Welcome To Hollywood

You Did What!

Weeks have passed and we still had no luck in finding that woman. It's like she disappeared off the face of the earth! Absolutely no one knew who she was. It got me thinking if she was an alien or something. Of course Kevin laughed at this and thought I was being crazy. But seriously where could she possibly be?

And on the note of Kevin, he kept asking me if Anna ever called me back after the date. Of course I said no and I had to give him a reason why, so I told him that she was busy with modeling. I had to tell him something; I don't think I could stand looking at his heartbroken face, which was something I've been trying to avoid for a while now. He wouldn't back down either way. He wasn't making it easier for me.

And you can't call me selfish; I was being selfless for once, and it was for Kevin. I'm trying to keep him from heartbreak. If the first one changed him, I don't want to see this one. With the way he's acting now, I think it would be worse than the first time. So I took in a deep breath and put a hand through my hair. What am I going to tell him if he asks again ”Oh did I forget to say during the date I kind of may have put cake on he face?” How do you think that’ll end out. We sat on the couch until the phone started to ring. I was just about to pick it up when Kevin answered it. When he found out who it was once he heard the yelling. Putting it on speaker I heard. Kim/Vicky yell at Kevin who was really in my body. So I may have forgotten that Kevin kind of needed to be somewhere ….um well he may juts need to be at this fashion show in New York at 7:oo p.m . He was supposed to be on the runway for Victoria secret in a neon thong and bra. So this is how the conversation or mainly the screaming went.
Then Kevin would reply . “At home why?”
Then Kim/Vicky would yell . “You’re supposed to be on you way to New-Fucking-York so ge you ass on the plane because you need to get ready for the damn fashion show.” And with that she hung up. He glanced at me. “I pity you Bell your agent has anew name and it shall be AgentBobBitchPants.” With a little laugh I knew I had to tell Kevin about the fashion show. “Um Kev funny story I forgot to say that the fashion show your doing is for Victoria Secret.” You should have seen his face his eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head as he heard this. “No way am I doing that never !” I smirked “I shall say what you said to me when you made me go on a date with Anna . You’re in my body so you need to do what I have to do let go pack.[&&&;]

When we - the Jonas brothers, Kim, and I - got on the modeling company's jet, I sat as far as I could from Kim. I know I wasn't in my body, but I dragged Kevin with me to avoid her yelling at him. Not for his sake, but for mine. I didn't want to be embarrassed again; especially not this time in front of all the brothers.

The brothers came along because, evidently, they needed to see how fashion shows went, what kinds of clothes to design for women or something, I don't know; I wasn't listening. I was more surprised at the fact that they were going to a Victoria's Secret fashion show - especially little Nick, which I found hilarious.

"I can't believe you made me do this..." Kevin muttered, crossing his arms with a scowl upon his lips.

"I can't believe you made me go on a date with Anna," I whispered back, trying to smile as I remembered the...incident. Hehe. It was truly an accident, but it was a very good accident that I thank God for it happening.

Kevin said nothing, but left the scowl on his face. As fun for myself because he's being a bitch about this when this is mandatory and my job, whereas going on a date with Anna wasn't, I'm going to save telling Kevin what he has to wear for one of the categories for the fashion show. If he thinks it's just a simple bra and panties, oh, he is so wrong. It'll take time for him to accept it, but hey, it's going to be fun for me.

Sooner than I figured (I was picturing Kevin's reaction in my head - okay, fine, I was getting revenge if you want to be technical about it), the jet landed and we were making our way over to the building where the fashion show was being held - we were already late as it was. 10 minutes is a lot in "model time". Every second of our time had to be used. Models, makeup artists, and hair stylists were bustling back and forth up and down, trying to get the models to wear something, the artists were looking for different things because it was so crowded with the amount of models, people were losing things left and right - the normal day for most, if not all, models.

Kevin looked overwhelmed and he wasn't even part of it yet.

"You'll be fine," I whispered to him as we passed the room, "It's not as bad as it looks." Okay, it actually was, but he didn't need to know that - he'll figure it out.

Before you say anything, I wasn't all mean to him though; I helped him learn how to walk the right way (it was a funny process, let me tell you). Before this, he already had some experience of walking in heels, so this was just addition to it.

It didn't help that he had experience.

I still helped him nonetheless.

Yes, it would make me as myself look bad, but I can work that up again. I'm not one of the biggest models for nothing.

[&&&;] (Kevin's POV)

I hated this.

I hated this so much.

