A Whole New World


Okay, so I thought I would let you all know from January, when I ran away, to now, May, okay, so it isnt that long ago but I thought I'd let you know any how.

I ran away from them all, I ran through Vegas hiding from them, ignoring their calls and texts, ignoring their cries for me to come back, I arrived at a hotel and stayed the night. I was scared to go outside but I waited until morning to catch a flight. I couldn't risk anyone finding me, I needed to be far away from here.

I have been in England about a month and I was re-adapting to life around here, It had been so much different to when I was back in Vegas. No one had recognized me, I dyed my hair the blood red colour it is today and put in different coloured contacts so I couldn't be recognise and I legally changed my name to Bella, I couldn't of done it without my best friend Alice.

I met Jack and some of his friends at a place called the benches in Chorley, I introduced myself and Alice and the each in turn introduced themselves, I told Jack about how I had left my family back in Vegas and he asked if I wanted to be adopted by his parents.

Jack's parents have started the proceedings for the adoption but it won't be complete and official for quite some time, but me and Ash are finally dating and I am really happy, I moved in with Ash and I have settled into my new life.

And this is were we are now, doesn't seem that long since I ran away does it, but when your in a possition like mine, it seems to last a life time, even though that life time is just a matter of months.

"Ash baby, what are doing in there" I was currently stood at the bathroom door leaning on the doorframe waiting for lover boy to get out of the bathroom, I started hammering the door before it was thrown open.

"Im ready, im ready, Iesus Christ, I have never met anybody as impatient as you" He brushed past me and opened the flat door.

"Thanks, you know you love me for it though baby" A smile spread across his face.

"Your right there" He locked the flat door and then took my hand as we walked out to Jacks car, we climbed in and fastened our seat belts before me, Ash and Josh all looked at Jack.

"Were we off to then dude ?" I looked outside at the sun and then back at Jack.

"Blackpool" We all nodded as I cuddled up to Ash, I looked up at him and took in every inch of his beauty.

"Yo, Bella, what are you doing ?" I snapped my head round to look at Josh before burying me head in Ash's shirt.

"Nothing of your interest dear, now kindly leave me alone douche bag" He threw me the daggers then turned around again. "Yeah I thought so sonny" I burst into a fit of giggles as Josh span round in his seat with his mouth in the shape of 'o'.

"How dare you call me sonny, and I didn't say you had won did I ?" He raised his eyebrow with a smug look on his face.

"No you didnt say I had won, but I did so end of" I stuck my tounge out at him and then sat back and snuggles into Ash's arms. I was thinking about everything again. I opened my eyes for a second and caught sight of somthing that could bring my world crashing down,

Escape The Fate,
Blackpool Tower
Tonight !
♠ ♠ ♠
Okayy so it isnt long
But i have a court case coming up
and im falling behind on coursework
so i really gotta do it,
comments equal updates
love you all