liquor to relax. He used it to forget things--take them off his mind. But today he didn't know what it was that he didn't want to think about. And most of the time, when he had liquor of any type, he thought of his best friend, Gerard who had drinking problems.

Frank sat down on his couch, sipping away at his beverage and thinking of what this could possibly be. But he never found out, because soon enough there was a knock at his door. Mikayla was here.

He lowered his glass to the coffee table and stood from the couch. It was awfully dark and gloomy in this apartment. And that was most of the time. But Frank thought that romantic. He liked the dim, orange lighting.

He opened the door seeing Mikayla's shape at the step in fron of him. She couls only vagurly see a silhouette, so she let herself in, smiling. Tunring in to be caught by Frank lips, he whispered, "Hi," when the kiss broke.

"Hi," she whispered, the smile on her face only growing wider. She loved the taste of Frank's lips. SHe loved everything about him. "I missed you," her arms were wrapped around Frank's torso.

"Awh, I missed you too, babe." He kissed her again, dellicately fingering the strands of her hair. He began pushing her back until they landed on the couch, making a thud. Mikayla was smiling as Frankkissed her face and lips. She was a bit uncomfortable underneath Frank the way she was, so she adjusted her body, giving Frank a brief moment to breathe. He knew she didn't like a relationship that was purely physical, and theirs was not.

Frank sat up on the couch, abruptly, "So," he said, as she sat up and ran a hand through her hair, "how was your day?"

Mikayla didn't know why Frank had stopped kissing herand moved on to asking such a dull question. But she answered it anyway, "Dull without you." She grinned, thedim light reflecting in her big hazel eyes.

"Well then I guess we should go out now." Frank muttered.

Mikayla agreed, taking Frank's hand in hers and kissig his cheek. He grinned and whispered, "I need my keys."

She laughed, "I'm driving."

Frank rolled his eyes and let her lead them out of the apartment and into his car. On the ride to the movie theater, at a red light,Mikayla had some sort of epiphany. She gasped, "We should invite Gerard...and Mikey!" Mikayla was very fond of those two, especially Gerard. They had met once Frank started dating her. Ever since, they had all been good friends.

Frank shook his head, "I don't think so. I mean, I just saw them this morning." Frank loved his friends, but he didn't want them to get bored of him...or vise versa.

A look of jealousy flashed across Mikayla's face, "Well I didn't!"

The light had switched to green, but Mikayla didn't notice. Frank pointed at the light, growing somewhat annoyed, "Go, M." He sighed.

"Oh." She stepped on the petal forcing her car to go faster than it should have beeng going.

It was quiet for a couple minutes. Mikayla wasn't happy. She really wanted to hang out with Frank, Gerard and Mikey. She liked the feeling she got when they were all together. She liked knowing that her boyfriend's best friends were fond of her. She wanted to be the perfect girlfriend, is all she wanted.

Frank tore his eyes from the window and looked at Mikayla. She had a frustrated look on her face. He sighed and whispered, "If you want we can invite them to eat with us after the movie? You wanna do that?" Mikayla didn't say anyhting but Frank could tell she was going to warm up to him in the next fifteen seconds. "C'mon, babe. You wanna do that?" He talked to her like he was talking to a baby, as he brought his hand up to her chin, gently tickling her.

Mikayla smiled, "Okay, Frankie."

Soon they were at the theater finding seats. Not too high up, but not too low either...but not in the middle. Maybe just a little bit above the middle. Frank had purchased weird ice cream things called Dibs™. Turns out they were delicious and Frank had them down before the movie had even started. Besides previews were always Frank's favourite part of going out to see a movie. It's not like he was paying attention to how much ice cream he had put into his mouth.

By the time the movie was maybe half way through, Frank went off to buy more Dibs™. They were now like his favourite thing to eat. They were amazing. Chocolate covered ice cream circle things. Frank was so caught up in his ice cream. He payed more attention to the ice cream than the movie. But anyway, I think I've got my point across about the ice cream...

After the movie, Mikayla asked him how he liked it. Frank pondered for a second then answered, "It was better than The Goblet of Fire." Frank smiled and pressed his lips against Mikayla's.

"Babe, are you even hungry anymore? You had a lot of ice cream." Mikayla chuckled.

"Eh, I could eat."

"Well, call Gerard or Mikey. Tell them where we're going."

When they arrived at the restauraunt they had to wait about fiteen minutes for Gerard and Mikey to arrive. It was a good thing Gearrd was sober that night. The time always went by a lot smoother when Gerard was sober.

Mikayla was excited to see the Way brothers, giving them both hugs as the four were escorted to a table.

"Well, you guys! We've got news." Mikey announced to Mikayla and Frank. Gerard knew exactly what Mikey was takling about. He looked down at the table shyly, letting his black hair fall over his eyes. Frank noticed Gerard sudden, disinterest in the table topic.

Frank wasn't sure he wanted to hear the news, now. And he suddenly realized that he wasn't so hungry anymore. It was the ice cream.

Mikey kept talking, "Gerard met this girl. And well I met her, too. But she's into Gerard. Or...Gerard's into her. Tell them about her, Gee." He poked at Gerard, making Gerard smile a little bit. Frank thought, Gerard met a girl? What the fuck?

"Uhm, I don't know. She's just this girl that goes to the comic shop. She's really nice." The smile on Gerard's face grew even bigger as he looked up at Frank, his eyes shining with delight.

This girl must be then real deal, then.

Frank looked down, "What's her name?"

"Lexi!" Mikey answered for Gerard. Mikayla thought it was absolutely adorable. No one was really used to Gerard being into girls or...anyone, for that matter. People thought Gerard was doomed to an unwanted, asexual and lonely life. Gerard thought he was doomed.But maybe this girl was it. She could be that crush that turned into something magical.

"Awh! That's so cute, Gee! I'm happy for you." Mikayla smiled as she touched Gerard's hand from across the table.
♠ ♠ ♠

It took me a while to write this one, though I immediately started working on this one as soon as the last chapter was published. This came a little more difficult.
I guess I was having trouble setting it up. That's always hard for me.
I love you should FUCKING COMMENT!

I'll update soon-ish (: