Welcome To Hollywood

What Happened!

I screamed so loud, I am sure everyone in France heard me. I heard fast footsteps rushing to the bathroom. Looking into the mirror, I did not see my usual face. I saw that jackass. “Kevin what’s wrong?” I looked at his brothers. Pressing my lips together, I took in a deep breath. “Nothing, absolutely nothing guys sorry about that scream earlier.” They gave me weird looks as I walked past them. Do you know how crazy I would sound if I said ‘Well guys, you see I’m really Isabelle in Kevin’s Body‘ they would send him to the crazy house. I would not mind not seeing him , but I do need to get back into my body and fast.

‘But wait now I can look through the jackass’s room.’ An evil smirk formed . Walking into the room , it hit me. I needed to go to the bathroom sometime right. Well being in this body um lets say that is really uncomfortable. Ignoring that thought , I started to look through the dresser’s drawers. Found nothing but underwear and tee shirts. I started to search in the bathroom , found nothing. In the extremely messy closet , I found nothing but that did not surprise me since it looks like a hurricane blew threw there.
Then finally, under the bed I woke up in.

My hands grasped a wooden box that was rough , and painted white. In addition, in fancy letters it said “Kevin’s Memories.” I grinned and opened the box. I saw a letter . Grabbing it, I took at the letter and started to read it.

Dear Kevin,
I am sorry for all the pain I have caused you. I love you I truly do It is just that I am too good for you. Therefore, thanks for the memories . I know I said yes to you when you proposed but I just cannot get married to you I just can’t. I know you had strong feelings for me . However, I don’t feel that strong for you , I guess what we had was called puppy love right? Please forgive me , I just don’t feel the same . So it’s over between us , you are a sweet guy ,” I snorted at that sentence sweet my ass I went back to reading the letter. “ To tell you the truth I fell in love with someone who deserves me .
Goodbye Forever,
Anna Taylor <3

He dated Anna Taylor, the stuck up bitch that I had to model with . Wait scratch that he fell for Anna Taylor. Wow Kevin. He must have been broken hearted . Wait she said she fell for someone that deserved her ..she didn’t fall for anyone she played with James’s heart to make him think he loved her. Now they are one of the recent ‘It’ Couples. I smiled as I thought of James, he was the first person I fell for. However, the dream of him and me together forever crashed and burned . Because of Anna Taylor. I putt the letter away . Out of curiosity, I started to look through the box and found pictures. They were pictures of the jackass and Anna Taylor . I stared at one that caught my eye. He was smiling . You could just tell he was happy because his eyes had so much joy .Ok it’s killing me to admit this but he has such a cute smile. He has a weird smile. I put the pictures back and found a small box . Opening it, I saw a ring. Probably from when He proposed to Anna Taylor.

“Dude , you aren’t looking at the letter are you?” I jumped turning my head I saw Joe standing at the doorway. “Kev ,she moved on so you should to.” Something told me the incident that happened with Anna Taylor is mainly the only reason why Kevin Hates me and yes, I used his name “I did Joe, I moved on okay.” Carefully I slide the box under the bed and got up. Walking over to the closet , I looked at the things I could wear. I decided on a black muscle tee shirt , some dark blue jeans and sneakers.

Kevin’s P.O.V.
I woke up to music playing in my room. I let out a groan. Why is there music playing this early?... Opening my eyes, I looked around. This isn’t my room... Where am I? I shot straight up and got out of the bed. Walking out of the room, I figured out I was in Isabella's or was it Isabel? Well, whatever her name is, I was in her condo. Wait--what am I doing in her condo?

"Isabella!" I called. I got no reply back, not even a yell that I may have gotten her name wrong. Whoa, wait--What was wrong with my voice? It was...higher than usual. I cleared my throat before calling out again, "Anyone here?" Seriously, what is up with my voice? I figured I needed to wash my mouth or something, so I went to the bathroom. It's a good thing I've
been here once before or I may have gotten lost.

I turned on the light and walked over to the sink. When I looked up at the mirror, I screamed.
I grabbed both sides of the mirror in desperation, hoping I am not seeing what I think I just saw. I opened my eyes and looked into the mirror only to scream again.

"Wh-what?" I breathed, lifting my hand to my face. The reflection of Isabella - or Isabel, whatever - did the same thing I did. I looked at my hand, or at least what I thought was my hand. It wasn't. It was a more feminine hand - smooth and soft with chipping black nail polish on her nails. I looked down at the rest of my body. It wasn't my body! I looked back up to the mirror. I'm in Isabella's body...?

"N-no..." I started panicking and ran to her room, finding her phone charging next to the alarm clock. I quickly swiped it off the table causing the cable to pull out. I hurriedly punched in the numbers to my phone and waited for it to pick up. I impatiently drummed my fingers against the tabletop. This was taking too long.

"Kevin?" I heard my voice whisper on the other line.

"Isabella?" I whispered. It was so weird to hear me talking to my own voice.

"Isabelle," She grumbled, quietly.

"Not the issue here," I muttered, "Are you..." I gulped before continuing, "In my body?" If anyone was to hear this conversation, I would certainly be locked in a cuckoo house.

"No shit... You don't hear you talking to yourself?" She asked, sarcastically.

"Attitude not needed at this moment!" I exclaimed, "What are we supposed to do?"

"Meet me at Morton's Steakhouse in 10 since we have breakfast together..." She suggested, muttering the last part.

"Fine, whatever."

"Oh and I'm pretty sure you haven't taken a bath yet, so I'm warning you: don't you dare look at places you shouldn't be looking," She added and I knew exactly what she meant, which made me shudder.

"Ugh, no problem there; I'm pretty sure if I did, I'd go blind," She muttered an obscenity at me, but I ignored it and continued, "But the same goes for you."

"Please, like I would."
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Oh don't you just love twists but wait it's not over yet. MWHAHAHAHA ok Only Exotic.Chocolate knows whats going to happen.
btw Anna Taylor looks like Lindsay Lohan.