Welcome To Hollywood

Unfolding Secrets.

Putting her small hand through her hair I glanced at the clock. Ok so ten minutes to get ready. I searched through her closet and picked some purple sweat pants and a yellow shirt, I slipped on the comfortable outfit and doing makeup …well I attempted to do makeup. How girls manage to not look like a clown amazes me. But, I don’t really care how Isa….um Isabelle looks like. Putting her hair in a decent looking bun. I slipped on some flip flops. I heard a knock at the door. I answered it to see. Isabelle but really in my body. Her expression looked horrified. What the fuck are you wearing! I shrugged. “I think I look decent.” She shot me a glare and walked inside. ”Decent more like horrible, I’m going to pick out an outfit for you . Kevin your In my body and so you need to wear cloths that I would wear. Rolling my eyes I sat on her couch. Waiting for her to pick out the outfit was like waiting for a snail to cross the world . It felt like she was talking hours to pick out an outfit.

She came back with a dress ! Oh but that’s not all A dress, heels, black sunglasses and a purse that was blue and white. “Sorry to break it to you but I am not wearing that!” She scoffed “Kevin your in my body you wear what I want you to wear. So go change. She handed me the cloths that I unwillingly took from her as I scowled. “Fine, but I’m doing this to be nice.’ She let out a small laugh and sat down on a chair. Oh did I mention she had a small bag full of god knows what? I changed into the dress and put of the god damn deadly heals. Walking back out Isabelle looked up and smiled. She patted the seat next to her . After I sat down she took out a wipe from this small plastic box. “Ok, close your eyes I need to wipe of the makeup. I did as she said feeling the cold wipe touch my/her face felt relaxing. After she was done I opened my eyes. “You dated, Anna Taylor.” Was what she said. I stiffened. How’d she find out? Taking in a deep breath I looked at her. “How did you find out?

” She was still applying the makeup. She put down what was in her hands and started to look for something through the small bag. “I was looking through your room and found that box under your bed, sorry to say but I may have read the letter.” I’m sure the expression I had wasn’t so pleasant because I didn’t even look at her. When she finished I got up grabbed the bag. ‘Kevin, I know I shouldn’t have done that but I did she probably didn’t know what she had.” She mumbled the last part as I glanced at her. “Okay turn around I need to fix my hair.” She started to play around with her hair. The next thing I know she puts her hair into pigtails then fixes how I was holding the bag. “Okay, perfect.” She grinned , but the grin slowly faded when she looked at my face, She grabbed the glasses and handed them to me. I swiftly took them from her grasp and slipped them on. You know , I don’t know how girls do it. How they walk in heels is just a talent a man will never learn. I started to wobble. After I stood up. “Ok Kevin just walk normally .” I did as she said and was at least able to walk. But the heels hurt . I hadn’t said a word to her after she told she had read the letter. I managed to walk normally out her condo’s door and to the elevator. Isabelle was behind me .

~20 Minutes later~

We sat at a table in the small restaurant. My eyes were glued to the menu . The waiter came up to our table and said. “Good morning , My name is Connor ,” he looked at me and gave me a flirty smile as I tried not to gag. Do you know how uncomfortable it is to see a guy hit on you while you’re in a girl’s body ? It’s not so comfortable. Then he continued “What would you like sweet thing?” H e said to me. Trust me I tried so hard not to gag. Isabelle noticed how uncomfortable I was so she grabbed the free hand that was on the table and said to me.
“Babe , how about you get the Chocolate chip pancakes with some scrambled eggs and orange juice.” Once she grabbed my hand I felt small shocks go through my body but ignored them. “Or,” the guy said “You can ditch this douche bag and come with me.” We smirked . Just one glance and I was going to hurt the guy . “How about I you Fuck off.” He rolled his eyes and just looked and me with disgust. “Ok so what will you have ?” I bit my lip and ordered what Isabelle offered, she got strawberry pancakes and some fruit with tea. When the ass whole left. She pulled her hand away and started to laugh. Rolling my eyes at her I said. “I feel a little bit sorry for the fact that you deal with douche bags like that.” I know, I know I said I felt sorry for her . But I am telling the truth. She smiled and then said. “But ,darling that’s not all I go through enjoy the events that are going to hit you when you don’t expect them.” After ten minutes or so the ass whole comes back with the food . He puts the food down and just walks away. I smirked and stared to eat. When we finished the meal and paid for the food. We left the restaurant . But before we went our separate ways she said .
“See you at lunch , and Kevin we need to figure out how to get back to our own bodies.” I nodded and then Luis her body guard or my body guard took me home. When I walked into the condo the first thing I did was throw the damn heels of my throbbing feet. Right after I did that I check her messages and one caught my attention.
“Hey Honey it’s mom just wanted to tell you that you have a eye appointment tomorrow and 1:30 p.m. you know how you must go since after all you were blind.” Cue the gasps please. Because that was totally a surprise to me. She was blind?!

I was in complete shock when I heard that. I don't think I moved for about five minutes; I just started at the machine. I mean, when was she blind? I didn't know that. But then again, I don't even know her.

