A Whole New World

Run Away With Me

[Bella/Kate's P.O.V]

I woke before Jack the next morning, it was a Friday and on one of the rare occasions it was sunny in England, I wasn't wrapped in the weight of Jack's sleeping arms any more so I quietly got up from the bed and grabbed my mobile off the draws in Jack's room. I opened the door and closed it without making any sound at all and proceeded down the stairs, I didn't check my texts until I was in the sitting room and sat on the sofa, I had 5, I opened the first.

"Kate, Craig wants to
know that your okay,
text me back.
M xx

I skipped to the next.

"Kate are you okay?
Even Im starting to worry.
M xx"


"Kate, If you haven't
replied by morning we
are coming round.
M xx"

The other two said pretty much the same thing as the last so I decided it was maybe best text them back, if they came knocking on my door it might not end well for me or Jack so quickly I pressed the reply button.

"Hey, Im okay, I
fell asleep, me and Jack
are okay, he apologised
and said it wouldn't happen
again and I have to give
him the benefit of the
doubt. Tell Craig Im
Bella x"

I hit the send button and then left my phone on the couch so I could go make some coffee, it was the wake up that I needed to be able to function properly during the day, I switched the kettle on and drummed my fingers against the kitchen unit whilst I waited. When the kettle clicked I poured the water into my cup, the smell of the coffee floated up and the smell was beautiful. I just settled down to drink it and I heard Jack moving around upstairs before his sluggish footsteps thumped down each step until his tired frame appeared in the sitting room.

"Morning Jack, would you like some coffee?" He shook his head and walked over, flopping down at the side of me before resting his head on my shoulder. "What's the matter?" I placed my coffee on the table and turned to look at him, he looked up at me, his eyes red.

"I didn't sleep properly last night, I can't forgive myself for what I did, or what could of happened, I feel so bad Bella, I don't even deserve you, but yet here you are, standing by a complete idiot" He looked down and I gently lifted his head up so I could look him in the eyes.

"Well you are an idiot, for doing what you did, but Im not going to walk away over one mistake, I love you Jack, I honestly do" I landed a soft kiss on his lips, he smiled and lay down placing his head in my lap. "Now get some sleep" He nodded and drifted off to sleep on my lap, I looked around and noticed the laptop was just in arms reach so I lent over and placed it on the sofa arm and switched it on. I was going to look for the flowers for the wedding whilst Jack was asleep, I needed something to do to keep myself from getting stressed about Craig, I scrolled through my different florists and eventually found one that I liked, it was a flowing bouquet of white roses with other different types of flowers and leaves, they made the perfect combination for the dress so I picked them, I hadn't decided on who my bridesmaids would be so I hadnt planed that part yet.

after about an hour I felt Jack starting to stir, he slowly opened his eyes and looked up at me with a smile on his face, I smiled back and gently stroked his cheek, he was so beautiful, he has the bluest of eyes, they were so blue you could swim in them, and his hair was a soft mousy brown colour, I couldn't get over how perfect he was.

"Ive found the bouquet for the wedding, I'll go to the florist on Monday and order it" He nodded and smiled again before slowly sitting up. We sat in a comfortable silence until Jack started running around and screaming.

"Im getting married!!" I giggled and picked up my phone as it vibrated, I opened the unread text from Monte, still giggling at my fience I read the text and in a moment my mood was ruined.

"Kate, It's Craig, I
want you to run away
with me baby, I need
you and I can't let you
marry someone who
doesn't love you.

I loved my fience and I would never leave him for someone who doesn't love me, Jack is all I have and no one could ever change that.

And when it rains,
on this side of town it touches,
♠ ♠ ♠

thats the bouquet that is described badly

but comment?