The Muted Gypsy

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: The strange feeling

In the Forest
Leaves rustled and blew in the breeze. She woke before sunrise.
She stretched and stood up. Slowly, taking her time, she made her journey out of the cave. She passed the meadow where the otter and falcon had begun to open their eyes to start the new day.
She smiled and began to run slowly. She wasn’t an athlete but she didn’t know or care about that. She reached sunny tree, a tree that only was awake and alive when the sun shone. She stopped and stroked the trunk for a moment then jumped onto the branches and began to climb. She jumped from sunny tree to the trunk of bridge, a tree that had fallen over and now acted like a bridge. Joining the two mountains that had been separated by a waterfall.
She took her time again, smiling contently at the beauty of the waterfall. After crossing bridge, she ran again and smiled happily as the eagle appeared above. Racing with her to watch the sunrise. Together they reached the cliff and sat down together. Waiting.
Suddenly, light broke out of the sky. Hot, orange rays stretched across the sky. A large orange, yellow ball appeared and began to rise slowly. Though she had seen this a million times, she stared in wonder and awe. For an immeasurable moment, she and eagle stared at the sun complete its ritual of saying hello to the world. Then eagle pecked her cheek and flew away to find food for its young. She smiled contently, and then the smile slowly faded into a confused expression as she noticed a change in the wind. She slowly stood up and stared into the distance. Something is different. Something is about to happen. Then the girl shrugged her shoulders and turned around, smiling. Whatever it was, she was going to find out. Turning her head back to the risen sun to smile again one more time, then running back to the lions.

In the City
“Master Enitan? Master Enitan!”
Groaning, he turned in his comfy bed, not wanting to face another day. Life for Enitan, which means man of story, well his story wasn’t the greatest. He was born into riches and luxury. However, his father was an annoying prat who was madly in love with himself and money and never allowed Enitan to play and enjoy life. Instead, Enitan was forced at a young age to become a genius and knew nothing of emotions like love and compassion. Well he knew about them but he had never experienced them. He truly hated his father, but he was his only family. Unhappily he sat up, stretching his arms out, yawning loudly.
“Yeah, yeah, c’mon in.”
Timidly, Misha, the new maid, walked in with a tray of food.
“Good morning Master Enitan. I hope you had a good night’s rest. Your father wishes to speak with you.” Placing the tray in front of him, Misha stood back, waiting for instructions.
“You can go fill my bath. My father can wait.” Nodding timidly, she left the room, leaving Enitan to his thoughts.
Enitan turned to look out the window and out into the city his father had created. Already, so many had travelled to live there. Just what his father wanted. With so many people coming in, money money money...well you get the idea.
Enitan got out of his bed and into the bathroom where Misha had just walked out of. Taking his clothes off and then climbing in. He closed his eyes in relaxation. To him, bed time and bath time were his times for escape. From his father, from his studies, from people, from life.
After relaxing and washing he took his time getting out and putting on the clothes set for him. He grimaced, black suit and tie. Another boring meeting between his father and company. He sighed unhappily as he got dressed. Suiting up, he made his way to the balcony where down below, the company members were beginning to arrive. Looking up he sat at the sun, glaring at it. Every time that blasted thing rose up, Enitan was forced to live another day.
A small giggle broke his thoughts. He looked down to see Baraka, the first son of Benipe. Barake means in Egyptian “Blessing or Gift” which was why he was named Barake. He was the miracle child of Benipe and his wife, Libitina, who couldn’t bear children.
In so many ways, Enitan envied little Barake. Barake was allowed to enjoy childhood because of his mother. Enitan never met his mother, for she had run away after giving birth and naming Enitan. After that, well, his father took over.
“Master Enitan, umm...”
“Yeah I’m coming, I’m coming.” He turned to walk away but stopped suddenly. Something felt different and all at once he wanted to visit the forest not too far from the city. The same one his father wanted to cut down.
‘Now why the hell do I want to go there?’ he thought to himself. Slowly he looked back out the balcony to where the forest was and gasped. He blinked and what he thought he saw was gone.
“Was that a girl?” he whispered.
“YEAH I’M COMING!” He yelled and with one last glance towards the forest, he walked away.

In the Forest
Who was that? She wondered. What is that place? Tilting her head to the side in puzzlement, and then shrugging. Oh well she thought. I’ll find out soon. Jumping off of Ancient, who was around before the dinos, she walked towards the lake in the middle of the forest.
Reaching the lake she smiled happily as the toad and frogs greeted her. She nodded in respect then ran to the small cliff above. Reaching there she dived in and splashed Madam Toad, a wise old toad who’d been around for a long long time. Splashing and playing with all the creatures in and around the lake.
A roar sounded and the muted gypsy turned to see Father, her lion father. All bowed in respect for the king. Father nodded his head and stared at her. She nodded and bid farewell to her animal friends, got out and ran to her father’s side. Together they left.
She stared at her father and he stared back at her. Having a conversation that I’m afraid I cannot interpret.
Hm. Who was that I saw? She asked herself. The strange feeling was growing at a rapid pace.

