To The End

Mrs. Lee has a SON?!?!

Frank’s POV
I woke up in the morning very sleepy. I steal a glance at Ainna’s face and saw how truly beautiful she was. She had jet black hair, big brown eyes and a dazzling smile. I smiled and lay back on my bed. I thought at how lucky I am to be paired in a room with her. I giggled and accidentally woke her up. Stupid frank! I thought.

“Hey Frankie bear!” she said showing off her wonderful smile
“Hey Teddy bear!”
“Your happy today?”
“Yea, mainly cause your awake! And you smiled”
~She blushed~
~awkward pause~
“Wanna get breakfast?” I broke the silence

So we went to the breakfast table and ate cereal. I was staring at Ainna the whole time. I hope she didn’t notice.

Zoey’s POV
I wondered why Frank was staring at me. Did I have something in my teeth? Did I smell? What if he could see my underwear?

“Why are you staring at me?”
“huh? What? What just happened?”
“Blur much?”
~he went into blur mode again~

Just then, a mysterious guy went and sit beside me. He was very handsome. Black hair, green eyes, arm muscles, all the features a girl would ever dreamed on a boy. I started a convo with him but Frank was being all jealous when I was talking to him.

“Hi! I’m Zoey! I’m new and I share a room with my friend Frankie!”
“Hey, I’m Gerard, I’m Mrs. Lee’s son”
“So your Gerard Lee?”
“Nope, Gerard Way, Lee is my mom’s middle name”
“Hey Frankie!”
“Wanna come meet Gerard? He’s super sweet!”
~Gerard blushed which left me giggle~
“Urm, I’m busy urm looking for DVDs to watch with you”
“O come on!”
~Dragging Frank to Gerard~
“Hi. Gerard.”
“Zoey! Can I please go look for DVDs now?”
“Fine Frankie!”
~Mrs. Donna Lee Way screams to Gerard that his friends are waiting outside for him~
“You better go.”
“See ya later Zo!’
“See ya Gee”

Just after that, he kissed me full force on my lips and left leaving me confused and happy at the same time. I ran into Frankie and I’s room and walked in without knocking. Little did I know that my best friend is crying.

“Frank, Why are you crying?”
“And to think I was about to fall for you.”
“Frank what are you talk-“
“You don’t like me don’t you? You like Gerard way more than me huh? The next time I see a cute girl, I should get my hopes up. It will just crash and burn.”
“Frank I-I”
“Save it for someone who cares!”
~he barged out of the room and went for a walk~

I sat there crying my eyeballs out. I was so sad. Why did Frank scream at me? I thought he was my friend. I decided to go ask Mrs. Lee Gerard’s phone number and call him. Maybe he’ll know what to do.
♠ ♠ ♠
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