Status: Done! DoneDoneDone :D

Falling in Love for the Night

I Know I Sound Repetitive

"I'm so tired of it, ya know? Its fucking stupid and childish." Alex complained.

"Yeah, stupid." I wasn't really focused on what he was saying as much as what he
looked like. He was going on and on about how fed up he was with his girlfriend. He was
always telling us (Jack, Zack, Rian, Jessica, Lesley, Sarah and I [Micaella Fields]) about
how she was rude and always questioning where he was, what he was doing, and who he
was doing it with. Then he'd say he'd "had enough of her bullshit" and they were going to
break up. Next he would go over to her place to end it and they'd end up making out.

"See?! Even you see it! Ugh! Its just so aggravating."

"Mmm." I said nodding. He had complained about it so much that I didn't even consider
it annoying anymore. I let it go in one ear and out the other...

"Mickey? Did you hear what I said?"

I looked up at the sound of my nickname."Huh?"

"I said I'm going to go over there and break up with her tonight."

"Oh, okay. Good for you." I said in a monotone voice.

He sighed. "You don't believe me." It was more of a statement than question.

"Well, I, uh.." I tripped over my words, trying to find the right way of saying it without hurting
his feelings. "Well, you, uh, you kinda say that every time you two get into a fight.. Then you
end up making out. Or more, and I don't want to known if that 'or more' needs elaboration." I
added after he opened his mouth to object.

He stopped to think about it for a minute and began again. "No. This time, its different."

I sighed. "That's what you always say."

"Well this time it is different."

I chewed on my lip for a second then nodded. "Okay, I believe you."

"Alright. Enough about her. What's up with you? I haven't talked to you in forever."

"I know. Uh, I haven't really been doing much. Just hanging out, ya know?"

"Huh. How's everyone else? I never noticed how much time I've been spending with

"Well Lesley is up in New Jersey visiting JP, Sarah made friends with some guy, uh... Joel,
he lives in Arizona, and I'm pretty sure they'll end up dating. Rian and Kara are doing their
thing. Jessica and Zack have been acting like newlyweds all crazy in love. So I've been
hanging out with Jack, which has been entertaining to say the least,but Jack is Jack and I
can only take so much of him and his need to talk about his dick."

That made him laugh. "Okay, so what you're saying is I need to come save you from Jack?"
He said chuckling.

I nodded laughing. "Yes please."

"Okay. I can do that. I owe you that much."

"Good." I sighed. "I miss hanging out with you," I quickly added "and everyone else."

He looked at me for awhile, and it made me embarrassed. "What, is there something on my


I quickened my thoughts. "Come on," I said as I pulled him up off the curb. "let's go do


"Like, anything!" I said with a grin.
♠ ♠ ♠
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(If you haven't caught on Alex Gaskarth is the main guy character ;)