Welcome To Hollywood

Practice Gone Wrong.

A small sigh escaped my lips. As I sat on the floor in my living room, I started to bang my head against the coffee table in front of me. All hope of finding that weird old lady has evaporated. How are we supposed to get back into our own bodies without this woman?

"Um, Bell, are you trying to give me brain damage?"

"Whatever," I replied, flatly, still banging my head on the table before looking up at Kevin, who sat in the sofa across from the TV, "Are you not frustrated with the fact we can’t find that creepy old lady?”

He shot me a grin while flipping through the channels, looking for something good to watch. Standing up, I jumped on the spot next to Kevin on the couch.

Turning my head, I looked at him, unsure of the question I had been thinking about lately, “Kevin,” He glanced at me. “Do you consider us friends?"

He turned his full attention to me, where I then noticed he had a confused expression on his face, "What brought this on?"

I shrugged, "Do you?"

"Um, well...I guess," He shrugged. He guesses? "I mean, you can get on my nerves sometimes - more like most of the time," I frowned, but quickly picked myself up again before he could notice, "But-"

"But?" I questioned.

"But," He smiled at me, "I wouldn't have it any other way." I felt a smile creep onto my lips and turned away as I could feel myself blushing. I was blushing? I don't blush! "Uh, Bell?" His voice sounded somewhat panicked. I turned to him in time to see him looking at the clock.


"You were supposed to be at rehearsal ten minutes ago."

"What?" I repeated with a flatter tone, "You couldn't have told me sooner? Like, I don't know, when you found out?!" I threw my hands up in the air, standing up, "Now, I'm going to be the one yelled at!"

Without another word, Kevin grabbed the keys off the coffee table in front of him, turning off the television as I slipped on my shoes. We jumped off the couch and ran to the door only to stop dead in our tracks as we forgot the rest of our things.

We ran back, Kevin quickly putting the keys in and opening the door, and we grabbed Kevin's acoutstic, car keys, sunglasses, and our phones. How we forgot all these stuff, I will never know.

"Give me the keys," I suggested.


"Because, if you drive, we'll probably get there way later than if I drive." Kevin hesitantly handed me the car keys, looking at me warily. I think he may have been contemplating on how fast I would be driving to get there. Let's just say there are some things he's better off not knowing until he experiences it. And he will. In about three minutes.


We finally made it to rehearsal seven minutes later. Kevin looked like he was glued to the seat with his hands grabbing the door and the compartment separating us.

If we weren't going to get yelled at, I would have laughing my ass off at his expression.

"Kevin, you can get out now," I said, trying to stifle a laugh. He stayed in the same position, but only his eyes moved to his right. The next thing I knew, he was on the floor, practically hugging the cold, hard sidewalk. "Kevin, get up!" I hissed as people were starting to stare, "You're going to make a fool out of me!"

"You?!" He exclaimed, standing up, and continued rambling "Who taught you how to drive?! And I actually let you drive my car?!"

"I had to or we would be way late!" I said, unbuckling my seatbelt and shutting the door before walking over to his side, "And if you keep standing here, chatting away, we will be!" I grabbed his arm and headed inside before we were bombarded with paparazzi.

But instead, when we got inside, we were bombarded by his brothers. Between all the talking, I could make out them saying how late I was, that it was unlike me to be late, and that the next time I need to be on time because practicing is so important. After that, they pulled me to stage and handed me Kevin's electric guitar.

Here's one thing you should know. Kevin knows how to play guitar. I don't. Even after he tried to teach me. I didn't even know where to stand! Joe pushed me to my spot and said that we were going to play Burning Up. Even if I was in Kevin's body, that didn't give me his guitar playing skills and any second was about to make people run out of the place, crying.

"3, 2..." Joe counted off and we started playing. I remember some notes (very little) and the rest, I just bullshitted. Yeah, that didn't work out very well. Within one minute of the song, everyone just stopped and looked at me. Kevin looked horrified, like he didn't know what to do with me, what to say to me; I think the faster we find that old lady, the more of a chance he has to a great concert.

"Um, Kevin," Joe started after a few minutes of very uncomfortable silence, "Maybe, maybe you're tired...or something."

"Yeah, we-we'll practice tomorrow," Their dad suggested, just as speechless, "Same time. And this time, don't be late?"

I nodded and set the guitar on its stand. I walked off the stage and to Kevin because we still needed to find that old lady and worry about the fact that we needed to get back into our own bodies before I either ruin Kevin's music career or he ruins my own.
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Haha I'm Like Kevin after my Sis speeds with me int he car. Wait I FORGOT to say