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A Love That Never Was

Chapter 4: What Memories?

A Love That Never Was

Chapter 4: What Memories?

I saw them together. Stephen and Elina, confessing their love toward one another.

If she loves him then does she know? Does she know what he does? What he DID to her?

How could you still love someone who took away everything from you?

You’re childhood. Your family. Your friends. Your love. All the moments that she cherished are now gone. Just one sweep and that’s all it took to take her loving memories away.

But they didn’t take mine. They tried but there was no way I was going to let them take what I love away from me.

But they did. They took her. Elina. Now when she looks at me, it’s no longer love she sees, but annoyance. That’s how she sees me now. Someone who just annoys her. Not someone she loves, or ONCE loved.

I have to make her see me again. See everything. Even Stephen, the one who took her memories away.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I don’t know why I felt guilt and pain. I don’t even know Nick, yet I feel like it’s my fault or that
I’m doing something wrong. But why? What is so wrong with loving Stephen?

I knew him since I was a baby and we basically grew up together. I have pictures too.

But that whole you-lost-your-memory-thing is really bugging me. Why would he say that?

Now that I think about it, how does he know me? How do I know him?

I only know him by my dream. I was in love with him, even though I didn’t know him, mentally. But supposedly I did since I was crying and saying that I loved him and such.

What if someone really did take my memories away? What if-

“Earth to Elina!” Stephen’s hand waved across my face.

‘Guess I will just have to think about it another time.

“Did you listen to ANYTHING I just said?”

“Sorry, I was just thinking.”

He gave me the evil look like ‘what-could-be-so-much-more-important-than-what-I-had-to-say?’

“Thinking about whaat?”

Yes. He extended the word ‘what’.

“About stuff, that’s all.”

He gave me ANOTHER look as if I was lying or something. My answer was vague, how can I be lying? I would be lying if I was thinking of nothing.

“You’re thinking ‘bout that Nick kid, aren’t you….?”

My senses tingle like Spider Man.

“Why would I be thinking about Nick?”

He shrugs and looks away from me.

“ ‘Dunno. He seems interesting. Don’t you think so? So interesting that I think he might interfere with my life. In a bad way.”

What is he talking about? So I ask.

“What are you talking about?”

“He seems like trouble. I don’t like the idea of him being around you.”

I smile.

“Protective much?”

He smiles too, as he wraps his arms around my waist.

“Of course. I have to protect what I love.”

Love?...He loves me.

That just put a smile on my face. Forget about the whole Nick thing. I can’t push someone
who I love so much away because of it. Even though it still bothers me, I’ll learn to deal with it.

“You love me too, right?”

How could he ask such a question!

“Of course I do! Why would you even ask that?”

He shrugs.

“I don’t know. You just seem… distracted, as if I’m one of your least worries…eh..I don’t know how to describe it.” He pouts, scratching his head, trying to think.

He looked just too adorable.

I cup his cheek with my hand, just smiling at him. How could I not? Just looking at him always makes me happy. I’m so glad he’s back. I hope he never leaves again. Hope he keeps his promise.

He looks into my eyes. The moment felt really intense. As if there was something that could not make me stop looking at him. His face seemed to come closer to mine as I then felt our lips touch.

The kiss was sweet and loving. It made me feel like I could fly and that there was nothing that could come in between Stephen and I. I guess that’s what hormones does to ya, and I love it.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I’m waiting for that clock on the wall to make the bell ring. Its last period, which means its science. The most complicated subject that I hate even more than usual because of my lovely teacher Mrs. Michaels. She is eviiillll I tell you. Evil.

2:49 PM. Come on. Go faster.

You know what’s even better? Guess who’s in my class.

Nick AND Stephen.

I sit next to Stephen AND Nick. Since there was no other tables or someone else he could be a partner to, Mrs. Michaels decided to put us in a 3sum.

I swear she’s after me. She does this purposely.

“So Nick, where did you come from? Portugal or something?”

Great. Why would you talk to him Stephen? Whyyyy?

I glare at him.

“ Used to live there. So glad you can tell. But recently came from Canada.”

And Nick talks back. I don’t approve of this.

“Can you guys please stop talking to each other? I don’t want you guys to argue or something. “

“Relax, its fine.” Stephen waves it off but I see that look in his eye again that was in the lunchroom. How could Nick make him look like that? I’ve never seen him do that, and I wish
I never did.

“So what’s your background, Stephen?”

They both looked at each other as if they were having their own conversation that I was totally not aware about. I don’t understand. Did they know each other but didn’t want to tell me?

“Lived here in Florida all my life. I travel from time to time but always come back. Shouldn’t be traveling now, anymore, for Elina’s sake.”

“For Elina’s sake….” Nick nods. “So what, you’re here to protect her or something?” It sounded as if he dragged that sentence.

“Somewhat. I guess you could say that. She’s my girlfriend, why would I travel without her?”

“Why would you travel without her? Can’t you just take her with you?”

“No I can’t. It is traveling, but with my Dad. I don’t see my Dad a lot, it’s the only chance I got.”

He was traveling with his Dad and he never told me? Stephen never gets to see his Dad because he’s like a workaholic and is never home. Heard his parents might get a divorce. I feel bad for Stephen, but if it meant he was going to see his Dad, I see why he leaves but I still don’t understand why he doesn’t tell anyone.

“You Dad, eh? Guess you guys have fun together.” Nick continues the conversation despite my thoughts.



Now the bell wants to ring?

We all get up, getting our crap together. Weirdest part was, Nick and Stephen looked at each other the whole time when they were doing that. It annoyed me. Nick was the first to
leave though. Surprisingly, he didn’t even look at me or anything to say goodbye.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok I had writers block but I promise the next chapter will be awesome. I already know what I'm going to do just I didn't want to put it in this chapter cause I thought it would be too soon. So bare with me people.