Welcome To Hollywood

I Have It Easy!?

I sat back on the couch and continued to watch Scrubs do I love that show. But it's kind of hard knowing a pair of eyes is watching you. I turned my head to Kevin. "Staring is not polite, not that you are." Rolling his eyes he looked around my condo I put my attention back on the T.V. But all I could think about was why Kevin never smiles. I don't know what I was thinking but I blurted out the question. "Why don't you ever smile?" He looked at me then said "I smile , just that there's nothing to smile about when I'm around you." I shot him a small glare and turned back to the T.V. I'll just ignore that. "Why did you even bother to ask?" I shruggedmaybe because his smile could be cute maybe because he seems depressed.

I glanced at the clock. "You can leave if you want to ." He literally ran to the door like a pack of wolves were after him. "Bye-" Here comes the part were I hear and Oof.
"Ow , oh hey you guys what are you doing here?"
"Joe Sent us to make sure you follow Kim's Orders and go out to dinner.
Shit , Joe didn't ...oh but he did. I think I'm going to hurt him when I see him .
"Well Isabella cooked."
Jackass it's Isabel I thought to myself
" We both know she doesn't cook so get your ass back inside and take her to dinner.
He let out a groan and walked back into the condo. "I'm going to kill Joe... Go get ready; we need to go to dinner.
I got up and walked to my room I turned and asked
"Casual or Formal ?"
Just to let you know he was wearing a dress shirt, a grey vest, washed jeans and dress shoes.
"Um Formal." I nodded and went into my huge closet and picked out one my my favorite dresses black pumps and a white clutch .

I applied quick makeup because Kevin just wanted to whine by saying I was taking forever. I fixed my heels and my hair and I was out of my room. He looked at me , and turned around walking out the door . I smirked to myself knowing he thought I looked good. "Kevin were are we going to eat dinner?" Then the arguing started. Oh how Ihate love the arguing.


Thirty minutes, forty-five seconds, and twenty-seven milliseconds. That's how long we were debating on where to go for dinner. Did I mention how much I love the arguing? We could not decide on one place to go, so we where aimlessly walking around the darkening neighborhood, disturbing the peace.

We asked Luis, my bodyguard, and Big Rob, Kevin's bodyguard, for their opinion - oh, and did I mention that Joe got them to follow us until we had dinner? Oh yeah...he did -, but they were no help at all. They didn't want to instigate anymore arguments even though we were already in one. Jeez, what help they are...

"Isabella, we have to decide on where to--"

"For the love of God, my name is Isabelle! Why the fuck is it so hard for you to say?!"

"I don't give a damn what your name is! All I know is that we need to get this dinner thing over and done with so I can go home!"

"Why do you insist on being such an arrogant jackass?!"

"Why do you have to be a stuck up bitch prancing around like you own the place!"

"Like ]I own the place?! What the hell are you talking about?"

"You think just because you have it so easy you have th--"

"I have it easy?! You don't even know what I go through! Hell, you don't even know me! And the last time I checked, having girls scream 'oh my god, it's the Jonas Brothers! Marry me or I'll just die!,' singing backup to the point where no one can hear you, and answering questions in interviews isn't an "easy" life!"

"Please, putting on clothes, posing for pictures, and traveling the world doing the same are such hard tasks. Oh my gosh, somebody kill me now..." He added, sarcastically, adding hand gestures to emphasize the sarcasm.

"I could do your job in my freaking sleep! It wou--"

"Excuse me," A shaking voice called, stopping our argument. We turned around to find a short, old woman with an odd looking cane. "Two young kids as yourselves shouldn't be fighting; you two are too cute of a couple to be fighting like this."

"Excuse me?!" Kevin and I shrieked. Soon enough, we were both explaining - fine, yelling - how there was no way in hell we would ever, I mean ever, be a couple. Ever!

"Mystic Moon and Brilliant Sun, send your power here this way; Gracious Lady, Mighty Lord, bless this charge that I lay." This woman started saying, causing Kevin and I to stop talking and just started at this woman, who was talking to herself. What was she reciting? Who was she anyway?

"Um, ma'am?" Kevin started, "Are you okay?"

" Powers that are, powers that be, gather round this spell I cast; empower my working three times three, send it forth to see it last! So Shall it Be!" And with that, she hit the bottom of her cane onto the floor and soon enough the streetlamps were beginning to flicker. Was...she doing that? No, she's an small, old woman; she can't do that...