I didn't know where the appointment was, but I knew I had to go, so I called her mom back. Even though I didn't like her, I wasn't about to let any harm come to her.

After a few rings, the same feminine voice from the message answered, so I assumed it was her mom that picked up.


"Um, hi, mom," I said, hesitantly. It was weird calling someone else 'mom' rather than my own mother.

"Oh, Isabelle; hi, honey. Did you get my message?"

"Yeah, um, that's what I called you for. Um, where's the appointment?"

"It's where it's always been, sweetie."

"And where is that exactly? I've been a little out of it lately, sorry."Literally...

"At the Swedish Covenant Hospital," She replied, worriedly, "Sweetie, are you okay? Do you need me to come with you?"

"Could you?" I asked, timidly. I didn't know the things Isabelle would have to do to get to her doctor - if she even had her own doctor anyway - and I needed someone who did. I'll just somehow make up an excuse if she asks why. Hopefully, she doesn't.

"Sure, I'll be there soon."

Isabelle's mom sat next to me in the waiting room. Not wanting to be in heels anymore, I had changed into a plaid shirt jeans and some sandals. I have to tell you - it's way more comfortable than heels and that short dress. But what wasn't so comfortable was the silence between Isabelle's mom and me. I noticed, from the corner of my eyes, that she kept looking at me like she knew something was wrong. This was the one moment where I had second thoughts on mom abilities.

"Mrs--um, mom?" She turned to me, giving me her full attention. I wasn't sure if I should ask this, but I was curious. "This might sound odd, I get...blind?"

"You don't usually like to talk about it, Isabelle," She looked at me with confusion written all over her face.

"Um, well...I can't really remember and I want to know now."

"How can you not remember it? You had it for most of your life."

I shrugged, "It's a little fuzzy. Could you tell me?"

She sighed, turning to look ahead of her, "You were born with Leber Congenital Amaurosis. It's a disease where a very few babies have severe loss of vision when they're born. Your father and I didn't realize this you had this until you were two. My mother and his father had the same thing, so we had one gene with that disease and, apparently, you gained both of the genes. You became blind for almost seven years, two years after we found out, having those cruel kids in your class make fun of you. By 15, you were getting better, but your vision isn't getting any better than it is now. I still blame myself for you going through that... But look at how much you accomplished now." She looked at me smiling, but I didn't look at her. All that was running through my mind was the story - all the hardships Isabelle went through, kids making fun of her for a disease she couldn't help. Why would someone do such a thing?

"And...where is dad?"

I didn't hear her say anything, so I looked up at her. Tears were threatening to spill out of her blue eyes that Isabelle certainly didn't inherit seeing as she had brown eyes.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, looking down.

"No, you have to know some time. I can't keep it from you forever." Wait-- Isabelle doesn't know what happened to her father? "Your father left us when you were 10 because he couldn't handle the pressure we were under to pay for your treatments. Every day you wondered where he was and every day I would tell you he was out of town for work. I'm so sorry, Isabelle," She let her head fall into her hands, "I didn't know what to tell you."

I hesitantly put a hand on her mother's back, awkwardly rubbing small circles. I didn't know what to do. Isabelle's mother just told me something that she had been keeping from Isabelle for, what, at least ten years.

"Isabelle Coronado," A woman in pink hospital scrubs called, looking around the room, "The doctor will see you now."


That was probably the longest time I have ever spent in a hospital in one day. Hours and hours on end of awkward tests. I can't believe Isabelle has to go through all this once every week. The paparazzi on the way here was unbearable too. She has it worse than we normally do.

As I pushed open the door to Morton's Steakhouse (apparently Isabelle's favorite place), I involuntarily shuddered, thinking back to the treatments. I found Isabelle sitting at a table way in the back. At least I assumed it was her; she -- or he -- or me, whatever -- was the only one with a menu over their face. I made my way over there and sat down in front of her.

"And what are you hiding from?" I asked, with a chuckle.

She set the menu down forcefully, "Your fans! Geez, there's so many! It's like they're hiding behind every corner!"

I chuckled, "We have enthusiastic fans."

The table became quiet except for the soft jazz music playing in the background. The fact that Isabelle didn't know what really happened with her dad kept coming back to me. I mean, I should tell her, right? Her mom already told her once; she's not going to tell her again.

"So, what are we going to do about this?" She asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"About what?"

"This!" She whispered, pointing between me and her, "How are we gonna fix this?"

"I don't know..." I sighed, putting my elbows on the table, setting my chin on my hands, "Who do you think did this?"

"My only guess: the old woman at the park yesterday. When she did all that chanting and hitting the cane on the girl, I noticed the street lights flicker on and off; it was so weird."

"I think we may need to find her."

"But how? We don't know anything about her."

"I guess we have to work with what we do know: what she looks like and then we'll work from there."

"But how are we going to do that?"

"I can get someone to draw the picture of her with our descriptions."

"How the hell can you do that?"

I shrugged, "I know people."
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