Status: Wondering if I should make a sequel

Dreamers Never Wake

Day One: The Dream

Dinner was a quiet event, apart from the inappropriate chatter about school. It turned out that Jensen had also signed up for hockey. After dinner Saige went up to her room and got ready for bed. She knew she should have gotten some homework done but she was just too exhausted. She crawled under the covers and allowed sleep to take her. As soon as her eyelids had fluttered closed, Sagie was transported into the usual dream. The dark and mysterious figure was down the end of the maze like hallway. Without thinking, Saige set off, calling to the darkened figure that just wouldn’t stop or turn around. Suddenly in a flash of bright light the dream changed.

“Mum?” Saige asked in surprise. She sat in the kitchen, sunlight pouring in through the open window.

“Yes dear?” asked her mother. She walked over to the kitchen table and put down a plate of fruit loops and a carton of milk, “Eat up.”

Saige blinked rapidly, unsure if she was still in her dream or not. She picked up the milk carton and began pouring it over her cereal.

“You don’t want to be late for school,” Saige’s mother’s voice started going in and out, slower and faster.

Saige’s head started to spin, as she picked up her spoon and looked down at her cereal, her stomach did a somersault. Dropping her spoon, she ran to the kitchen sink. For the milk carton didn’t contain milk, but a dark red liquid, a liquid that smelt an awful lot like… blood.

Gasping, Saige sat up in bed; beads of sweat upon her forehead and her bed sheets were soaked. What a crazy dream, Saige thought, that was the first real nightmare she had had in years.
♠ ♠ ♠
The next chapter should be up by at least tomorrow.
Thanks for reading. Comments are much appreciated.
xx Emma