‹ Prequel: The Webs We Weave

If I Let You Go Would The Scars Continue To Show

Please Dont Leave Me

Angel’s POV
“Hello” a voice said. I looked up. It was the black haired guy. Now I’ve seen him up close, he was gorgeous. Pale skin, blue eyes.
“Hey” I smiled.
“Can I sit here?” he motioned to the seat next to me. I nodded “Yeah sure.”
He smiled and sat down, “I’m Max by the way”
I half smiled. I’ve always liked that name.
“I’m Angel,” I told him. He smiled. Then he faded into the darkness

My eyes flew open and I looked around. I smiled. Max was still lying next to me, asleep. I pushed back the hair out of his face and smiled again. He was so peaceful when he was sleeping. I layed back down and just looked at the ceiling. It’s been 6 years and we are still together. For the past couple of months I’ve been having the same dream. The memory of when I met Max but then it just fades into black. Like it never happened. So naturally I wake up and look around, just to make sure me meeting Max really happened. I can’t see why we would break up or anything now. We’ve been through so much so far. I helped Max get off the drugs, twice, but it was all worth it to see Max back the way he was when we met. So happy and fun to be around. When he got on the drugs he wasn’t Max anymore. He was violent and just didn’t know what he was doing. Sometimes I thought back to Peter and what he used to do. That made me even more scared. Just thinking of what Max might do to me. Thankfully Bryan was always there to help me. That kid, I smiled gratefully. He still is like a little brother to me. We’d do anything for each other. I love him like he was family. I let out a deep breath and got up. I climbed over Max and walked into the small living room that was on the bus. Some times it still shocked me to see Craig sitting there instead of Ronnie. I sighed and thought back to that day. Ronnie was in jail. He’s done some stupid shit and now he’s paid for it. He’ll get out next year or something like it. I sat down next to Craig who was watching TV.
“Hey” he smiled at me. I smiled weakly, “Hey”
“Have that dream again?” he asked sympathetically.
“Yeah” I sighed.
“It’s okay Angel. Max isn’t going anywhere,” He told me. I nodded, “I know.”
There was rustling and Bryan’s sleepy figure walks out and flops down on the couch. I leant over and kissed his cheek, “Hey Bry”
He yawned, “Hey Angel”
“Don’t you go calling my girl Angel” Max joked, walking into the living room.
We laughed and Max kissed me, “Hey Ang”
“Hey Max” I smiled as he sat down and started watching TV. I looked at Bryan and he smiled at me. I smiled back before getting up and walking into the kitchen. I grabbed a couple pop tarts and Max’s pack of cigarettes before dragging myself back into the living room. I threw the pack at Max and he smiled, “Thanks Ang”
I nodded and yawned before sitting down and watching TV for the rest of the morning.

“I don’t know Max. Did you leave it in the bus?” I said as I set up the merch tent. Max lost his amp again. I don’t see how he could. The thing is fucking massive but that’s Max for you I guess. He shrugged “I don’t know. Maybe”
He grabbed a cigarette and lit it up. I frowned, “Max you really should quit”
“Mmhmm” he said, dismissing me yet again. It was sort of like a daily tradition now. I tell him to quit and he ignores me. I don’t take it personally any more. He ignores every one when it comes to his health. He thinks he’ll live forever. Ignorance that’s what it is. I smiled and leant over to kiss him. He smiled and said, “Well, I better go find that fucking amp”
“You do that,” I laughed.
“I think I might,” he said, walking away. I love that kid so much. I smiled and went back to setting up the tent.

So now we were older and wiser ha ha that’s the funniest thing I’ve ever said. No, really. Life is so different now. Max and I were engaged and Ronnie was in jail. Gran was dead and I had no idea where Peter was. I was still scared of him showing up and beating me down again. I know that sounds pathetic considering I was 23 now but still. I took a deep breath and continued to sit there, waiting for people to come and buy merch but it didn’t seem like it was gonna happen. I groaned and leaned back on the chair, listening to ETF play. Yes, they finally got the record deal. They’re signed to Epitaph, which I thought was really great for the guys. They deserved it. This is all they wanted to do. Well, I’m not sure about Craig. I’ve only known him for about a year and a half. I was friends with his girlfriend before I even met him. Gabby. She was great. Speaking of Gabby. I need to call her soon. She doesn’t like not talking to me for ages so we talk nearly everyday. Craig keeps telling me that I’m stealing his girlfriend away from him. I don’t think that’ll ever happen. They’re never apart of they don’t have to be but Gab needs to be at home with Leila. She’s too young to be traveling. She’s such a cute kid. So little. I want kids but we cant at the moment. Not with us touring and shit now. They just put the second record out. This War Is Ours. The first record that doesn’t have Ronnie in it. I sighed. Ronnie. I can’t go back there. He’s in jail and Max hates him and vice versa. I don’t know why they are being so immature. Well I do know but seriously they’ve been friends for years. You’d think they’d get over this in time but nope it’s been 2 years and they still hate each other. Immature little kids. I was forced to choose between Max and Ronnie. I loved Max and wasn’t gonna leave him but on the other hand Ronnie was one of my best friends. I didn’t wanna loose Max but I didn’t wanna loose my best friend either. It was so hard to choose. But I did and that’s how I happened to be merch chick on tour with them. Hopefully the show will be done soon. I’m so bored.
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yay!!! sequel finally submitted!!!! Im so happy.... ha ha... hope you like it :)