Welcome To Hollywood

Breakfast With The Family

A pair of hands started to shake my body as a groan escaped my lips. I opened my eyes slightly to see Kevin, well myself, standing over me.

“Bell wake up!” He started poking my sides.

“Leave. Me. The. Fuck. Alone!” I growled at him. I am not a pleasant person, waking up as you can tell. I mean, who wants to get taken out of their peaceful sanctity where anything can happen? Especially on a day off work? Not me.

I shut my eyes tightly, hoping he would just go away. I decided to put this Rose Red theory to use. It didn't work; it didn't stop him from continuing shaking me.

“Unless you want to be dead in a few seconds, Kevin," I threatened, "I recommend you let me sleep.”

He let out a frustrated sigh. “There’s a Gossip Girl Marathon on.” What?! Gossip Girl? Marathon? I didn't know about this? What the hell!

I instantly shot up and looked at him. “Oldest-Jonas-about-to-be-dead-man-walking-for-waking-me-up say what?”

He let out a small laugh. “Nothing important; just that you need to get ready for a wonderful breakfast with my family and our agents.” I rubbed my eyes and nodded. Ugh, I forgot...

As soon as my vision cleared from rubbing it, I looked to my right, noticing a calendar pinned to the wall. This month had a picture of a beach in what seemed like Miami in the evening, which sparked an idea in me.

“Hey Kevin," I said, turning my gaze from the calendar to him, "We should go somewhere today. You know, like the beach or something.”

He rolled his eyes, smirking, “Well, now that we've officially established what we’re going to do today, do me a favor and get ready!”


When I finally got from the bathroom, I noticed Kevin had put out a black V-neck and some light denim jeans along with some converse. After I put the articles of clothing on, I walked down to the living room and jumped on the seat next to Kevin as he flipped through the channels yet again. “So, when do we leave?” I asked while glancing down at the Omega watch on my wrist.

“In about, oh, thirty minutes.” He said giving me a small smile.

“Kevin. My friend. The rockstar," I started, remembering what he told him earlier today, "Where’s Gossip Girl? Hm?” Once those words came out they sounded like I exactly wanted them to sound - Pissed Off -, he grinned sheepishly.

“Uh...Gossip Girl died?”

I shot him a small glare. “Out of all the things you could have said, Kevin, you decide to say 'Gossip Girl died'? You sound like my Uncle when he’s being cheap.”

He raised one of my eyebrows. “So, now I’m your Uncle? Well, isn’t that swell?" He said with a small laugh, "Bell, you’re so weird, you know that?”

I smirked. “I may be weird but I am lovable.”

“Whatever you say, Bell, whatever you say. Anyways, we better get going so we aren’t both yelled at.”

Nodding, I stood up and grabbed our things. “So, where is your family anyway?" I asked as I noticed the house was quiet aside from the noise we were making, "I thought they were always home."

"Yeah, but I told them to head over to the restaurant because someone wouldn't wake up. I am not a heavy sleeper, Bell; you're supposed to be me here."

"Well, excuse me," I said, sarcastically, putting my hands up in defense, "I don't usually get up for breakfast let alone getting up for breakfast with people. Especially not that early."

He rolled his eyes, "Whatever. Come on, let's go." We headed over to his car and got in. Going by instinct, Kevin grabbed his keys and sat in the driver's seat before holding the door for me on the passenger seat. I didn't even realize what just happened until I sat down.

"Uh, I think this should have gone the other way around." I pointed out.

He turned to me with a confused expression his face, "What are you talking about?"

"I open the door for you and I drive...?" He looked like he didn't get it, but then realization hit him.

"Oh, well, I guess I'm just used to it. Since we're already in the car, we might as well just go." I shrugged and he started up the car, driving to the restaurant.

A few minutes into the ride, I had realized something I forgot to confirm, so I turned to him, looking at him with a smile. "We are going to the beach today right after we eat breakfast with everyone right?” I said, while poking his side.

“Yes, Bell, we’re going to the beach so please stop poking me.”

I smiled to myself before dropping my hands to my lap, fully content with his answer.


I stared at all the items on the menu I held in my hands. There were so many things on that menu that I couldn't choose from. My mouth was practically watering at the pictures and the way they sounded...

I felt something, or rather someone poke my side. I turned my head to see Kevin staring at me.

"What are you getting?"

I shook my head with a shrug and turned back to the menu, "I don't know. Not sure yet. I can't decide between the chocolate chip pancakes or the vegetable omelet..." I replied, pressing my lips together in thought.

"The omelet sounds good. That's what I'm getting."

Still having a hard time deciding what to choose, I did what every little kid does when they can't decide on which piece of candy they want to eat before dinner.

