A Whole New World

Cold feet

Time Elapse - 4 weeks, the night before the wedding

I was sat in the living room of my cousins house, she was rambling on about H.I.M so I decided to zone out. My head was filled with the wedding, and how perfect it was going to be, but I couldn't get Craig out of my perfect images, every time I had my perfect scene, he would be there to spoil it. Maybe I was feeling guilty because I left without any warning that I wasn't coming back, again. I had broken his heart so many times, no human should ever have to put up with the amount of pain he's suffered.

Sam clapped her hands in front of my face making me jump and look up at her. She had long black hair with a fringe, small framed, and rather tall. She was my best friend and my maid of honour at my wedding. I had four bridesmaids, Sam - my maid of honour, Alice, Leanne and Rose, each were circled around me on the floor, me and Sam were having our own conversation.

"Bells, you've been very off balance these past couple of days. You haven't been getting cold feet have you?" I shook my head and glanced back at the others who were deep in conversation about members of their favourite bands. I nodded my head towards the door and left the room with Sam hot on my tail.

"Sam, you cannot repeat a word that is about to come out of my mouth okay?" She nodded and waited for me to continue, which was something I was starting to regret. You see Sam never really knew me that well when I was with my dad so she never knew I was involved with Craig or any member of Escape The Fate. "Well you know Escape The Fate?"

Nodding she stuck her thumb towards the door. "Rose's favourite band"

"Yes, well, earlier this year, before I met Jack, I was intimately involved with Craig, I lived in Vegas with him, and then something happened to someone out there and I ran away like a coward, I couldn't face it." I took a moment to take some deep breaths. "And now he won't leave me alone and I'm scared he's going to ruin my wedding" I swallowed hard as I felt the tears pricking the corner of my eyes. Sam stood silent for a moment, unsure of what to say. Eventually she looked at me and opened her arms before engulfing me in a hug.

"I won't let him ruin this. You've worked so hard to be who you are today Bella, and you worked hard for this wedding" She pushed me to arms length and looked at me. "I think it's time for sleep" Without a word of objection I let her push me up the stairs and into her room and left me to climb into bed. I curled up in a ball and wondered what Jack was doing, whether he missed me or not. My phone started to vibrate so I leaned over and hit the answer button.

"Hello" I waited a few moments and no one spoke. "Right if you don't talk I'm hanging up" That's when I heard the sobs on the other end of the phone.

"Bella, please don't go through with this wedding, he doesn't love you" I was stunned, the night before my wedding and Craig, who is my main suspect, is asking me to call it off.

"I'm sorry but I love him, and this wedding will go ahead" I ended the call and curled up in a ball on the bed again, I stayed there for a few moments until sleep finally possessed my body.
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I apologise for the shortness and crappyness of this update, better ones soon, this is just a filler before the actually wedding, the rest of the pictures for the bridesmaids dresses and the suits will be up with the next update, please let me know what you think

thank you