A Whole New World

Morning of the wedding

I awoke to the sound of glasses clinking, and music blaring, the other girls must have already woken up, I wasn’t quite ready to face the world yet. I rolled over and closed my eyes once more, filling my blank mind with images of my soon to be husband, but there was Craig, in the shadows of these images just waiting to destroy it all, I knew he was going to, or try at the very least, he just couldn’t let it lie. I shook my head and released a heavy sigh before I lifted my numb and heavy body from the bed I had been placed in. Throwing my legs over the side I slow rose to my feet and headed towards the stairs, where the sound of music grew louder and the sounds of laughter became so loud I was unable to drown them out. I walked down the stairs placing my feet carefully on each step trying to make as little noise as possible so I didn’t attract any attention, well I didn’t want the attention just yet, I needed my coffee to be able to function properly.

After spending a reasonable amount of time in the kitchen and being able to avoid wedding preparations for as long as I could manage, I wandered into the living room to see all three of my bride’s maids with hair and make-up done.

“Come on, Bells it’s your turn” Sam stood up and took my hand and gently dragged me to the chair were the hairdresser was gathering the right equipment to do the hairstyle I needed. She worked on me for at the most an hour before I was done, I applied my eyeliner, simple, but it completed everything about it, all the was needed was my dress, the excitement was thick in the atmosphere and I couldn’t stop myself from smiling as within the next hour and a half I would be walking down the aisle to my beloved fiancé.

Jack’s P.O.V
I was staring in the mirror in my hallway, staring at the reflection; I had on my suit, just waiting for Callum to finish getting ready before we could head off the church. My nerves had started to kick in and I had begun to sweat. I stepped outside and took a few deep breaths, I had nothing to be nervous about, I was about to marry the girl of my dreams, but I still worried in the back of my mind that he, Craig, would be there to ruin it all, I couldn’t lose Bella, she and I have been through so much and come out the other side stronger, and I couldn’t cope with things if he came in and ruined it all.

Finally Callum came down the stairs, stuffing the rings into his pocket he threw me the biggest smile. “You ready??” I gave him a nod and we headed out the jaguar the was parked waiting for us outside. I slid into the backseat and my nerves started to kick in, I tried to steady my breathing, but I couldn’t catch my breath, I had started to sweat again.

“Callum, what if he turns up, trying to ruin it all, what am I going to do?” I looked at Callum, my eyes wide and worried, he gave me a reassuring smile and patted my knee.
“Jack, you do the only thing you can do” I looked out the window, then down at my hands waiting for him to elaborate. “You stand by your bride” I looked at him and he smiled again. “You two are made for each other, things will be fine, stop worrying” I nodded and looked out the window as we turned onto the drive way of the church, I couldn’t stop the smile that erupted onto my face.

Me and Callum walked up and greeted the Vicar who proceeded to tell us how the ceremony will go, where to stand and what to say when it came to vows. I just nodded and agreed when necessary. After about 15 minutes the church started to fill up with friends and family for both sides, mainly mine as Bella insisted that she didn’t want any family there, I spoke to each person as they came up to me at the front and repeated how nervous I was each time. My palms had begun to sweat but not with worry or fear, but with nerves and happiness.

Bella/Kate’s P.O.V
I had finished getting my dress fastened and my shoes on when my auntie shouted that the car had arrived, my stomach was doing summersaults and I couldn’t stop the giggle that escaped my lips. I was excited to see my fiancé and the end of the aisle waiting to make me his wife. I smiled as I slowly walked down the stairs, cameras flashed as I posed for them, with and without my bridesmaids. I hugged everyone who was present and then set out with Sam in one car and my other two bridesmaids close behind in the other car. The ride was filled with idle chit chat about my nerves and how excited I am, we giggled and reminisced about my mum and then we fell into a comfortable silence as we pulled up onto the drive way of the church.

“Well, Sam, here goes” I smiled at her and the stepped out the car and greeted the vicar, he gave me a smile and then told me to wait until the music had started, I was stood patiently when I heard the traditional wedding song beginning to play, I got signalled to walk into the church, as my feet entered the church everyone had turned to look at me, I couldn’t see Jack until I had hit the aisle, I looked up to see his glorious face giving me a heart melting smile. I nearly ran up the aisle if it hadn’t of been for the fact Sam had hold of my dress.

Reaching the top, Sam laid my train on the floor and the bridesmaids then took the seat at the front. The vicar motioned for everyone apart from me and Jack to be seated and then waited a few moments before he began.

“Dearly beloved, We are gathered here today to join Bella and Jack in holy matrimony, if there is a reason why these two may not be married, please speak now or forever hold your peace” Silence, the vicar carried on until it was time for the vows “May I have the rings please” Callum stepped up and placed the two rings in the centre of his bible. Me and Jack repeated the vows in turn and placed the rings slowly on each other’s ring fingers. “Well then, without furtherer ado, I now pronounce you Husband and Wife, you may now kiss the bride” I smiled up and him and placed my hands either side of his face and kissed him gently, but passionately, he placed his hands around my back and pulled me closer.

“I love you Mr Thompson” He smiled and kissed my cheek.

“I love you too Mrs Thompson” He took my hand and led me out of the church and into the car, everyone cheering and clapping behind us and watched us drive away to the reception. I looked out the back window and saw Craig and Monte climbing back into their car. I looked back at my husband and huddled into his side as he wrapped his arm around me.

Craig was not ruining my wedding day.

Even if it kills me.
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Its short, im sorry doing this in between being a mum :) another one soon