Eenie Meenie Miney Moe. Catch a tiger by the toe. If you caught one let ‘em go. Eenie Meenie Miney Moe.

My finger stopped on the pancakes. The mouth watering pancakes.

"Are you all ready to order?" Our waiter said after she set our coffee down in front of us.

Kevin started off. “I’ll get the Vegetable omelet.” She nodded and started to jot down the order.

“Erm...can I get some Chocolate Chip Pancakes with Syrup and fruit on the side?”

“Sure thing, cutie,” She winked at me. Well, really Kevin, but I’m in his body. Well I think you get the point. But you know what I’ve noticed? The waiters that serve Kevin, or technically me, are always a tad bit...creepy.

Everybody else ordered what they wanted and as soon as the chick left, everyone's eyes were on me. I turned around, thinking there was someone behind me, but there wasn't. I turned back around, facing them and asked them what they were staring at.

"I thought you hated fruit," Joe said. I noticed Kevin's eyes widened.

"You hate fruit?" I asked Kevin, surprised. How can someone hate fruit? But then I realized what I just did and gasped. "I-I mean, I...thought you...asked for fruit." I corrected, trying to cover it up.

"Um, I-I did," Kevin said, trying to help, "I asked Kevin to, um, get the fruit on the side for me since the, um, fruit came with the pancakes and I...didn't want to get extra fruit to add more cost to the bill."

"Uh, right. What he--she said."

They all looked at us skeptically, but as the food came, the subject was dropped, but not before Kevin glared at me. Was I supposed to know he hated fruit? I mean, who hates fruit?


"So, Kevin, Isabelle," Denise started as we were digging into our food, causing Kevin and I to look up at his mom, "You two seem to be getting really close. These meetings Kim is making you two go through are helping?"

"Um," I started, turning my head to look at Kevin, completely clueless on what to say. We hadn't really paid much attention on our relationship as we had looking for the old lady, but I couldn't tell her that. "I guess...?" I tried, turning back to her.

"Yeah," Joe added, "You guys haven't been fighting lately; you're all...buddy-buddy. Maybe more than buddy-buddy," He smirked, making Kevin choke on his orange juice and me abruptly stop eating, holding my fork in the air with my mouth open about to eat the eggs.

"Excuse me?" Kevin asked, surprised. Joe just shrugged with the smirk still glued on his face before looking down at his food.

Through the rest of breakfast, Kevin and I didn't say a word to each other or to them. I don't know why Kevin wasn't saying anything, but I wasn't saying anything because I had thought of Kevin and I being "more than buddy-buddy", as Joe put it, often and it seemed like Kevin had never thought of it or even wanted to, which made me feel worse about feeling this way towards him. But I guess we really couldn't do anything about it until we got back into our own bodies.


The ride to the beach was still covered in silence. It bothered me not knowing why Kevin was so quiet. He was usually the talkative one - he was definitely the talkative one; now, he was just...awkward.

I turned steering wheel a little to the right, pulling into the parking lot by the beach. Kevin opened his door and stepped out as I did the same.

We spent the walk around the beach in complete silence and it was really bothering me.

"Okay, what is wrong with you?" I blurted out, causing both of us to stop. It sounded closer to pissed than actual sympathy. I'm sorry; I'm not used to caring for people except Selena.


"You've been quiet ever since the restaurant; what's wrong?" That sounded much better.

"Nothing." He simply said and continued walking.

I let out a frustrated groan and followed him, "Look, I might not be good with this whole caring conversation thing, but you know you can talk to me, right?"

"No, I don't really know that."

"Well - now you do. So, if there is something wrong--"

"There's nothing wrong, Bell, okay? It's fine." I frowned, looking down at my feet. "But thank you." I looked up at him, a smile creeping onto my lips as he smiled back at me.

We then heard music playing in the distance, causing me to look around to pinpoint the sound. I noticed there was bunch of tents on the dock and that was where the sound was coming from. That's when I realized it was the typical carnival music.

"Ooh, a carnival?!" I said, excitedly; it had been a long while since I've been to one, "Can we go, Kevin? Please?" I begged him, pulling on his arms.

"Fine, fine. You know, you don't have to ask me." I shrugged and pulled him with me as I power walked over to the dock. As we approached the dock, we stopped in our tracks, staring at the sign that hung over the entrance in disbelief.

"You have got to be kidding me..." We both said in unison.

There on the sign was the old woman that we have been looking for around the damn neighborhood and beyond the past six weeks and she ends up at a freaking carnival in the public?! I thought no one knew her!

I inwardly groaned out of frustration and grabbed Kevin's hand, pulling him with me.

"Come on, we're going to have a talk with this damn lady..."
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Ok so COMMENTS!!! Plz I shall love you forever.