Status: Finished.

Never Walk Alone


It was in the brief thirty seconds between December and January that Gabe noticed something about Travis. He wasn't sure what it was, but it was there. They were outside of Wentz's apartment, on the balcony alone. counting out the last thirty or so seconds until the sky exploded into an abstract neon pyrotechnic master piece.

"it's freezing." The coat-less Gabe slurred as the sky blossomed.

"Here." Travis stripped of his before hading it over to Gabe.


Gabe drunkenly smiled as he set down what had to be his fourteenth cup of Red Bull and Vodka on the balcony railing's edge. Somehow, he managed to stumble backwards as he shimmied into Travis's coat, knocking the cup down sixteen or so stories to the street.


It was Travis who drove him home and stayed with him to make sure he didn't hurt himself that night.

February strengthened this realization into way more then a feeling. The fourteenth was just another excuse to get drunk. This time, Travis happily joined in the evenings festivities at Gabe's house. It was cozy, comfortable, it was only the two of them with eight bottles of imported red wine.

"To another free and single year!" Travis slurred as he stood up and thrusted his fist in the air, spilling more then half of his drink onto the carpet.

"Not much longer if your around." Gabe could of sworn he mumbled the sentence from where he sat in the couch corner, in reality though, the neighbors probably heard him.

"Oh, really?"

Travis got on the couch on his knees, one arm holding himself in place. slightly behind Gabe's head, and put his face in the others. Gabe held his breath and blinked twice, Travis was so close that noses were touching. Was this really happening after what felt like years since the pyrotechnic party at the beginning of January or was this just a drunkenly passed out red wine dream?

"Can I?" It was Gabe's voice that asked.

Travis was gentle as he moved in, closing the gap between them and making room for a whole new range of closeness.

Spring came in March and with it followed closely behind what were sure changes in the boys. At first, no one seemed to notice how close they had became. Not even the infamous Beckett was able to see the change. It seemed as if the two had become irrevocably inseparable, always together, always with an excuse to be so.

"I think Will's finally catching on." Gabe warned Travis one day as the drove home from an evening out.

"He's Beckett, he thinks everyone is dating each other, it seems. No one will believe him." Travis comforted, a hand on Gabe's thigh.

Gabe tried to relax, he wanted to believe Travis, he really did, but something disaster wasn't as far away as it seemed. His gut slightly churned, what if the press found out? Would he care?

"I hope so."

Gabe just couldn't trust the world with his precious secret.

A shock came in April. It wasn't Beckett who figured it out, no, he was still oblivious to it. It was who Gabe honestly came to expect least, the one who seemed to show the least interest in the odd events between the two. It was Ryland.

Ryland confronted Gabe about it gently, he had a feeling it would be a tender topic to test. He didn't push it, he just asked. At first, Gabe obviously denied it. But, as time went on, he confessed it.

"Ryland knows." Gabe nonchalantly to Travis one day.

"He does?" There was just the slightest bit of tension in Travis' tone.

Gabe almost felt guilty for telling Ry behind Travis' back, he had a right to know if his secret was spilled or not. At the same time though, he knew the act had to be carried out sometime.


The answer was as simple as that. He could trust Ryland, after all, right?

May brought with it slight uncertainties and the beginnings of fear. More and more people were starting to notice how close the two really were. Beckett found out second and Pete guessed it third. The press was starting to gain interest. Already, they had denied a few claims.

"It won't get much more attention." Travis had promised Gabe.

"As long as people keep their mouths shut." Gabe regretted April.

What was he thinking, spilling all out for the world to see? They were vulnerable now, the press' prey. It had turned into a game for the media; who could get them to crack first? It was an arms race.

"Relax, Gabe. These things never get much hype."

But, unfortunately, they always did.

In June they were swarmed by the media. The paparazzi followed them everywhere they went. Once, they ended up calling the cops to escort them because of the mass outside Travis' apartment. Throughout this whole mess, only one things was clear; someone had told.

"Wentz's head is mine." Gabe growled as he looked out his window, another small crowd of cameras had formed.

"How do we know it was him though?" Travis was slightly more sympathetic on the topic.

He had a point too, a various group of people could of told. Possibly even more then one. Word got around quickly these days and the lowest of people, it seemed, got the most attention.

"To get this much hype over it, it had to of been Wentz."

