Welcome To Hollywood

A Little Something,Something

After almost an hour of telling Isabelle to hurry up because we need to ask every one who was the "Unknown" source. Needless to say Bell was not talking to because I 'm making her go on that date with Anna. I want Anna back, but I also need to see that she might not be "the one" for all I know she could be right under my nose and I just don't see her. I snapped out of my thoughts as I pulled into the parking lot. "Bell," I said while looking for an empty spot. She glanced at me. "Can you please talk to me please?" I begged her. Bell shot me a look "please bell talk to me ." with a glare she spat at me " About what Kevin , huh because sure as hell I don't think it worth talking about how you want Anna back after what she did to you it's just not fucking worth my time to talk to about that . It's your life not mine fuck it up as much as you want but believe me when I say you deserve better then Anna." and with that She got out of the car since I had already parked the car and started walking towards the building.

Once, we entered the room heads turned and people greeted us with smiles. That was when Bell cleared her throat and said "Hey guys we have a question who told the press those things and wanted to be unknown?" we looked around and everyone had looked at one person. Bell’s agent. I had to glare at her she didn't have the right to go and say those things. You know that were a couple and all which is not true at all. Later while we were still at the photo shoot a Bell who by the way hasn't said anything to me every since this morning dragged me to her agent and hissed through clenched teeth.

Let me point something out Bell loathes her agent. "Listen Kim/Vicky and listen well you had no right to lie to the magazines about a relationship that isn't even real! Bell and I are just friends ." I cut in "And so if you don't fix this and fix it fast it will not end well." I could see the anger boiling in Kim/Vicky's eyes I looked down at her hands and they were balled into tight fists. "Listen you two, I say what I want so Bell be as bitchy as you want I'm not threatened by you," She shot me daggers "I'm the best of the best so you better be damn grateful that I'm your agent ok you little brat!" And with that the devil walks away. Bell turned her head to the side so she wasn't looking at me .

"Bell ," I whispered softly biting my lip "You know I could help you get a better agent that is really good at getting you photo shoots and interviews and who would also treat you well if you want that thought." With one measly glance she couldn't even look at me as long as I would like just a measly glance. She mustered out a yes and turned on her walking for the door so I could help her get ready for the date with Anna. Lately I just wanted Bell to say anything to me . Even if it was "I hope you fall in a deep hole and die a slow painful death." I'd be happy she said something to me. On our way back to my house , the silence had been slowly eating at me killing me . Letting out a frustrated sigh I parked the car in the driveway. What is with everything being quiet it gets on my fucking nerves! I stepped inside the familiar house that I knew like the backside of my hand. Then my mom's head pops up from the kitchen . "Oh Hello Kevin , Hi Isabelle." I smiled

"Hey Mrs.- Um mom ." Bell replied . "So why are you home right now?" This is when I mentally start cussing at my self Shit Mom doesn't know that I'm going on a date with Anna! "Well I was dragged by Kevin here to help him get ready for his date ." She smile date me . "Oh are you two going on a date?" I let out a small giggle. "No ,no us going on dates would not be comfortable. He’s going on a Date with Anna." You should have seen her expression change . A smile was turned upside down he eyes just glued to Isabelle who she thought was really me.

"Kevin , after all that she's done to your going on a date with her out of all the girls you picked her!" Glancing at Bell she said . "Well o tell you the truth mom she said she was truly sorry and maybe she was really sorry or she meant it." Mom then scoffed . "She meant it Kevin, you think she meant it are you kidding me!" So after about five minutes of an awkward silence . I told Isabelle that she needed to get ready. Bell sat on the bed while I rummaged through the cloths after almost half an hour of mixing and matching cloths . I settled with a light blue dress shirt a silver/ white-ish tie and some dress shoes. I smirked . Then I remembered Bell was going to do anything she could to make the date as horrid as possible.

"Bell promise me something ." We stared into each other's eyes for a moment before I broke the trance . "Promise me you'll be nice to Anna and just follow these rules for me please I really care for her." She just nodded . "Ok here are my rules 1- Don't be a jerk ..try as hard as you can to treat her nicely 2- remember your in my body not your own so don't be bitchy to her 3- Kiss her if tries to kiss you & 4- Show her that I have feelings for her just follow these rules and the date will start and end smoothly okay?" Her eyes went wide when I said the third rule "Kevin there is no way in hell will I ever kiss her ..Remember I'm a girl not a guy." I then smiled at her and said "Your in my body right? So just kiss her if she tries to kiss you?"

She looked at the watch on her wrist and said, "Well, lover boy, I'm going to be late. Its 6:40." So the last 20 minutes were rushed, dropping her off at the restaurant and on the ride over I repeated my rules...oh, maybe a dozen times or so. Whatever needed for her to get it through her head.

[&&&;] (Isabelle's P.O.V.)

I cannot believe he's making me do this... I thought to myself as I walked through the clear glass doors of the restaurant. It was fancier than I thought. There were white Christmas lights hanging over the door, the entire room was dimmed with single lamps on each table, practically all the tables had at least two people in it as the entire restaurant was full, which was most likely why there were people lined up at the concierge's podium.

Hm, this might not be so bad. I can just wait in line until the date is over. Things were finally looking up for me.


I spoke too soon... I inwardly groaned as I figured out who the voice belonged to.

"Anna!" The she devil herself, Anna Taylor, ladies and gentlemen. Insert applause here.

I forced a smile upon my lips as she walked up to me. It hurt - smiling at her, I mean. She doesn't deserve to be smiled at... Who was she, thinking she could get anyone in her really short dress that clung tightly to her curvy body? Okay, she probably could... It reached down a little behind mid-thigh length. Either the dress that revealed cleavage lifted her chest very well or she got a boob job. I was kind of leaning towards the latter; I wouldn't be surprised if she did.

