A Whole New World

Second Chance

I didn't rush to get dressed that morning, I drifted around the house, Jack had rushed off about 15 minutes ago to have a shower and to get changed, leaving me with time to think, which was dangerous in my world. I didn't want to think about what happened in Vegas, or the following months to our present day. So much has happened, so many fights, battles that have been lost, people getting their hearts broken, I couldn't deal with it, I pulled at my phone and re-read the text Id received off Craig, I knew I had to reply, or he would come round.

"Craig, I can't run away
with you, not after
everything that has happened.
I love Jack, Im sorry but Im
staying here, where I

I sent the message and then dragged my heavy body up the stairs, I sometimes wished I was looking through the window at someone else's life, so I wouldn't have to feel the hurt, the betrayal or the anger. I closed my bedroom door and sat on the edge of my bed looking around my room, I knew this is where I wanted to be, here with Jack, he means so much to me and I couldn't imagine my life without him now. Glancing at the time I knew I should start getting ready so I walked over to my draws and pulled out a pair of shorts and a tank top. I stripped off last nights clothing and underwear and pulled on new ones, as I pulled the tank top over my head I caught a glimpse of my ring, the sunlight bounced off it, making it more beautiful than ever, I smiled subconsciously, I couldn't believe I was getting married.

"It's almost as beautiful as you" I jumped and placed my hand on my heart, turning to face my fience I giggled.

"Jack Thompson I swear if you do that again, there will be consequences" He let out a small giggle and walked over to me, snaking his arms around my waist he pulled me closer and kissed me, I felt this sudden feeling of urgency, tangling my fingers in his hair I pressed my needing body against his, I felt his arms tighten around my waist before he released me and laughed.

"Not now Bella, we have things to do" I pretended to sulk like a child and sauntered off down the stairs, I heard Jacks giggles following me down the stairs before I managed to hit the bottom step there was a loud and aggressive knock at the door, I turned to look at Jack who had appeared from my bedroom. I hesitantly walked to the door and pulled it open slightly, I glanced at the person stood outside before slamming the door shut again, I looked back at Jack, alarmed and he came running down the stairs. The knocking continued but I ignored it and begged Jack not to open it, until eventually he couldn't take it any more, he threw the door open and stared at the man who was standing at the other side of the threshold.

"Can I help you?" Jack didn't sound happy, if only he knew who this man was, I couldn't bring myself to tell him that part of my life.

"Im looking for Kate, I know she's here, she just opened the door" The man said polity. I stood up, shaking violently, I stood behind Jack, holding onto his shirt, he gently placed his arm around me and pulled me close. "Ah Kate, there you are, I was wondering where you had run off too" He smiled at me, and I felt the vomit rise in my throat.

"Go away Dad" his face fell, and suddenly he became angry, he slowly recomposed his emotions and smiled at me again.

"Now darling don't be like that" I felt the anger start to boil within my body, the stomach acid rising higher.

"You abused me for longer than I can remember, now excuse me for wanting you out of my life, I am happy and I don't need you to spoil it, now leave me alone" I felt Jacks hand clench into a fist and I glanced up at him.

"Kate please" I shook my head and took a step forward.

"My name is not Kate, its Bella and you are not my father" He looked down, before handing me a note, I took it and opened it.

"Fine, Bella, I just wanted you to know, that Im moving away, Im going to Italy and I won't be coming back" I smiled and handed him the note back.

"Okay, well, if you don't mind, me and my Fience have a wedding to plan" I grabbed Jack's hand and my keys and pushed past my dad, pulling Jack out with me, I turned to lock the door before showing my Dad how to leave the property. I walked off down the street with Jack, like nothing had happened, I knew Jack had questions but I can't let him ask me here, so I will wait till we got back home.

[Time elapse - 3 hours later 15:30pm]

I got in and flopped down on the sofa, me and Jack had been around a lot of churches, me feet are aching and Im exhausted, my phone was constantly vibrating but again I ignored all of the problems. Me and Jack have set the date for July 22nd, which is exactly one month from now, I have so much to do, find the bridesmaids, their dresses and flowers, Jack is sorting out the suit and all that part, and I have the catering and the venue to book. I sighed, before closing my eyes, I needed to sleep, but the repetitive buzzing of my phone made it difficult so I took it out and answered.

"Hello" I closed my eyes hoping to fall asleep on the phone.

"Kate Im coming for you, I really do need you, and if you honestly don't want to leave Jack then you can tell me to my face" I sighed shaking my head before sitting up.

"Craig, your wasting your time, Im not going with you, I love Jack and Im marrying him in less than a month, Im sorry" I hung up the phone and switched it off before looking over at Jack.

"I love you Bells, we can go and have a nap in bed if you want" I nodded and stood up rubbing my eyes, Jack walked over and scooped me up in his arms carrying me to bed. "Sleep now Bells, everything will be okay" I nodded and let myself drift off into a dreamless sleep.

Hey I made it,
Im the worlds Greatest
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so I am writing her dad out of it completely now, He may appear for the wedding, I've not decided yet, so comment and let me know what you think :)