Welcome To Hollywood

There are some Crazies Out There!

Bell's P.O.V

My hand held Kevin's hand as I started to skip down the sidewalk singing "Skipping down the yellow brick road, the yellow brick road, the yellow brick road.''

He started laughing at me.

"Bell, we are on a side walk that isn't yellow and not made of bricks." He said in between laughs. Pouting I stuck out my tongue.

"You ruined my dream of skipping down a yellow brick road!" I pouted, "But anyways we need to find that old lady that we saw last before all this happened." I said to Kevin.

He smiled at me, "Well, I know this guy that can draw her out if we can remember how she looked like. We can get a drawing of her so it's easier to find her."

I nodded, but he just kept looking at me. Why is he just looking at me? Does he not know that we need to get on this dude? "...Well, call him!"

He rolled his eyes, "Well, there's a problem with that. You see, I'm in your body and you’re in mine so it would be kind of weird if I called. He doesn't know you."

My mouth formed in an "o" shaped. "Well, then, silly billy, I'll call, just get the number." I said, playfully smacking his arm. Kevin then looked at me weirdly.

"Are you okay?" He asked, "Ever since the date ended, you've been acting weird." Smirking, I nodded. Of course I was okay. Why wouldn't I be? The date ended "sweetly", hehe. Back to what we were talking about, Kevin and I had reached my condo. We sat on the floor trying to get a hold of the guy that Kevin thinks may help us get back to our own bodies.

Three fucking HOURS listening to elevator music since we were on hold! How can you survive three fucking hours listening to elevator music?! Why the hell were we on hold that long? Two fucking questions that I will never get the answer to...

Once we had finally managed to get this guy on the phone, I was about to give him a piece of my mind. It was kind of between the lines of "What the fuck? Why are you fucking taking so long to get on the phone? Go rot in a hole!" and hang up, but by the look on Kevin's face, I kind of got the hint not to mess with him. So, with the little patience I had left. I told him I was looking for someone and I needed to find them ASAP but I didn't know the woman's name and if he could help me out it would be amazing. And of course being his "friend" he agreed and said that it was his dad who did the drawing since he was the sketch artist for the police, but he wasn't home yet, so he would tell his dad to meet us at this Cafe down the street in ten minutes.

While we sat at a booth in the café, I tapped my fingers impatiently against the table as my leg could not stay still, my eyes glue to the clock on the wall in front of me. I just wanted to get this over with. The feeling on Kevin's eyes glued to me watching my every movement was just overwhelming and it wasn't helping that I was running out of patience seeing as Kevin's friend's father was seven minutes late.

"Bell, calm down," Kevin laughed, putting his hand on mine, "He'll be here." I couldn't ignore the shock I felt when he gently set his hand on mine. I remember when I did it to him the first time we had lunch, but this didn't happened then. My gaze trailed up from his hands, up to his arms, meeting his eyes.

For a second, I didn't see my face staring back at me, as weird as it was already, I saw his face staring back at me. I didn't even realize that our faces were inching closer to each other's. Kevin still hadn't let go of my hand, but really, I was in no mood to complain at this moment. I don't even think I could. I could hear my heartbeat echoing rapidly in my ears. I was surprised that no one else heard it, but this thing between me and Kevin wasn't supposed to happen.

....Was it bad that I wanted it to happen?

As if my unasked question was answered by the graces of God, I heard the bell on the door echo loudly through the café, which wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't after ten o'clock and we were the only people left in here. At the sound of the bell, I jumped back, moving away from Kevin as I felt my cheeks turn hot.

The man that walked into the café spotted us and made his way over to our table, pulling back the chair that sat in front of the table across from Kevin and I.

"Um, hey, Mr. Edwards," Kevin said, nervously. I said nothing. I didn't even lift my head up from my hands that sat in my lap and I wouldn't until my heart settled. None of the guys that I had dated in the past ever had this effect on me and I wasn't even dating Kevin! I hated this feeling because I felt vulnerable. I was usually a strong person... He was breaking me down to nothing but butterflies in my stomach and unknown feelings.

"I'm...sorry," The man, who I now knew as Mr. Edwards, said, "Do I know you?"

My head snapped up because I then realized I didn't know this person, but Kevin did and he was in my body, which I now realized confused Mr. Edwards because he did not know me.

"Oh, um, Kevin here," Kevin stuttered, "Told me that, um, his friend, Trevor's, father was coming, so I'm assuming that's you?" He said, more of a question that a statement. Way to go, Kevin. I mentally rolled my eyes.

He nodded, believing that answer. He believed that? For someone who works with the police, he's pretty gullible.

"So, what did you call me here for?" H asked.

"Well, we were trying to find someone," Kevin answered, "We don't know where she lives and we don't know her name and we need to find her."

"And may I ask why you need to find this person?"

"Oh, um," Kevin looked to me. His eyes were pleading for help because he had nothing on this part. I looked at him, my expression reading 'what am I supposed to say?!', but he urged me on since I haven't said anything yet.

"Um," I tore my eyes away from Kevin and looked at Mr. Edwards, who was waiting for our answer, "W-We need to find this lady because, um...she has something we, um, need? Something important."

"And she stole this thing from you?"

"Um, well, yeah...I guess."

"Okay, so if she stole something from you, what are you doing here?" He asked Kevin, who he was me.

"Um, she stole the same thing from me too? I guess."