How does Bell put up with this? How could girls walk up and down catwalks, prancing around in nothing but undergarments? I felt so uncomfortable and exposed. Ugh, I keep shuddering at the thought of it. I don't even know how those guy models do it. I felt like I was being judged by everyone in the room.

Oh yeah.

It's kind of like performing on stage, but this time, I have to make sure I always look good, make the company look good, make the outfit look good. I can fall on stage when I perform and it wouldn't be a big deal, it wouldn't be in about every reading material, but if Bell did, it would be. Sure, it happened to Joe, but he's the middle man out of all of us, everyone's eyes are on him (and Nick because all the girls fantasize about him and can't keep their eyes off him), but not me. So I could do practically anything and not be worried as much, but being Isabelle was a completely different story.

After coming off stage from my fourth outfit change, I hurried to the back room to change into my last outfit for the day.

Thank God.

I swerved around the many models running about to get to the guy, who was handling my -- Bell's clothes (we were rushing, so I never learned his name). He was holding a neon, lime green outfit that I was sure did not - could not count as undergarment. I mean, seriously, who were they trying to get with this? Was it for insinuating the fact that whoever would wear this (for some reason unknown to me) wanted sex or something? This was the smallest undergarment that I have ever seen a girl wear.

Okay, personally, I haven't seen a girl wear nothing but her underwear, but still. Who would wear such a thing?

"Where is the rest of it?" I asked, holding up the tiny thing hanging loosely on the hanger, hoping that he forgot it or something.

"That's it, Isabelle," He said with his feminine accents, "Now, hurry up, you're on in six!"

"There is no way I'm wearing this!" I exclaimed, pointing at the neon green thong and bra that was too small for anyone to wear.

"Girl, you did not just yell at me," He shot back, putting his hands on his hips.

"Find me something else to wear because there is absolutely no way I'm wearing that!"

"Isabelle, I have other models to attend to, so you need to get your skinny ass in that outfit, get to hair and makeup and get on stage!"

"No!" I was not giving up on this. There was no way I was going to wear that. I may be putting Bell's job in jeopardy right now (it's not like I hadn't done that the second I went on stage), but I don’t care right now.

"You have worn worse things than this, Bell; it's never stopped you before!"

"Well, I'm a different person now!"

"Ugh, I cannot deal with this right now!" He exclaimed, walking away. Before I knew it, Kim was on her way to me, looking angrier than she usually did.
"Bell, what the hell are you doing?" She screeched, "You're going to hold the whole show!"

"I am not wearing that!" I exclaimed for what seemed like the thousandth time, "I'll wear anything else but that!"

"Bell, you have five seconds to put on that outfit," She muttered, trying to keep her anger in check. Like she ever did?

"I need Kevin." I said, simply, crossing my arms.

"Kevin isn't allowed back here, Bell, you know that."

"Well, I want him here or I'm not going on stage." I said, just as calm.

Kim let out a frustrated groan before walking out. As she was getting Bell, I noticed some of the models looking at me and the scene that had just played out. I wasn't getting any more comfortable than I never was since I got here.

Bell walked through the curtain with Kim behind her.

"Please talk to her," Kim said, frustrated and walked out.

Bell grabbed me by the arm, pulling me away from the other girls and artists, "What are you doing?" She whispered loud enough so I could hear over the music and the others couldn't.
"I'm not wearing this!" I hissed back.

She rolled her eyes, "Kevin, do this for me. You're just walking down the runway. Plus, you're in my body; you need to wear everything I would . Please, Kevin, you're holding up the show." She finished, gesturing to the long line of models, who were looking back at us from their spots.

Letting out a groan, I finally agreed. It was a long hard battle in my head, but the faster I do this, the quicker it'll end...even though I knew this would be one of the most traumatizing things I shall do in my life; I'll be scared for life.

With a smile, she pushed the bra and thong in my arms as I shuddered looking at it and lead me to the dressing room. After I changed, I took in a deep breath as I headed down the runway.

Kevin just endure this and you'll survive.

I turned slowly on my heel and walked back down the runway in a hurry. I was pretty sure I didn't follow the "rules" on how to walk down the runway - I completely abolished that - but I wanted to be backstage again. I practically ran backstage and Bell was still there.

"What was that?"

"Uh, I did your job?" I answered, quickly changing back into normal clothes - a white v-neck shirt and skinny jeans. That thong outfit was my last turn and I was so thankful it was. I don't ever want to go through with that again.

"You did my job? That was pitiful!"

