Sequel: Forever, Your Dearest

What You Deserve


My eye couldn't help but twitch, as I heard a loud 'crack' emit from the door, as Frank entered the kitchen, rubbing his shoulder. "That kinda made a tingling feeling..." I heard him chuckle. "I guess my shoulder also broke my fall... and fell out of the socket..." he added, flexing his fingers.

The day from that point on proved rather dull, as it slid by. The only thing I noticed was Ray occasionally giving me odd stares. It wasn't very pleasant, because he was making me paranoid. Bob seemed to prove that, when he walked up behind me.

"Hey!" his voice shouted from behind me, causing me to let out a small screech, and spin around, staring at him with wide eyes. I could hear the blonde let out a soft chuckle, and held out his hand, which had Turtle in it. "You said that you'd play with me and Turtle, so since you aren't doing anything right now, other than yelping when spoken to..." he smiled.

I nodded a little, "sure, I'll play." Playing with a turtle? How the hell do you play with a turtle? It's not like it goes for walks on a little leash, and if it did, that would be rather... boring. Especially since it doesn't even make a mile within three hours. I didn't realize how smart turtles were until now. We sat on the floor, while I watched Bob occasionally poke at Turtle, and feed him lettuce. It was kind of interesting, making conversation with a turtle. Bob was, so I figured I'd have to join in, or he could be upset.

"He knows how to fetch..." Bob smiled a little, pulling a small red ball out of his pocket, and rolled it across the floor. I couldn't help but snicker, when Turtle just stood there... doing nothing. After several minutes, the man still watched intently, as Turtle finally moved, slowly inching towards the ball. After another minute, the small creature stopped, and poked the ball with his face, before staring at the red object, seeming to have forgotten that it was there.

I looked at Bob, who was grinning, congratulating Turtle, his blue eyes sparkling, while my eyes just read 'vacancy'. "How old is Turtle?" I couldn't imagine teaching a turtle to chase a ball would take a day.

"Years. A lot of years. He's old," Bob was still grinning, as he pocketted the ball, then picked up the turtle, "and probably tired, so I'm going to go let him rest in his home..." he responded, using his free hand to push himself to his feet. I rose to my own feet, and followed him down a hallway, where I was assuming that his bedroom was. There were several doors, all of which were closed, save for one, which held a small bathroom. "This is my room," Bob pointed to the door acrossed from the bathroom, before pushing it open, and making his way in. Entering was like a sweep of 'Ode de Bob' hitting me in the face. This made me realize something. Frank's room smelt little like the rest of the house too. Maybe it was because they spent so much time in their rooms that their scent just kind of stuck to everything.

I looked around, as the vampire put his beloved pet in it's cage, examining the walls. They were fairly bare, other than the one alongside his bed, where a picture of a drumset was. It was on a wheeled platform, that had the words 'She Loves You' painted on it. Alongside it was the only picture that stood out other than the drums. A picture of Bob smiling with a young woman alongside him, who was grinning. They looked really happy together. I didn't dare ask, after his reaction about me asking who Jamia was.

Apparently, Bob had noticed my stare, however, and let out a faint sigh. "That was my wife..." he tried to mask his sorrow with a fake smile, but the look on his face was plastered with 'I miss her', just not as much as how Frank's had been. "She lived her full lifespan, so I don't feel too bad... about her not being here today," he took a seat on his bed, pushing a turtle-shaped pillow off to the side, and seemed to gain a rather vacant look, "she didn't want to live forever, so I didn't push it. Kinda creepy when your wife looks like your grandma eventually, though," he lightened his tone, trying to sound like he was joking, but it didn't fully work.

He took a glance at the clock, as it read 7:00, and let out another sigh, "I've got to go, I promised Ray I'd help him... out tonight...." he nodded to me, and led me to the door, closing it behind him, as we walked in different directions. I made my way to the living room, while it appeared he was going to Ray's bedroom. I wasn't really sure if that was were he was going, because I didn't know where Ray's room was, but I had to assume.