In the City
Enitan yawned as he listened to the meeting. Barake was asleep on his mother’s lap and it seemed that the meeting was going no where. They were debating whether to cut down the forest.
“All I’m saying is that it’s a forest and it could be a tourist attraction in the future. We couldn’t cut it down!”
“What about those blasted animals? And besides, no humans live there!” Enitan raised an eyebrow at that comment. If he wasn’t dreaming earlier on, then someone did live in the forest.
“What’s with the raised eyebrow Enitan? Have you a better idea?” Damn his father!
“Let me go and investigate the forest. I believe I saw someone in there and if I’m right well...”
“YAY! Can I come?” Barake yelled and jumped into Enitan’s lap. Enitan let out a small smile. The kid knew how to pull at his heart strings. Well, if he had a heart.
“No kiddo. Its gonna be dangerous.” He replied to the little boy.
“Awww.” Barake groaned.
“Maybe next time kid.”
Barake’s eyes lit up, “REALLY?”
Enitan nodded and Barake happily ran back to his mother who was smiling and shaking her head.
“Your son DOES have a point.”
Enitan’s father shook his head and looked at his son. “You can go but I want a full report. Got it?”
Enitan nodded, stood up and walked out.
“That son of yours is something else, Iron.” Benipe chuckled.
“That’s what scares Me.” sighed Iron in reply.

In the Forest
She sat in absolute wonder as she watched the sun bid its farewell. Slowly the moon began to join in the dance. her eyes lit up like stars at the sight.
For a really long time, I know not the measure; she stared at the beautiful dance displayed in the sky. After a while the dance slowly ended and the stars began to appear. She smiled and got up. Time to go for a nice trot around the forest before I go to sleep, she thought to herself. She couldn’t say it a loud.
After her evening walk, she went to the cave she called home. Saying hello to the other animals in the cave and cuddling Mother, the lioness who raised her and was Father’s wife, she fell asleep. Still feeling something strange was about to happen. Soon.

In the City
Enitan walked up and down his room trying to figure out what he had been thinking. He could be making a huge mistake in going to the forest. But that strange feeling was growing rapidly and it kept telling him to go into the forest. What the hell was he supposed to do? If he really saw a girl in the forest, what if she wasn’t there when he got there? What if, What if, WHAT IF?
“Um, Mister Enitan?” He turned to see Barake, wearing pjs and holding a large teddy, staring at him.
“Yeah?” The smaller boy walked up to him and sat on his bed.
“What did you think you saw?” He asked staring at the older boy who he admired so much. His mommy said that if he behaved and worked hard, he could be just like Enitan.
“I’m not a hundred percent sure, but I thought I saw a girl.”
Barake tilted his head to the side in puzzlement. “Why would a girl live in the forest?”
“I dunno. But I intend to find out.” Sighing he picked the boy who was stifling a yawn. “C’mon. Your mom’s gonna kill ya for staying up late.”
“But you can!!!”
“When you’re older kid. Trust me, when you’re my age, you’ll WANT more sleep.”
“Oh ok.” Setting the boy down, Enitan watched the boy walk out the room.
He turned to the balcony and stared out the window. “Now then.” He whispered. “Whoever you are, I hope you’re ready. Cause one way or another, I’m gonna find out who the hell you are.”

In the Forest
Yawning she woke up and slowly stood up and looked around. For some reason, she had woken up way too early. Then her feet began to move her to an unknown destination. That strange feeling was growing and growing.
Hm, I wonder... she thought
She raced towards Ancient and stopped. Then she jumped into the branches.
Now, she waits.

In the City
“AAAAAAAAAAH!” He yelled as he awoke from a nightmare in the middle of the night. “Damn.” He whispered under his breath. He’d been having this nightmare ever since he’d turned 13.
He would be staring at the sunset with a mysterious girl with hazel hair and golden flowers in it. The next minute, she was lying dead before him and there were burned ashes everywhere.
“Stupid dream!” ‘But now that I’m awake I might as well get going.’

After getting himself done, he wrote a note and left it where his father would find it. Then off he went.
The strange feeling from yesterday was growing even stronger now.
He walked into the streets and watched the stars glitter. Then at the moon in her shining radiance.
‘Y’know, you and me are alike.’ He thought to the moon. ‘You’re out shone by the sun as I’m out shone by my father. Not to mention we are both despised for who we are and what we’re supposed to do. Well, at least you know what you’re made to do.’ He smiled bitterly.
‘What the hell? Why am I talking, well thinking to the moon?’ he thought, shaking his head. Sometimes he wondered if he was cracking. Ah well.
“This is it!” He whispered as he stared at the entrance to the forest, standing only a few meters from him. It seemed to be staring back at him. Daring him to enter.
“Alright. Here we go!” He whispered and walked closer and closer to the forest. The mysterious feeling growing and growing until...

It stopped.

He froze and so did time. He was staring into a pair of forest green eyes that belonged to the most beautiful and interesting creature he’d ever seen.
“Who the...Excuse me, who the hell are you?” He spoke in a voice he’d never used. A gentle voice.
The creature stared back at him, scanning him. Then began to move forward to him.
“What the...Hey answer me!” But she didn’t respond, still walking towards him.
Enitan watched her, amazed, confused and terrified. She stared into his eyes and then raised her hand. Enitan watched, hypnotised. She brought her hand to his face... and stroked it. Enitan stared at her. Never before had anyone ever stroked him. He unwillingly closed his eyes and leaned into her hand as it continued to stroke him. It felt peaceful... and he liked it.
She continued stroking the stranger, intrigued. He seemed so lonely. She suddenly realised that the strange feeling was coming from him.
She then smiled.