The School's Nobody Falling for the School's Hottie?! Never Heard of That.


I glanced down at the note, confused, i picked it up slowly and eyed all the words.

Dear Lacy,
Your father and I are leaving for a month. I'm sorry we didn't tell you sooner but we had to leave right away. We left you five hundred dollars. Please, do not spend it all in a week. Only use it to buy food and for emergencys. I'm sorry I haven't talked to you in what seems like forever... and this was the only way I could tell you goodbye. Don't worry though we should be home in a month. Tell your sister I say hi. I love you both very much.
Love, mom & dad.

A month? Why? She must be going crazy my sister isn't alive anymore. I ripped the paper up into tiny pieces and scattered it onto the floor. My mind needed to clear of all thoughts. I lied my head down onto my soft pillows. Right before I started to fall asleep I heard a loud knock from downstairs. Then, a doorbell. My head shot up. My body ached from lack of sleep. I carefully pulled myelf off of the bed and literally dragged myself downstairs.

It took all of my strength to pull my feet down the steps. I already felt abandoned. My parents had just left me, my sister was gone, my best friend for years just walked away forever, and right now I'm not in the mood to answer the door. The further I walked the more I regretted answering the door.

I slowly pulled the glass door open and saw him. I thought I was seeing stuff... Nate (aka, king of the school) was standing in front of me.
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sorry its so short but I couldnt think of anything else to write.