Jonas, Your Lines Are Deceiving

Good Girls- are honest, they say what they think about without hurting other people's feelings; are friendly and a little bit shy, also can be attractive in their own way.

Bad Boys- are mysterious, troubling making; doesn't care what other people think; it's their way or the highway; usually sexy or cute in their own way.

We think that everyone is in a clique, but what if they are just different from other people? What if everyone has a secret that they cannot tell or else people would want to go out and kill them. Bad Boys and Good Girls are probably the two most popular labels but what of they Bad Boys aren't even bad? And the Good Girls do break rules to figure out unknown ways?

They say that people's lines can be deceiving, is it true? Yes.

Rayna "Ray" Castillo
Christian "Chris" Write
Jaymie "JJ" Johnston
Nicholas "Nick" Jonas
Joseph "Joe" Jonas
Paul "Kevin" Jonas (II)

14A - drinking, course language, violence, selected content

Title Credit
Mix of Jonas Songs (LV&TT)

I do not own the Jonas Brothers, however, anything they do, say, or act is strictly fiction meaning NOT REAL. I do own the plot and the other character.

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