Status: :B

Please Understand It Has To Be This Way (Barsexual)

***ing Pansy

The only thing standing between Frank Iero and getting a decent night's sleep on Sunday was the fact that he was sweating up a storm. He really was. He slept for about a half hour then woke up and couldn't sleep for the rest of the hour. Then he slept again and woke up again. But he wasn't sweating because it was extremely hot. And it's not like he was uncomfortable--he had a tempourpedic matress in his room. He was sweating because he got the feeling that someone was watching him. He was all alone in his home that night. And maybe it was just his imagination playing tricks on him. But he swore he felt something that night. And he was right. There was someone there. Turns out it wasn't just Frank's imaginationg. It was a burglur.

Frank was breathing heavy. Every time he inhaled it made it harder for him to breathe. He was on the verge of having an anxiety attack or something. So he stood from the bed he was once in, covered underneath the depths of the sheets. Flicking on the light in his bedroom, Frank opened his bedroom door and walked into the hallway. He thought maybe a warm glass of milk would soothe him to sleep. Noises were being made in the kitchen as he got closer and Frank's heart began to beat five times faster because these noises weren't like 'rats in the kitchen noises', they were 'dude in black clothing, ready to kick your ass if you come any closer' noises. He prayed to God it wasn't what he thought it was, but it indeed was the dude in black clothing. And he looked like he was sure ready to kick someone's ass.

Seconds later, Frank was face-to-face with a burglur in his living room. First thing he thought of, his guitar! Where was it? In his bedroom. It was safe. It was dark, so Frank couldn't make out who his burglur was and it was freaky because Frank and the man were just staring at each other in the dark. He waqs dumbfounded. Both were, actually. The burglur was dumbfounded when he realised that there was a childlike body breathing heavily standing right in front of him. And Frank was dumbfounded when the man wouldn't do anything as Frank stared at him. They were both just standing there. Thinking of what to do, but not doing anything yet.

Frank had to act quickly. He had to do something in like the next second.So he grabbed whatever was next to him--which happened to be a glass vase that he got...well he doesn't even remember where he got it, but he took it from its place and bashed it over the man's head, causing him to fall to the floor bleeding. "Oh, fuck!" Frank screamed. He acted quickly, for he seemed to be having a twenty second adrenaline rush, and he grabbed the phone and dialed the police. Or maybe he was just freaking out. But I think it was a twenty second adrenaline rush.

He spoke quickly into the phone, being asked to repeat what he had said until he was understood. The lady on the phone askedfor his address and told him to sit tight whilst the police were to arrive at his apartment building. Frank set down the and ran a shaking, nervous hand through his sweating fringe. The man was still on the floor, but not bleeding anymore, thank goodness. Frank didn't want to harm the man, but he had to. Didn't he? Yes, he had to. The scary man could have attacked him first. He acted simply on self defense, didn't he?

Frank sighed and leaned against the dining room table. The man on the floor was not familiar now that the light was on. He had dark brown hair, dark skin and he was really skinny. Frank was thinking he didn't look anything like the kind of guy who would plan to rob you, but then he thought, that's what made this man such a great burglur. Well not exactly, since he got knocked out by a man so small. He actually wasn't any good at this bad guy stuff. He should switch careers. But the next thing Frank knew, the man was sitting up on his linoleum kitchen floor.And this time Frank couldn't move. He couldn't even blink as the man stood up with a hand on his bleeding head and ran in the direction of the patio of Frank's apartment. Apparently, that's how he had gotten inside in the first place. Frank shouted, "No!" But it was too late. The man was alredy outside, running away from Frank's apartment and into the darkness.

Frank scolded himself for being so foolish and leaving the back door open. And he couldn't run after him. He just couldn't. For reasons unknown Frank fell to the floor, crying and clutching his side as loud sobs escaped him. He cursed at himself for being such a Pansy. Thinking of The Comedian from The Watchmen and how he broke down made Frank feel even worse. And it was the most random flashback to pop into his head. It really was. Frank though there was no reason to be crying. The burglur had escaped, yes, but Frank was safe along with his guitar and nothing had been stolen. He shouldn't have been crying.

He wanted to smash something. Throw things as the wall. Hear glass break. Do something destructive or atleast witness it. But most of all, Frankw anted to be held by someone. In someone's arms. He wanted so bad to be comforted.