Her long, auburn hair cascaded down her back in waves as she reached my height - well, Kevin's height - in her four inch heels and her makeup was natural, revealing her naturally flawless skin. She hadn't changed one bit. I will admit, I have always been jealous of her beauty, but that wasn't the reason I hated her. Okay, maybe it was a little.

She told the concierge that I was with her and immediately, I was dragged to the place she was sitting in, which happened to be in a booth in the corner. She pushed me onto the booth and slid in next to me.

Feeling uncomfortable by the proximity and the fact that her boobs were touching my arm, I subtly scooted away from her.

"How have you been, Kevin?" She asked me with her velvety voice that she usually used as bait, waiting for some unlucky guy to fall for it and she would slowly reel him in. Of course that wouldn't work on me since I was a girl. She just didn't know that, which gave me an idea. She had never had a guy not fall for her charm.

Until today.

"Better after we broke up." I smirked - okay, I smirked in my head - as I noticed her frown, but she picked it back up.

"I'm really sorry about that, Kevy," She said, innocently.Kevy? Ugh, she disgusts me already. "I was young and stupid back then. I realized I made a big mistake. Please forgive me." She pouted, putting a hand on my thigh. I shuddered (not a good shudder at that) as she gently caressed it and I picked her hand up, placing it on the leather couch. That was so - ugh...

"Can I get you two anything?" A waiter asked, coming into the picture. Oh, thank God for him.

"Yes, um," I cleared my throat, "Wine, please?" This was going to be a long night.

"Yessir, what kind would you prefer?"

"Surprise me."


This date was going horribly bad. For Anna. Constantly, she was trying to make her move on me. Of course I wouldn't let her; that only got her more determined and frustrated. It's fun making her frustrated; the determination part the bad part of it.

She would ask me questions, I would answer in shrugs or short sentences (some of which might have insulted her, hehe). Kevin said not to mess the date up, so I'm doing that. By not saying much. She wasn't getting anywhere near what she wanted. She was the kind of person who wanted what she couldn't have. Apparently, since she thought I was with Kevin, she wanted him back.

With that thought running around in my head, there was no way I was going to let Kevin go back to that. He was too goodand sweet for a bitch like her. With a family like his, I doubt Kevin had always been as much as a jackass as he was to me. I had a feeling it was all Anna's doing - she tended to do that to the guys she dated, which made me have a strong dislike for her.

"Here is your Chocolate Silk Cake," The waiter said, placing the plate of two slices on the table, "Anniversary?" He asked, causing me to choke on the water I was just drinking.

"Yes," Anna smiled. I was still choking on the water, so I couldn't deny it; - no matter how bad I wanted to. Why is it now that I choose to drink water?

"Congratulations." Before I knew it, the waiter was already gone. He had left with a smile, which sickened me. I turned to Anna and glared at her.

"Why would you do that?" I asked, harshly.

"What? It’s only a matter of time, Kevy."

"Okay, could you stop calling me that?"

"Why? You always liked it when I called you that."

I bit my tongue, trying not to say anything to that. It was hard. So hard. But I had to. If the date ends badly, it's not my fault since I didn't do anything. Even though I'm hoping on that to.

"Kevin," She turned my head towards her, "How many times am I supposed to say 'I'm sorry' for you to forgive me?"

I pushed her hand away from under my chin, "Rejecting a proposal in a note and cheating on me is not really something 'I'm sorry' can fix, Anna." The fact that she thought 'I'm sorry' could fix everything really got on my nerves - especially something to this magnitude.

"I know," She said, leaning closer to me. I started freaking out in the inside. Kevin said to kiss her, but there is absolutely no way in hell I'm kissing her. I did the first thing that came to mind.

"Mm, this is good cake," I mumbled, stuffing my mouth full of the Chocolate Silk Cake, "You should try it."

"I'm watching my weight; put down the cake, Kevin," She said, putting her hands on mine that held the fork and took the fork, putting on the table. She started leaning towards me again, her eyes slowly closing and her pouty puckered. I was thoroughly disgusted.

"Are you sure you--" I couldn't finish my sentence because it was cut off by Anna screaming. If I said this sight wasn't funny, I would be seriously lying.

"Kevin, how could you?!" Anna wiped the remains of cake off her face as the rest fell onto her chest. I can bet where the rest of that cake went. I tried stifling my laughter that was about to bust out if I didn't get out of there.

"I am so sorry," I said, holding back my laughter. I didn't mean it, but still. I dropped a few bills on the table, most likely enough to pay for the date (I may be a girl, but in a guy's body, I still have to pay), and hurried out of the restaurant.

As soon as I was out of ear shot of the restaurant, I burst out laughing my ass off. I had to hold on to the brick wall of another building to keep myself from falling onto the floor, dying of laughter. The look on her face was priceless - okay, so the cake was all over her face, but that's also what made it priceless.

"Whoo," I let out a deep breath, wiping away the tears from my eyes, "That was probably the best date I've ever been on in my entire life," I smiled, standing up, straightening out my clothes out of habit.

I realized I had no ride home and I looked at the time on my watch. 9:18. That's good enough. I decided to call Kevin to come pick me up. A couple rings passed and he answered.


"Hey, can you come pick me up?"

"You're done with the date already?"

"Well, yeah, I mean, it's been two hours, Kevin." Two long, pain-staking hours...with a happy ending.

"Did you do the whole cliché drop-the-girl-at-her-doorstep thing?"

"Um, that's pretty hard to do seeing as I don't have a car. You dropped me off, remember?"

"...Right...Well, did you kiss her?"

"Oh," I chuckled, "She got a little something something. It was sweet."
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hahaha loved this chapter the most.