Welcome To Hollywood

Ugh I can't Stan Him!

Storming through Kim's office I walked past her secretary and walked into the office. She was typing something on her computer. "I will not fucking model for those Brothers, I refuse to." She Looked up at me and smiled "I'm terribly sorry Bell but that can't happen." She said. Have I mentioned that Kim is British so she has this accent that I love but right now not so much? "Why the hell not!?" She smirked "You in a contract you must model with them." Please tell me she didn't say with them "With them or for them?" She looked back at her computer like I was a pathetic waste of her time. "With bell." I took in a deep breath "Do I choose which brother that I'm modeling with?" She shook her head no "Of course not, I actually just found out who you’re modeling with." I was praying it wasn't the jackass praying Like there was no tomorrow. "You’re modeling with Kevin the brother that is your age."

My Mouth Dropped open "Over my fucking body will I model with such a jackass!" She sighed "I'm sorry but your career will go down the drain if you don't." I love my job half the time, I also need it though. "Your fucking lucky I want to keep my damn job or I'd be walking away right now." She smiled "I'm glad you decided to model with him, plus he's a real gentleman." I looked at her like she said "Hitler was a saint." "Gentleman Ha, he's no more a gentleman then Paris Hilton is a great romodel." Kim just ignored that "Oh and you two are growing to grow so fond of each other."Fond of each other , more like loath each other. My teeth were clenched and my hands were in tight fists that my knuckles were white.

"I hate you so much right now you know that." She grinned "And I'm not so happy with you either now get the bloody hell out of my office!" I was taken back by how mad she had gotten I guess she's not in a good mood at all. I walked out of her office with so much anger that I don't think I'd be able to eat my breakfast. My phone rang and it was Joe

''Hey Joe."
"It's not Joe Isabella."
Ok Isabelle breath .
"Like I said last night I say it again it's Isabelle"
"I don't fucking care, anyway we need you at the photo shoot by 1:30."
"Fine with me bastard."
And with that I hung up.
He just gets me so mad !


"Everything they said about this band is completely untrue, Sel!" I yelled into my phone, pacing my living room, "Well, Joe and Nick are cool, but Kevin is the biggest problem here!" There was only one person who I could talk to - let my feelings out, whatever, and that was Selena. Even though she couldn't fix my problem, aka Kevin "the devil's child" Jonas, or make him magically disappear, which I would love at this moment, I would always feel better after talking to her.

"What are you talking about?" She asked, laughing. If I can recall, this is not a laughing matter.

"I only met these guys, once might I add, and Kevin is acting like a bitch towards me! What happened to all this talk about them being gentlemen? I cannot believe Kim is making me do a photo shoot with the devil's child! What did I do to deserve this?" I questioned, more to myself than to her and flopped onto the couch.

"Wait, don't you have a photo shoot with him in like thirty minutes?"

"Ugh, don't remind me..." I rolled my eyes, soon catching what she just said, "Wait, did you just say thirty minutes?"

"Uh, yeah. Shouldn't you be going now?"

I looked at the time on the DVD player, displayed in green digits. 12:34?! It took at least thirty minutes to get to the shoot."Dammit! I got to go, Sel. Talk to you later."

"Have fun," She sang, laughing and we both hung up. I quickly changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt, knowing I would change into their clothes when I got there. I ran out of my room and by the time I had reached the elevator, I realized that I forgot my phone.

With a frustrated yell, I ran back to my room, quickly unlocking it, and ran into my bedroom. I swiped the phone off the table next to my bed and ran back out of my room, locking the door.

I hurried back to the elevator to see someone getting into the elevator.

"Hey! Hold it!" Unfortunately, they didn't hear me and by the time I got there, the doors were closed. I outwardly groaned and ran to the stairwell, practically skipping two steps at a time. I got to the garage floor and hurried to where I parked the car.

Finding it ages later, I climbed into it, and darted out of the parking lot with a screech.


Completely out of breath, I pushed open the door walking into the photo shoot, twenty minutes late. Damn traffic .

"Isabelle, where have you been?!" Kim yelled, walking over to me.

"Sorry...traffic..." I said, between breaths.

"Well, hurry up and get dressed, we're pressed for time," She said, hurriedly, pushing towards the dressing room where the makeup artist and hair stylists awaited me with racks of clothes.

An hour and fifteen minutes, lots of hairspray and four outfit changes later, it was time for me and Kevin's photo shoot. He sat in the seat next to me as Tracy was doing my makeup. Ugh, please kill me now...

"Really, twenty minutes late, Isabella?" It wasn't even a question, it was more rhetorical.

I rolled my eyes. Don't let him get on your nerves, Isabelle... I thought to myself as I impatiently tapped my fingers on the arm rest of the chair.

"I should have expected this from you," He said with a smirk, "Actually, I expected at least an hour, but, oh--" Before he could say anymore, I pushed myself off the chair, staring daggers into him.

"Okay, what the hell is your problem?! You've been giving me fucking attitude ever since we started this thing! If its fine with you, I just want to get this thing over and done with, so you can go on with your precious little rock star life that you evidently love oh-so much!" I yelled, putting my hands up for the sarcasm.


"Guys!" A voice yelled, "What's going on here?!" We turned around to see Joe, Nick, and Kim at the doorway.

"I can't stand him!" I yelled, pushing past Nick and Joe. I could not stay in the same room with him anymore. I went through the back door, in terrible need of fresh air.

As soon as I stepped out into the warm, summer air, taking a deep breath, I was slowly calming down. I leaned against the brick wall, closing my eyes and just letting my nerves melt away. Soon enough another voice just had to come into the picture.

"Hey, you okay?"
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Again I adore Exotic. chocolate for her amazing banners and amzing writing skills.