Status: Done! DoneDoneDone :D

Falling in Love for the Night

Penthouse Suite


I shrugged. "Its nothing big."

"Is that a jacuzzi?" Alex called from the bathroom.


"Look at this bed!"

I laughed at his expression. He was like a kid in a candy store, a collector at an antique yard sale, a sex addict in Spencer's. It was funny to say the least.

"Alright, hold on. I have a surprise for you."


"Yes you."

"You've been giving me surprises all day."

"All the more reason to continue. Plus, you can pay me back later." I said with a wink. I grabbed my bag and walked into the bathroom. I slipped out of my sundress and pulled on a skimpy outfit I'd been saving for a "rainy day". I pulled the bobby pins out of my hair, took my silver heart earrings out and placed them on the counter.

I opened the door and leaned against the frame "so," I started as he looked up and his eyes started to bug out, "I was thinking we should see if the bed is comfortable. But I can't think of a good way to do it..."

He was already on the bed and his shirt, shoes, socks and beanie were all on the floor. I watched him struggle with his jeans. Istrutted walked towards the bed in my high heels. When I reached my destination I kicked off my shoes and climbed onto the bed. Alex was already nude and lying under the sheets.

I placed my right leg over his body so I was sitting on his waist, while the sheets seperated us.



"Do you have... stuff?"

" 'Stuff'?"

"Yeah, protection?"

"Oh, you mean condoms?" I thought it was cute how he kinda squirmed when I said the word.


"Well not exactly, but I'm on the pill so that should be enough."

I know that I never mentioned the subject before but I assumed it was implied...


"Alex?" I said after I woke up from a late night.


"Are you hungry?"

"Mm-mm." He said shaking his head.

"Okay I'll be be right back." I took the top blanket off the bed and wrapped myself up in it. I grabbed my phone off my bag and walked out onto the balcony then shut the door behind me. I punched in a number I knew by heart and place the phone to my ear. I waited for a click and then said "Sarah?"

"Micaella?" a groggy voice heavy with sleep answered. "Where are you?"

"I just wanted to make sure that everything's good at home."

"Where are you?" she repeated, a little more awake.

"That's none of your business."

"Come on you little hooch." She said laughing.

"I'll tell you later. Well, never mind, I'm in DC and I don't know when exactly I'll be back. Later this week, I guess. But I'll tell ya when I'm leaving."

"Okay. Wait, who are you with?"

"Wha-no one. What makes you think that I'm with someone?"

"Mick, don't play. I know you way too good. Just like you know me. Who are you with?"

"Oh, I haven't told you have I? No I guess not." I said answeringmy own question after trying to remember if I had ever told my other best friend. "I slept with Alex, like a week and some old amount of days ago, and-"

"You slept with Alex?"



Here we go again, I thought. "Yeah."

"Damn. Get it girl!"

I couldn't help but explode with laughter, Sarah always makes me feel better. "What else happened?"

"I'm here with Alex. In DC. Staying in my parents penthouse suite. At the Ritz."

"The Ritz?"

"Yes ma'am."

"As in that huge fancy hotel that celebrities stay at?"

"Yep, that's the one."

"Dayum. So is this the second time? or...?"

"Third night together."

"Wow. Well, I hope you're being careful." She said laughing.

"We are, trust me!"

"Girl, I can't wait to tell Ariana! She'll freak."

"Sarah, Sarah!"


"We're not really exclusive, per say..."


"...Because, well, he's still dating Brittney."

"And you're okay with that?"

"Yeah. She's nice, minus the whining. And I don't want to be the reason they split. If they're gonna be over I want it to be because of each other."

"So you're the other woman who doesn't want to be the other woman?"

"I guess so."

"This is twisted."

"But you still love me." I said joking.

"Of course I do! Look, I'll talk to you later."

"Alright. Bye girl." I felt a pair of arms slip under my arms and around my waist.

"Wanna try out that jacuzzi?"

"Hm... okay!" I twisted out of his grip and ran into the bathroom.
♠ ♠ ♠
For those of you who don't know Spencer's is a store with like weird kinky sex crap in the back but regular stuff in the front. Weird huh?

And when I said nude I felt like a 50 year old but its so weird to be serious and say "naked". Idk maybe that's just me...

skimpy outfit