Status: Done! DoneDoneDone :D

Falling in Love for the Night

Speaking in Private

It had been more than a week since myminor pregnancy scare and I already caught
Lesley and Jessica up to speed. They had taken it better than I had thought they would.

Now we wee all hanging out. I was all packed and leaving for Jacksonville tomorrow and
the guys were going on tour. So everyone had come to hang out one last time. Some how I'd
gotten stuck sitting next to Brittney (yes. Alex and her were still going out.). With all my
despise for the the girl you can understand how shocked I was when she turned to me and
asked, "Can I speak to you in private?".

"Uh.... sure?"

She got up and walked outside- I tried to avoid all the curious stares from my friends as I
walked by so I kept my eyes on the floor- and towards the side of the house furthest from our
friends. This is it, I thought, she's finally found out. Now she's gonna confront me. I
wonder what her reaction will be...

She stopped and turned to me. "We're friends, right?"

"Wha- what? Huh?"

"I consider you a friend and I need to confide in you."

"Um, okay."

"I think I'm..... pregnant."

I was shocked. I couldn't say anything. She just fell into my arms and started to sob into my
shoulder. I patted her back simply to get her to quit ruining my new shirt.

"What am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to take care of this?"

"Uh, um, don't you want to talk to Amy or someone else about this?" I was uncomfortable
comforting my lover's girlfriend. (That was the understatement of the century.)

"No! They're not my friends. They are all cold, heartless bitches."

"Uh, I think you should talk to Alex, and we should really get back inside. I mean you should
find out if you're definitely pregnant before you tell Alex."

She pulled her head away sniffling. "Okay. You're right. Will you go with me to the drug

"Um, we'll see."

"Thanks. You're a good friend. Not someone who uses me like that damn Amy."

"Okay, let's go inside now,"

She wiped her eyes and tried to make herself presentable before re-entering the doors.

I walked in, in front of Brittney, and sat down next to Jack. She continued and sat down on
the floor at Alex's feet. "Please tell me someone brought alcohol."

"That's what I love about you." Jack said.

"Me?!" Could this really be happening??

"Yeah. You're so down with drinking and acting like one of the guys without being a dyke."

I decided since this would be one of the last times I'd see him for awhile I'd mess with his
head. I leaned down and kissed Jack Bassam Barakat on the lips for a good solid minute.
"Yeah, definitely not a dyke."

I exploded with laughter, and everyone joined. After hours of drinking, talking and the
occasional kiss it was time to end the night.

"I'm gonna miss you all soooo much." I had ended up getting more than just a little


I moved through the boxes as fast as I could to hurry and answered my phone. "Hello?"



"Yeah. Guess what, I'm not pregnant!"

"Oh yeah. Um, congratulations. Look I'm busy so can we talk later?"

"Mkay, bye!"

After a month I was still trying to adjust to life without all my friends. Down in Florida its
excessively sunny and warm and beautiful, but it completely sucked without Jessica and
Sarah and Lesley and Jack, Rian, Zack, even Ariana. And... I couldn't bring myself to say
his name.

But some of the neighbors were really nice and I could even see myself being friends with
them. One girl I took to easily, and the elderly woman down the hall was nice and
welcoming. I just knew that they'd never be like my Baltimore friends.

I was shaken out of my short trance of despair by the ringing of my phone, yet again.


"Hey, Micaella?"



"Aw, hey! What's up? I miss you so much! How's everyone? How are you holding up
without Zack? I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever!"

"Rae, Rae! I'd love to talk but I was gonna ask you a quick question before I got to my
friend's new place but I forgot what I was gonna say. So sorry, bye girl."

I heard a click ending our conversation. "Wha-okay. Bye." I said into the phone. Someone
knocked on my door so I put the phone down and ran to answer it. "Coming!" I twisted the
dead bolt and opened the door to Jessica, Sarah and Lesley.


"Oh my God! You're here. In Jacksonville!"

They ran inside and ll hugged me. "I've missed you guys so much! How are you?"

They came and sat down. We talked for what seemed like forever. And the sun had ended
up setting. We had fallen asleep, spread out, on my two couches and one arm chair.
♠ ♠ ♠
Only 2 more chapters! Another 1 coming at you ;)
