Sequel: Forever, Your Dearest

What You Deserve


Frank managed to blink, and lick his pale lips quickly, not even letting a small flash of his off-white teeth to show. Everyone had heard me - except for Gerard because he wasn't in the house. That's what Ray had meant.

"Us?" he sounded like a child trying to figure out the words. "Did I do something wrong? What? What did I do? Can I fix it? I-I'll fix.. is something wrong with me? It's me, right? I'm wrong. I'm what's not right - right?" he began stumbling over the words that spilled from his mouth, resulting in a pain in the back of my head from attempting to understand what he was rambling about. "Are you afraid? Are you afraid of me? Surely you are. I'm not going to turn you! Why would I? I don't have a reason to. It's not like I love you. I couldn't even do that to Her. I wouldn't do that to you, would I? You shouldn't worry - I don't know what's wrong with me. There has to be. I'm an idiot. There. That's what's wrong - right?" he finally stopped speaking, and cocked his head to the side like a puppy.

"What?" I gave a vacant stare, attempting to register everything that had been said. He had lost me shortly after the second sentence and I had to give my mind time to catch up with his words. After a couple of minutes, I realized he was still waiting for an answer to everything that he said, and that I did not have an answer to give. I still didn't understand what he had said.

The dark haired man shook his head, knowing there would be no answer, "never mind..."he gave a weak smile, "you can go to your room now - I've got nothing left to say." I didn't move, so he let out a sigh, "what's tomorrow?"

"Tuesday?" I gave him a quizzical look, and he shook his head. "It's not Tuesday tomorrow?" now Frank was confusing me even further.

He shifted, pulling his knees up to his chin, "tomorrow is Tuesday - but that's not my question..." a strange smile tainted his lips, however it appeared he was still fighting the child-like stare he had given me only moments before. "Since you don't like us, don't feel bad when you find out what tomorrow is," he responded simply, "I'm going to go for a walk... don't do anything stupid," he added quickly before slipping out of the room at a speed that I was only able to notice that he was gone when the door swung open and lightly hit the wall.

I stared vacantly for several moment, before shrugging off the strange actions of the vampire, and slipping down the stairs. My legs brought me to the kitchen, where I searched for a calender to tell me the date. I couldn't locate one after several minutes of my search, and decided to give up. My body shifted a little, noticing a door at the far end of the kitchen that I hadn't spotted before. It had been blocked from my view earlier because Gerard had been standing in front of it. Curiosity nibbled at me, as I took a few steps towards the door. I had only been told that I wasn't allowed to leave the house - nothing about me not being allowed to explore.

My fingertips grazed the doorknob, thinking of what could be in the room. I could feel my body cringe at the thought of the possibility that there was a freezer with corpses or blood in the room - or worse, fresh corpses, no freezer. As my hand twisted on the doorknob, I heard footsteps behind me, and somebody grab onto my shoulder.

The scent of smoke filled my lungs, and the raspy tone of a familiar man mumble a, "where do you think you're going off to?" before pulling me away to stare at him. The one who seemed to be in charge of the house. Gerard.

"Exploring,"I answered simply. It wasn't a lie at all. I was merely curious.

Gerard sighed, "it leads to the basement. There's just junk down there - nothing interesting for you," he managed a faint smile, "just go back to your room..."

Thinking about it, Gerard was the only one who wasn't upset with me probably, and my mind clicked to what Frank's question had been earlier. "What's tomorrow?" I looked at him curiously.

This made Gerard's face twist into a strange expression, thinking, before parting his lips in a loud exhale. His hand removed itself from my shoulder to dig around in his pocket until he found a lighter and a small container with cigarettes in it, taking one out and pressing it to his lips. "Strange you'd ask," he mumbled through the item, taking a second to light the cigarette, and exhale smoke towards the ceiling, "tomorrow's Halloween."