I groaned out of frustration and just walked away. Did I mention how much I hated this?


I looked at the clock and the red letters read 11:36. Everyone else was asleep and we had to go back to LA tomorrow for song rehearsals - for Nick, Joe, and Bell (could she even play the guitar?). I don't know why I wasn't asleep, but I just couldn't. I'm pretty sure it was because of the modeling.

I shuddered, thinking back to that; I can’t believe I actually went through with that.

I pushed the covers off and swung my legs over the side, pushing myself off the bed. I slipped on Bell's flipflops and left my lone hotel room. I don't know where I wanted to go, I didn't even know where I was going; I just didn't feel like staying in the hotel room.

As turned the corner, I bumped into someone.

"Bell? What are you doing up?" I asked. She had a bag of ChexMix in her hands, some of which had spilled onto the floor due to our contact.

"I could ask you the same thing."

"I couldn't sleep," I replied, still confused as to why she was up.

"Ah," She nodded with a smile, "Same thing happened to me after my first show. So, you had fun?" She smirked.

"I did not," I glared at her, "What are you doing up anyway?"

She waved the bag of ChexMix in my face, "I was hungry. So, where are you going?" She asked before throwing a small pretzel in her mouth.

I shrugged, "I don't know."

"Awesome, let's go," She smiled, linking her arm with mine.


"To 'I don't know'," She said, pulling in a random direction. What in the world is 'I don't know'?

I think my question was answered as we were walking around the hotel for about 45 minutes. When she said 'I don't know', she meant 'I don't know'. We went to almost every floor in the hotel, listening in in every room - she listened in in every room. Some of them you didn't even need to press your ears against the door to hear. Jeez...

Now we were on the sixteenth floor and Bell was continuing her little expedition. She was about to press her ear against a door, but it swung open and someone stepped out with a toothbrush in their mouth.

"Kevin?" She said, pulling the toothbrush out as she looked at Bell.

"Anna?" I said, surprised she would be here.

"You!" She screeched, glaring daggers into me. "You stole Kevin away from me!" She continued, stepping closer to me as I took the same steps back. I was literally afraid of her at this moment. I had never seen her glare at anyone like this.


"You just couldn't leave Kevin alone, could you? You talked him into throwing cake in my face, didn't you!"

"You did what?!" I exclaimed, looking at Bell furiously.

She smiled, innocently, with a shrug, "It was an accident."

"Accident, my ass!" Anna exclaimed, turning to her, "You did it on purpose! But," She collected herself, "I'm willing to forgive you because I love you. Just...break up with her...please?" She pouted, walking up to Bell. I loved that pout. I wanted that pout back. "I want you back. I love you, Kevy..." She leaned up to Bell, but Bell backed away with a harsh look on her face. She opened her mouth about to say something I knew was bad, so I hurried over to her and covered her mouth.

Anna looked at me, sternly, but I smiled at her. "I'm just going to go talk to Kevin for a minute. The cake thing was an accident. I assure you we are not together," I said, applying pressure to Bell's mouth with my hand at the words 'accident' and 'not', "Never have been. Good night, Anna." With one last smile, I pulled Bell away and into the elevator. The last thing I saw of Anna was her just standing there with a confused look on her face. "You threw cake in her face?!" I hissed.

"I told you the date ended sweetly," Bell replied, chuckling at her own sick joke.

"Yeah, but you didn't tell me you put cake in her face!"

She smirked, shrugging, "You never bothered asking." My hands were curled into fists at this point.

"Bell, are you kidding me!" You ruined. My. Chance. With. Anna," I said, smacking her arm in between words, "Now, when I finally get back into my own body she'll never speak to me very again!"

"Ow!" She exclaimed, "You're not supposed to be hitting a girl!"

"You're not a girl, the last time I checked. I'm the girl and I'm allowed to. Hit. You. Whenever. I. Want!"

Bell rolled her eyes, "Jeez, enough already!" She said, rubbing her arms as I quit for the time being. The elevator dinged and the doors opened as we stepped out, "Besides, Anna isn't quitting any time soon. But, you truly don't see that she doesn't care about you? All she wants is to get into your pants! Plus I think I--" She was cut off by her phone (mine) ringing.

Bell sighed as she picked up the phone, "Hello?...Okay...Thanks, Joe." And with that, she hung up.

"What'd Joe want?" I asked.

"We have to leave now. Apparently, it's six o'clock in the morning."

"You mean we spent the entire night walking around the hotel?"

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