Status: Done! DoneDoneDone :D

Falling in Love for the Night


I had a dream that there was something I needed but I couldn't remember just what it was. It was bothering me so much because I knew that it was so obvious and I was beating myself up on the inside for being so oblivious. Alex was there and so were all my friends, but the last person I'd ever expect to be there was Brittney, yet there she was, in all her bleach blond glory.

I rolled over onto a piece of paper, causing me to wake up at the sound, and pulled it out from under me.

Micaella Rae,

Sorry I'm leaving like this. And this note makes it all the more lame ha ha. Anyway I had to get up early, had work ): BUT we'll be hanging out soon. See ya later.

♥ Alexander William Gaskarth

I smiled at the cheesy letter and threw the covers back, pulled my hair into a messy bun, slid my feet into my slippers and walked out towards the kitchen.

"Morning princess!"

"Morning." I said after a big yawn.

"How was your weekend?""


"Just good?"

"Come on Rae" (Rae being another of my nicknames, Sarah's personal favorite) Sarah said. "We're not stupid. Tell me and Meyoung."

"It was a much needed weekend away." I told them as I poured myself a cup of steaming hot coffee.

"Did you actually explore DC or,"

"Or did you explore the hotel room?" Sarah added onto what Meyoung (Jessica) had said.

"What's all the noise?" Lesley said as she walked into the kitchen.

"We're just talking,"

"About Micalla's weekend."

"Oh, do tell."

"There's nothing to tell."

"Come on Micaella! All I did this weekend was hang out with Ariana, I need to hear about something exciting!"

I had to laugh at her martyred expression. "Okay we went outside of the room at least once each day, took advantage of the pent house suite, its steam shower, jacuzzi tub and..."


"...And, the huge king sized bed..." I tried to fight a smile but it spread across my face so fast I couldn't stop it.

"You little hooch!"

"Can't help it! If I see an opportunity I... I seize it." I said laughing.

"So there's one very big, very important question left."

"What is it?"

"How big is he???"

We all exploded with laughter. "Wow Sarah. Wow."

"Don't avoid the question."

"That's none of your business."

"Ugh fine. If you won't answer that question, then answer this: how was it? Like how was he?"

"He was... uh. He was the best I ever had."


"Alex? We're talking about Alex Gaskarth right?"

"Yeah, who else would we be talking about?"

"Was he your first? Is that why he's the 'best you've ever had' ?"

"What? No! He was just really, really, really good. Why is that so hard to believe?"

"I don't know, he just seems like he'd not be 'really really really good' that's all."

"Well he was. Look, I got some errands to run. Anyone wanna tag along?"

"I will," Jessica volunteered. "I have some stuff I need to do too."

"Cool. Be ready in fifteen."
♠ ♠ ♠
Almost done(: SO excited for you all to read the sequel :D

Please please please I really would enjoy some comments