Status: 36/51 chapters!

Music Girl

The Task

Jared and Aravic took the city bus back to Avaric’s house to clean up before the meeting tonight. When they got there, no one was home as usual, so Jared went to raid the kitchen while Aravic took a shower. He stripped naked and studied himself in the mirror as he waited for the water to heat up.

Aravic thought himself to be quite good looking. His sandy-blonde hair was sexily untamed, and his eyes were a reflection of a perfect sky. He was nicely tan and quite muscular. Not body-builder wrestler strong, but track star basketball hockey player strong.

As he washed himself, he tired to focus on how he would present himself to Antonio, but his thoughts kept going back to Sam. Her wonderful eyes, her cold, concise voice, and her constant scowl. He loved it all, and he’d only been around her about an hour. He had to have this girl.

He dressed in a button down white shirt and black jeans. He found Jared texting on his 3rd Gen iPhone. Jared frowned at it, then muttered, “Dammit!” before shutting off the phone.

“What?” Aravic asked, retrieving a soda from the refrigerator.

“You, me, Tomas and Kevin have an appointment with Antonio tonight. A private appointment.” Aravic sipped his soda thoughtfully.

“OK, cool. At least I won’t have to set one with him myself.” Jared gave him a sideways look.

“You sure you want to go after that Sam girl?”

“Yeah, why?”

Jared looked at the glass table in front of him until he found the right words to say. “Look Aravic…she just seems…inconvincible. Something about her just screams that no guy will ever get close to her.”

Aravic grinned. “Exactly; that’s the challenge and fun in it all.”

Jared shook his head. “Dude, you just don’t know when to give up, do you?”

Aravic smirked. “I’ve never taken no for an answer.”

Jared sighed, but didn’t say anything else.


They only had to walk four or five blocks. They met Kevin and Tomas at the entrance, then together, they entered Antonio’s house.

Rap music blared. Couples ranging from freshman in high school to college seniors dirty danced. One couple was having a violent make-out session on the couch. The four boys pushed through the crowd to the corner of the living room. Sitting on a plush red velvet armchair was a Spanish guy in his mid twenties. Two women were standing behind him, rubbing his shoulders. “Ah! Tomas!” he said as he saw the group, sent the ladies away, and lead them to a room in the back.

They all sat on couches while the Spaniard looked at them all in turn. “So! Tomas tells me you three wish to join and be a part of the Skulls?” Aravic, Jared and Kevin nodded slowly. Tomas smirked coolly. Antonio grinned, showing off his gold tooth. “Aravic?”


“Tomas tells me you’ve taken interest in his sister…part of your entering will involve her. Persistence is a good trait,” he said musingly. “You can start with that tomorrow. Jared and Kevin, you’ll start next week. So, why don’t you enjoy yourselves tonight?” he suggested, so Aravic and his friends left, leaving Tomas and Antonio to discuss matters.


When Aravic stumbled home drunk at around one, he was grinning like an idiot. All he had thought about the entire time he wasted himself away on vodka and rum was Sam. The fact that he got permission to pursue her made him giddy, lustful, and big-headed. Tomorrow, he would find out where her locker was and what classes she had…he would chain himself to her if he had to.
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