Save Me

Alex 02

You'll never learn
When you commit the crime."

January 5th

Balancing two jobs at once was something I had been pretty good at doing, but every once in a while when both jobs gave you a day off you couldn't help but feel like you just saw Christ walk across the Mississippi. I loved my job as a bartender, and I also loved my job as a construction worker, but being able to take the whole day and night off to just do whatever was something one could always appreciate. Especially if you had a girl as great as Rachel in your life.

Rachel had the same day off as me, so I had phoned her earlier in the day to see what she was up to. She said that she was planning on going shopping in Kroger, which was one of the grocery stores near Pike's Place Market, so I volunteered to tag along with her to help her. She agreed to let me tag along with her; I think what was appealing to her about the idea was that I offered to carry everything.

"Alright, what's next on your list?" I asked, pushing the shopping cart down the cereal aisle. Rachel was walking next to me with her shopping list in hand and a pen in the other.

"Sweet potatoes and ketchup," she responded. She looked over at me and stopped walking. "Don't judge me," she added in a joking manner.

I laughed.

"Too late," I said sarcastically. "Where's the sweet potatoes? I barely know my way around this place..." I turned the cart to the left, going in the direction that appeared to be the path that would lead us to the produce.

"You're going the right way. They're over...there." She pointed at the huge box that was filled with sweet potatoes.

After we got the sweet potatoes, we went to the first aisle over and got her ketchup.

"Anything else? I think Sanjaya's working today. Maybe we can get in his lane."

She laughed.

"He's such a crazy kid. I love him to death though. But, as far as my list goes, that's it! Thank you for your help, Alexander." She leaned up and kissed my cheek. I couldn't help but chuckle a little, considering she was 5'6" and I was at least seven inches taller than her.

"No problem. Look, there he is." I pointed over at lane five; a young man of Indian descent stood there, looking slightly amused behind the cash register. His lane was open.

As we got a little closer, we saw Sanjaya counting money from what I had assumed was from his customer.

"Ninety one! Ninety two! Ninety..." He looked up and saw me and Rachel. "Rachie! Alexander! Over here!" He smacked the checkout belt to draw our attention.

I laughed quietly. "Hi, Sanjaya."

We stopped at the belt and I let Rachel walk up by Sanjaya while I started to load all of her groceries onto the belt.

"How are you today, Sanjaya?" Rachel asked.

"Good! I love my job! I meet really pretty girls and really cool people!" He rang Rachel's stuff up and skipped over half of her items and just bagged them.

I snickered, continuing to put up her items.

"Hey, Sanjaya, what's going down tomorrow?" I asked him.

Sanjaya was always one of my favorite people to talk to simply because he had the mentality of a five year old. He was sixteen years old and lived with his cousin and guardian named SanCleo, who was a fortune teller. What gave me the biggest laugh was the fact that Rachel had been babysitting him since he was ten years old.

"Schoolio!" he exclaimed. He forgot to ring up the rest of the stuff and didn't even give her a total. "Whaddabout you, Alexander?"

"Work," I replied, putting the groceries into Rachel's cart. "You looking forward to driver's ed?"

"Yeah! I can't wait to get on the road! VROOM!" Sanjaya began driving an air steering wheel.

I looked at Rachel and choked back laughter.

Rachel snickered and laughed. Sanjaya smiled widely; he was the kind of kid that loved to make people laugh.

"What time do you get off work?" I asked him.

"At five!" he explained.

I looked at my watch. "It's done in five minutes. Want us to drive you back?"

"We'll even get ice cream," Rachel said with a huge grin on her face, treating him as if he were five.

"Yay! Thank you!" Sanjaya literally jumped up and down.

I chuckled. "Alright. We'll take these out to the car, then Rachel will come back in and get you."

"Okie!" Sanjaya grinned.

Rachel and I took off to her car to unload the groceries into the trunk. I did most of the lifting so she wouldn't have to strain herself at all. Once I put the groceries away, Rachel went inside to get Sanjaya while I got in the driver's seat. They returned minutes later and we took Sanjaya out to Baskin Robins for a treat of his choice, which I paid for, before we took him home.