The Disappearance Of The Shadow

The Fulfillment Of The Prophecy

He was gone. The last huff of his breath blew against her face while she gripped his hand tightly. His eyes fell closed as his chest fell back down. She squeezed onto his hand tighter and brought it closer to her face as tears leaked down her cheek. She now was crying aloud as she watched his lifeless body lay helplessly on the ground. How could have this happened? The love of her life gone, and it was in a selfless act to save her from the shadowy mind of his sinister brother. She looked over at him who just knelt on the ground, staying still just like his deceased brother and just as helpless. The princess felt the anger build up inside of her with every second she watched him blink at the ruby river that was flowing from the recent stab of his blade in the side of his own flesh and blood. He was not only the murderer of his brother, but also the murderer of her. He had killed all of the love and joy in her life and she now felt as though she herself were dead. She dropped the cold hand and pounced right onto the slaughterer.

You monster,” she screamed and began to scratch at his face, still letting her tears drop. He tried protecting his face from her sharp nails clawing at his skin. “How could you?!

He had grabbed her wrists and constricted them tensely, making her cry out in more pain. He threw her off of him and stood up, leaving her on the ground massaging her wrists. She lied there, watching his brother in fear that she was going to end up just like her lover. “Why blame me? If you weren’t in the picture he would have never died! We wouldn’t be in this situation! You wouldn’t be interfering with our lives!”

She blinked and shook her head. “You are just jealous,” she shrieked at him.

“Jealous?! Me?!” He let out a laugh that made her cringe. “Why on earth would I be jealous of anyone, particularly my dead brother and you; the whore that he cherished dearly?”

She jumped back up to attack him again, but he fought back and pinned her to the ground, holding the stained blade up to her throat. “I have a hold Dark under my control and you are just the dainty princess from the City of Light. You are on my land now, my territory! At any second, you can be dead as well, so you might just want to head back over to your own kingdom.” He got off of her and brushed off his white jacket. He pulled out a dark red velvet cloth to wipe his blade clean. The princess crawled over to the dead body and scooped it up into her arms, struggling to hold the weight as she stood up. “Where do you think you are going with that,” he asked her.

“I am taking it back home with me. He deserves to be buried somewhere that isn’t overruled by a killer,” she stated, still having trouble carrying the body of her loved one.

“Whatever floats your boat, your majesty,” he mockingly curtsied to her. Within a few more failing steps the sky lit up with luminescent colors. They both looked up and saw the dark clouds fleeting above their heads, making room for the Oracle to descend from the heavens. He came down to their level and hovered slightly above the ground.

“Princess Anhura and Pallis,” his booming voice called for them. “Come forward.” Pallis rolled his eyes and stepped forward while the princess still struggled to take more steps. “You may release him for now, princess,” the Oracle told her. She laid the body carefully on the ground.

“Thank you,” she bowed her head.

“Now then. Right before your very eyes today, the prophecy has been fulfilled with the death of Adakias. Now the Light and Dark can reunite as one and live in peace together.”

“Um, Oracle,” Pallis nervously spoke up. “May I intercede?”

“Go on.”

“Well, your Greatness, I am not pleased with the Light and Dark just uniting like that.” The Oracle gave him an odd look when hearing this. “I mean, just because my brother died that means we unite? Is there anyway we can just stay separated? I enjoy being the ruler of the Dark.”

“Pallis,” the Oracle began to speak again. “You do a great job with your duties of ruling your kingdom. But, the prophecy is fulfilled. You have not found a queen to help you rule the Dark with you and the city of Light has a king and a princess in which was about to elope, but you have ruined it for her.” Pallis looked over at the princess and gave her a dirty look. “I am sorry to say that the wall will be destroyed and the two will combine. Once combined, you will not be at the ranking you are now, rather the king and Princess Anhura will still have their reign.”

“But your Greatness,” Pallis interrupted again. “I have worked very hard with all that was given to me. I don’t think it is fair to just take away my power and-“

“That is enough,” the Oracle’s voice rumbled throughout the land. “What is done is done, Pallis and within two days, you will not be at the position you are now and the Dark and Light will become one just like they were before.” He looked over at the Anhura. “Do you have an objections with this, Princess Anhura?”

“No your Greatness,” she bowed her head.

“Very well,” he nodded. He began to float back up through the clouds. “I will return in two days.” The Oracle vanished behind the clouds and the darkness was brought back to the land. Pallis was now giving the death glare to Anhura.

“Why did you not object?!”

“I have no problem with both sides combining,” she stated, picking back up Adakias’ body and continued with her struggling steps towards the city of Light.

“This isn’t over,” Pallis called out to her and walked the opposite direction to his own Palace. After walking for about an hour, the princess had made it to Holy the Sea where the boat that had brought her over with Adakias was still docked at the edge. She laid his body in first before getting in herself.

“Back over to the city of Light,” they asked her.

“Please,” she responded without looking up at them. She ripped off the bottom of her dress and wrapped it around his body. She pulled his body up and held his head to her chest as they sailed off back to her home.
♠ ♠ ♠
start of a story i can promise is really good
honestly you will like it
and if you never listened to the're missing out
it is a work of genius and you will understand this story better

next update: tomorrow (subject to change)