"Okay, um, ma'am?" Big Rob said for the first time in who knows how long, walking up to the woman, "I think it's time for you to head on home."

"Oh, I think I should," She smiled up at him with crooked teeth, "Thank you, dear. I hope you two work out your problems." She said to Kevin and me before she walked away.

"Um...huh," was all Luis said. We were all stunned into confusion and silence as she disappeared into the darkness.

"Huh, well, Kevin," Big Rob said, looking at his watching, "I told your parents I would get you home by nine, and it's seventeen minutes past, so we have to go." I smirked because he still had a bedtime. I was about to make fun of him, but nothing came out but a big yawn.

"It looks like it's time for us to go too," Luis said looking at me.

"No, I'm fine, I--" I was interrupted by a second yawn. I was unusually tired. I'm usually up and awake at this time because I'm usually doing a photoshoot by now.

"Sure, chica, ven aquĆ­," He said, a lifted me up in his arms, seeing as I couldn't stay standing for long. As soon as I situated myself, my eyes slowly closed only to be awakened again by Luis. "You need to change before you fall asleep."

It was now that I realized that I was back in my bedroom. Luis exited the room, leaving me to slowly, and drowsily, change into a tank top and sweatpants. As soon as I had put on my tank top, I just collapsed into a deep sleep.


I woke up to an annoying buzz sound, which confused me because I never set my alarm to buzz. I opened my eyes slightly, but my vision was blurred. I groaned as I sat up, rubbing my eyes. The buzzing was still ringing in my ears. I needed to stop it - badly -; it was giving me a headache. I could see the red numbers shining through my blurred vision and I lifted my arm up, letting it fall onto the clock, hoping it would shut the damn thing up. And it did. I let out a sigh, smiling.

I brought my hands to my eyes, rubbing them again since the blurring did not clear and I started to panic. Not again...not again! I quickly get off the bed, bumping into something hard and I let out a yelp, holding on to my foot. I muttered obscenities to myself as I tried to get out of my room.

"Help!" I cried out, "Somebody, anyone, help!"

I heard cluttering of objects and the sound of footsteps coming before a loud slam was heard.

"W-What's wrong; what happened?!" the blurred silhouette of a person asked, panicked.

"I can't see; I'm going blind!"

"What? Dude, you're not going blind... You forgot to put on your glasses?"

"Glasses? What glasses?"

The person sighed and moved. The next thing I knew, the person put something over my eyes and I could see again. What?

"Joe? What are you doing in my house?" I asked him.

"Um, I live here? Dude, what's up with you this morning? Did Bell suckerpunch you that bad last night?" He laughed. What? What is he talking about? I'm standing right here!

"I did no such thing!" I exclaimed, which was when I noticed how deep my voice was, "What happened to my voice?" I placed a hand to my throat and just now noticed my surroundings. This was not my room. The room was smaller than mine, but still big, and it was practically cluttered on one side. Nothing in here belonged to me. "What happened to my room?"

"Um, this is our room...? And there's nothing wrong with it... Kevin, are you feeling okay?" He placed a hand to my forehead.

"Yes, I'm feeling fine, Joe, and I'm not Kevin!"

"Okay, well, if you're done with this game, you need to get ready; you have breakfast this morning with Bell, we have a radio interview later, and we need to be at our clothing line photoshoot after. So hurry up." And with that, he left the room, leaving very confused.

"Wait!" He stopped and turned to me, "Where's the bathroom?"

He looked at me like I was mentally retarded, "Where it's always been?"

"And where is that?" I asked, getting irritated.

"Out there, second door on your right... Dude, seriously, are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine!" I exclaimed, pushing past him and walked to the location he had just informed me of. I heard him mutter something along the lines of 'Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed today' before he walked away.

Getting to a door that I thought was the bathroom, I pushed it open to find Nick all his glory, putting on clothes in what I assumed to be his room.

"DUDE!" He yelled, covering himself up as much as he could.

"Sorry, Nick!" I quickly closed the door. I could feel my cheeks getting hot. My god, I feel like a pedo... Gaining slight composure back, I moved to the next door and this knocked. I learned my lesson once. When I was certain there was no one in there, I slowly opened the door, just in case, and peeked inside.

I let out a deep breath when I saw there was no one inside and stepped in. I walked over to the sink, looked into the mirror, and screamed my fucking head off.
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People Comments are needed. Extra long chapter for all of you out there . Must again thank Exotic.Chocolate for her overachieveing in writing her part today . And all those amazing banners she makes .