Moments later there was a knock at the door. The police were there. Frank wiped the tears from his eyes and let them in. He explained to them how the man got away and thanked them for coming. They said they'd keep an eye on the area and were on there way. Frank swore he'd heard one of the two mutter the words "Pansy ass" the moment Frank's front door was shut, but that's only because he was sure Frank had been crying. See those big hazel orbs of his were red and puffy from the tears that were shed. That's the only reason why.

Frank had gotten so worked up, he didn't even notice what the time was. He realised it was half past three in the morning. And he didn't want to be along in his apartment. He just didn't feel safe. He was afraid. He was alone. And like I said before, Frank needed someone to be comforted by. So he took the rest of the night to pack belongings--including his guitar, and found himself and found himself showered and ready to leave before five A.M. But the thing was he didn't know where it was he wanted to go. And he didn't want to go and bother people at five in the morning. But he did it anyway. He wasn't about to ask his girlfriend and girlfriend's sister, who lived together, if he could crash with them for a few days. So that left him with even fewer options. And it didn't even take him long to decide where to go.

Soon Frank found himsel at the Ways' front door. A yawn exited his mouth and the door was very slowly pulled open by a sleepy Mikey. His hair was pointing in a whole bunch of different directions and he was shivering from the cold morning air that was being let into his cozy home. "Frankie?" He whispered, "What are you doing here so early?" Mikey let the door slide open even more, which revealed his skinny body covered with pajama pants and a t-shirt, and Frank walked inside, pulling his things with him. The door was slammed shut after Mikey noticed Frank's belongings being dragged along the floor. "What's wrong, Frankie?"

Frank sighed and set his things down on the kitchen counter. "There was a burglur aw my house earlier. I was scared, Mikey. There were noises. And a lot of blood. It's probably still on my floor." Frank rambled.

Mikey whispered, "Oh my God." He bit his lip and remembered hearing something about a local burglur in the area on the news just nights before. "C'mon, now." He started to lead him into Gerard's room which held the bigger bed and let him set up a spot next to Gerard to sleep in for the rest of the morning. "Are you okay?" In the dark Mikey's eyes were sympathetic.

Frank nodded, "Yes. I just couldn't be alone over there anymore, ya know?"

""It's a good thing you came here. You know you're welcome anytime, Frankie. We'll talk more in the morning." Mikey smiled at Frank as he began to exit the room.

"Thank you, Mikey." Frank whispered.

"You're welcome."

Mikey shut off the light and headed for the door.

"Mikey?" Frank called, trying not to wake Gerard with his voice.

"Yes, Frank?" He yawned.

"I love you."

"I love you, too, Frank. Goodnight. Or...goodmorning." He smiled in the dark room and Frank didn't see it but that didn't matter much. Mikey just wanted to get back to bed.

And so he did.

The door had been shut and Frank relaxed on his spot next to Gerard in the warm bed. A thick blanket covering him as he finally shut his eyes and began to drift off into a more peaceful sleep. That wasn't before Gerard abruptly whispered, "You love me, too, don't you Frank?" Frank gasped as Gerard turned around on the bed to face him. Though they couldn't see each other it was so dark, they were both trying very hard.

"When did you wake up?" Frank asked.

"When you opened the door. So why are you here, bothering me in my sleep?"

Frank sighed and closed his eyes, "I don't want to talk about it."

Gerard frowned, "Oh. Okay."

"I'm not gonna be able to sleep with you awake, Gerard." Frank whispered, sitting up and rubbing his sore eyes.

Gerard got off the bed and flicked on the desk light. "And why is that?" He asked as he turned back around to look at Frank. He gasped, "Frank, your eyes!" Gerard was concerned now that he could see the red and puffiness in Frank's eyes from the crying he did earlier. "Were you crying? Why were you crying, Frank?" Gerard thought right now was the perfect time to slip in the nickname "Pansy" but then he saw the look on Frank's face. Something was wrong.

"I, uh. I don't know. I just started crying." Frank looked down at the blanket that was covering his arms and threw it off of him. He sighed.

Gerard crawled slowly onto the bed and wrapped his arms around Frank, trying to be as comforting a friend could possibly be at a moment like this and not even knowing that it was what Frank had wanted all along.

Fucking Pansy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Quick update! Yay!
I deserve more than one fucking comment. But you guys can thank In The Closet I'm even updating.
Perhaps you should fucking comment. Really, it would mean the world to me.