It wasn't Pete, however she was very close to him.

July brought two things with it. The first was June's culprit. Everyone had expected it to be Pete, when in reality, it was the person closest to him. Ashlee. When Gabe found out, he came close to killing her, but, Wentz wouldn't let anyone even remotely close to her. He even ended up apologizing for her.

The second only drove the press crazier. The couple had fought for the first time. The stress had finally began to crack them apart. It wasn't a small bicker either, Gabe had stormed out, leaving to a small safe-heaven where hopefully the press wouldn't follow. Vanessa's.

"It was scary, 'Nessa." Gabe felt like crying.

"It'll be okay." She tried to reassure him, she knew how cold his life had been for the past few months.

Gabe hoped it would, that this could all just stop and they could go back to February. But, time travel wasn't available and even then, he doubted that going back would mend a breaking heart.

"I think I love him."

Gabe had never told that to anyone before, he'd kept it locked up in his heart, but, it escaped through a crack.

August brought the beginning of the break-up. Things had only deteriorated between the two, their relationship had rotted into steal, but Gabe still held the feeling of love. He didn't want to lose it.

"Travis?" Gabe once tried to muster up the courage.

"Yes?" It wasn't everyday Gabe said his name in a question.

Should I? Gabe thought warily, he didn't know what to expect, would Travis be happy or angry? It had been such a touchy question lately. Just do it! Gabe himself didn't want to believe it, didn't want to admit it.

"What...what if I told you that I loved you?"

Travis just smiled and placed a kiss on the scared one's forehead, never answering the question.

The break-up came in the end of September. The month had been nothing but intense arguments instigated by the press. Gabe was torn between two; his love for Travis and his need for privacy. Travis, on the other hand, just wanted the paparazzi out of his face.

"We're over, Travis! I'm sick of this!" Surprisingly, it was Gabe who severed the ties that held them so close to each other.

"Fine! So am I!" Travis left, slamming the door behind him.

Gabe sat in the couch, put his hands on his face, and wiped downwards. What just happened, did he really just do that? A single tear hit the floor, landing with a silent plea.

"But...I love you."

Gabe felt his heart shatter then and there, the puzzle was left unsolvable except by one person.

October was a depressed fog. Gabe couldn't remember what sober was let alone the last time he was. He liked it that way though, he couldn't remember the heart-break either. What are you talking about? Of course, he didn't have a serious problem. In fact, in his head, it wasn't even a problem.

There was no such thing as dialog in this depressed alcoholic's fantasy, only music. Weather it was for the better or worse though, was for the radio to decided. And, this particular month, it decided to sing out Gabe's life.

Sometimes the futures blurry
Because sometimes our perfect lives get lost

It was the prefect ironic ending to the blurred over eyes of October.

Ryland found out about Gabe's problem in November and but a week later enrolled him in a four week alcoholic rehab program. Needless to say, it wasn't very much fun process once Gabe figured out where he was. He threw a fit. Soon after his temper-tantrum he quickly decided that he'd better be on his best behavior or this place could be even scarier. To make matters worse, he was forced to go through therapy.

"I don't want to be here." He told the blonde as he sat on the provided plastic wrapped couch.

"Why do you think you here then?" The therapist asked Gabe in her turn.

Gabe could of spit out so many answer that it wasn't funny. He could even make up a story of how his father beat him when he was a kid or claim his mother disowned him. These people didn't know his personal life. But, on a whim, he decided the quickest ticket out was the truth.

"My heart's broken."

The therapist handed him a box of tissues, the tears were sure to flow.

A miracle happened in December after Gabe was released from his living hell. Once more, it was at Wentz's annual New Years bash. Gabe stood out on the balcony, alone, counting out the last minute until the sky turned into it's explosive neon art. To make a wish at midnight. A hand fell on his shoulder and he turned around into an embrace.

"Gabe. I"m so sorry." Travis spoke in a whisper as he held Gabe close.

"It doesn't matter anymore." Gabe put his head on Travis' chest.

And, it didn't. The paparazzi was gone and Gabe was better, the whole mess was over, cleaned up my the maids of time. Everybody was happy. There was no more stress, tension, or anxiety. It had all turned back to simple life.

"I will never let you walk this world alone."

The sky exploded as lips met, and somehow, in that moment, things were perfect.
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