"So, this person stole the same thing from both of you?" We nodded. "Okay," He pulled out a large sketch pad with a pencil, "So, what does she look like?"

"It's a small old lady--" Kevin now started because this was something he would explain, but Mr. Edwards cut him off.

"An old lady - small old lady - stole something from you guys?"


He shook his head, apparently never having this kind of case come up before, but let us continue anyway. Kevin and I described the everything about the woman that we could remember. It was going perfectly....until we came to the topic about the old lady's hat...

I said the lady's hat had leaves on it, but he said there were no leaves, that it was a solid color with a bird on it. I disagreed, there were leaves on the hat, but there was a bird on her hat and I said it was a pigeon. But no, Kevin disagreed with that; he said it was a raven.

We were too busy caught up in our own argument until he called us to attention. He had finished the drawing, but he didn't include the hat since we couldn't come up with a definite answer. It looked almost exactly like her. This was perfect. We thanked him and he left.

But the argument wasn't over.

We left the café still having our differences about the hat and we would let each other know it. Kevin would not just accept the fact that the lady had a pigeon on her hat with leaves! I mean, come on, how does a pigeon look anything like a raven?!

"Isabelle, seriously! It was not a pigeon! Who has pigeons on their hats?!"

"Bird-loving people, Kevin! Not everyone is going to have a raven on her hat! That woman was as weird as it is already!"

"Isabelle, you--"

"No!" I interjected, slapping my hands over my ears, "I'm not hearing anymore!" I began walking to cross the street since the park was on the other side. The one thing we could agree on was start at the park since that's where we first saw her and we could follow the path she took until he disappeared.

"Bell, you're being immature!"

"I can't hear you!" I yelled, crossing the street.

"Bell! Stop!"

"I can't hear you, Kevin!"

"Bell, seriously! Stop!"

"What?!" I yelled, turning to him. I forgot I was standing in the middle of the road and that's when I heard a loud, long honk. I slowly turned, hoping I wasn't hearing what I thought I was hearing.

Two brightening orbs of light were closing in on me. I put both of my arms up, covering my face as if that would stop the car - or truck, I was for freaked out to figure out which one - from coming towards me. God, am I stupid or what? But I was too scared to move.

I waited for my impending doom, but it never came. Instead, I felt another weight on top of mine and then I contact with a cold, hard floor. Ow...That was not good for my head....

I heard the vehicle zoom right by and I came out with nothing but a head bump, I concluded with my eyes closed, hoping I was still alive.

"Are you okay?"

I slowly open my eyes, one and then the other, and I saw my face looking back down at me. Okay, was it weird that I constantly keep seeing Kevin's face for a while?

"Um, yeah," I sat up, which was kind of a bad thing because my head started throbbing. "Ow..."

Kevin sucked in air through his teeth, "You've got a nasty cut there," He said as he touched the area near the cut, causing me to flinch in pain. "Yeah, we should go get you cleaned up." He helped me up.

"But we need to find the lady first."

"Well, you getting infected here isn't an option, Bell. We're going to the nearest drug store first and then we go to the park."


"Wow, you're good." I commented as Kevin placed a bandage over the cut on my head.

He chuckled, "Living with two seven-year-olds as brothers--"

"Wait, I thought Frankie was the only seven-year-old....Do you have another brother I don't know about?" I questioned.

"No," He laughed, "I was talking about Joe too. Where have you been in the past month?" I laughed, shaking my head. "But anyway, Joe has always been danger prone practically all his life and I'm usually the one that cleans him up since Mom had Nick and Frankie to take care of. There you go." He stood up from the gravel covered ground.

We were sitting on the ground, next to the Walgreens building as he was cleaning up the cut on my head. He truly knew what he was doing, the cut hardly even hurt now.

"And this is for being a good little girl," He smiled, holding out a lollipop. You know, those big, rainbow, swirly ones? How he managed to get that without me seeing beats me.

"Yay!" I exclaimed, going along with it. I couldn't help but laugh, taking it from him. I loved those lollipops, what can I say? I unwrapped it, taking one big lick out of it, and smacked my lips together. "Yum." I smiled causing him to laugh.

"Come on," He laughed, "Let's go look for the lady."

We spent almost two hours going around, asking anyone we saw if they've seen her anywhere (showing them the picture, of course). Most of them looked at us like we were crazy looking for a woman like that at this time of night and a grown man with a big lollipop (aka me in Kevin's body).

It was almost midnight and we absolutely nowhere, so we decided to call it a night. We had work tomorrow and I had told Kevin's mom when I left the house for dinner with Kevin that we were going to the movies after, so I wasn't going to be home until later and this was later enough.

"I can't believe we got nothing," I groaned, letting my head fall back. "How can no one see her? She's a pretty hard person to miss! I thought this was supposed to be easier with the picture... I underestimated NCIS and Law and Order..."

Kevin laughed, shaking his head, "We'll just have to try tomorrow," He sighed. Once we got to the street where we were supposed to go our separate ways, I still followed Kevin and he noticed this, turning to me. "What are you doing? You're supposed to go the other way."

"I know," I shrugged, "But I mean, do you see me?" I asked him, gesturing towards him, showing him my real body, "I'm not letting me go home by myself at this time of night, looking like that. There are some crazies out at night."

Kevin laughed, continuing on his way as I continued following him. I couldn't help but think he wasn't really a bad person.
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