Status: Wondering if I should make a sequel

Dreamers Never Wake

Day One

Saige Boccaccio slowly paced the sidewalk leading into her high school. Jensen had offered her a ride but she didn’t wish to put a burden on her brother, after all the grounds of Lightning Bolt High were very large. Saige slowly entered the gates leading into L.B High and walked over to where she saw her best friend Jasey Rae.

“Boccaccio! You’re early today!” Her best friend exclaimed.

“Eh, I couldn’t sleep last night,” Saige shrugged. Truth was that Saige had slept last night, just not very well. The past few nights she had been visited in her sleep by the most absurd and perplexing of dreams. All involved a strange figure just out of reach. Saige would spend what seemed like hours chasing this mysterious figure through a maze of hallways, but just when the figure seemed close enough to touch Saige would awaken to beads of sweat upon her forehead and feeling as if she had ran five kilometers. After the dreams it would be impossible for Saige to fall back into a slumber.

Jasey Rae didn’t continue with the conversation but instead took Saige’s hand and pulled her towards the main gym. “Tryouts for hockey start next week,” she said, pulling a pencil out of her pocket, “Do you wanna give it a go?”

Saige stared at the sign up sheet; there were already five names on it, “Sure Jasey,” she looked up to see her friend beaming.

Jasey Rae neatly wrote their names upon the sign up sheet, and then looked down at her watch, “It’s eight fifty-five, we better get going.”

Saige nodded and followed her friend back out side. Saige knew that she was an exceptional hockey player, but she hoped her skills were enough to get her onto the team. With that thought on her mind she headed to her period one class.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is just the start to my horror short story.
Hope you liked it