The Disappearance Of The Shadow

The Doctor's Demands

Anhura’s lip trembled when she had heard this. She thought back to the last time she had her encounter with Doctor Dumaya. She did not expect him to still come for her, even when Adakias has died. This must have been the person that came over with Pallis. He must have brought it up with the Doctor so that her last hope was to marry him. She shook her head slowly. “Wh-what do you mean,” she stammered out.

“He said that a deal was made between you and him. He cured you and in return you became his,” the King stated. “You now must hold up your end of the bargain.”

“Father no,” she cried out.

“Anhura, you made a deal that if you were to be cured then you would be his,” the King stated. “As the Princess, you must keep up with any deals you make.”

“But Father, I did not make the deal!”

He raised an eyebrow at her. “Then who did?”

“Well Adakias did in or-“

“Oh, so this all goes back to the fellow from the dark,” he cut her off, raising the tone of his voice. “I told you he was bad news, Anhura, now you must pay the consequence.”

“But there has to be something you can do, father! Anything,” she begged, falling to her knees as the tears began to pour from her eyes.

“If I was involved then I could do something. But since I was not part of the deal I cannot do anything.”

She shook her head in disbelief. “Please,” she screamed loudly.

“I am sorry, Anhura, but you belong to Doctor Dumaya now.” The King dropped his head down as Doctor Dumaya let out a chuckle. He had won and there was nothing that could be done about it. Anhura cried harder than before. “You need to go upstairs and collect your belongings.”

“That’s ok,” the Doctor’s voice chimed in. “I’ll take carry of that for her.” He turned around and clapped his hands loudly. The doors opened slowly. “Spiders, come here,” he called out in his screechy voice. It was unexplainable to know where the spiders were when the Princess was entering the room. They were crawling all over the floor and the walls, some even entering on the ceiling as they approached the Doctor. Their legs clicked furiously as they met up with the Doctor. “Go up to the Princess’s room and pack her belongings please.”

They filed out of the room quickly with Doctor Dumaya on their tail. Anhura was now cringing at the thought of his spiders touching her items. She rather have packed them on her own. “I’ll give you some alone time,” he said to King Malka and the Princess. He had a tight grip on the handles as he closed the golden doors himself. Anhura flung herself onto her Father and cried uncontrollably. He stroked her hair softly to calm her down, but they both knew at this point nothing could calm her down for the events that were going to occur soon enough.
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sorry that it's short
there wasn't much that i could put in this chapter