Status: Done! DoneDoneDone :D

Falling in Love for the Night

Get Away

I kissed him starting at the mouth right to the natural V his hips made and back up to his lips.

Everywhere his skin touched mine was hot. All the nerve endings in my body were live wires.

I laid in his arms while he stroked my hair. I traced letters, pictures, and numbers on his skin.



"Are Lesley and Jessica going to be home soon?"

"No, and it doesn't matter cause the door is shut and locked. And as long as we stay quiet..."

"Ha, yeah."

We laid in my bed with the blankets all askew and tangled around us. I don't know how long we stayed there, but I eventually fell asleep to his steady heartbeat.

Knock, knock, knock

"Mickey? Wake up. We made breakfast."

"Mmm, okay." I said groggily.

Alex stirred beside me. "Should I sneak out?"

"No. Come join me for breakfast."

"But what about Lesley and Jess? And JP?"

"They already know. Zack, Rian and Jack are the only ones in our group who don't know."

He nodded. "Right. I forgot about that."

I pulled on something to wear and walked out into the kitchen.

"Well look whose awake!"

"good morning princess!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I said back.

"You're awake awfully early for someone who was up so late."

I gasped, "I was not up late!"


"Okay, it was kinda late. But I didn't know I was keeping anyone else up." I said, still trying to defend myself.

Lesley coughed, "Alex" and coughed again. "Sorry, had something in my throat."

"ha, ha. Very funny." I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

As if on cue Alex walked out, looking more like a Greek god than someone who just rolled out of bed, wearing a white tee shirt, topped with a black and red checkered scarf (he called those his Prince of Persia scarves) a red jacket over the shirt, and his black jeans clung to his legs, his black vans finished his out.

"Well look whose here!" Jessica joked.

"Leave him alone. We were hanging out and he fell asleep."

"Yeah, naked," Lesley said.

"In your bed." Jess added. They started laughing really hard and JP covered his mouth, trying to hide his laugh.

"Don't mind them."

"I don't. Jessica is just being a punk and Lesley is trying to show off in front of her boyfriend."


"Am not!"

He started laughing, while I giggled in the back and again JP tried to hide his laughter.

"Man, forget you and all your man whore-ness." Lesley said, her voice tinted with bitterness and tad bit of insult.

"How am I a man whore?" Alex asked as he pulled the chair out from under the table then sat down.

"Uh, two words: Brittney, Micaella." She folded her arms clearly under the impression that she won the battle.

"Uh, well... ha." Alex avoided everyone's eyes and started to stuff his mouth with food.

"That's what I thought." Lesley said under her breath, her voice sweet with victory.

"What do we have planned for today?" I asked to no one in particular.

"I'm hanging out with Zack after work."

"I'm showing JP around."

"Apparently Lesley is showing me around."

"I am doing absolutely nothing." Alex said after swallowing his huge mouth full of food.

"Wanna hang out?"

"Sure." He said with a smile.

"Make sure you guys are actually wearing clothes."

"Its getting old guys. Really?"

"I mean its only happened a few times."Alex added.

"I know, right? Like we can hang out without hooking up."

Alex nodded beside me.

"Then come with JP and I."

"Nah, that's okay. I was thinking about staying in today."

"If you're gonna chill with Alex, its not going to be here. God knows what you two would do in the empty apartment."

"Yeah, I don't want to walk in the door and see y'all doing the nasty on the couch."

"You guys are jerks."

They both smirked and continued with their business.

"So what are we gonna do?"

I leaned down and whispered in his ear, "I have an idea." I ran to the back bedroom and shoved some stuff into my big purse. I put some mousse in my messy hair to style it. Did my make up as perfect as I could in a rushed manner, hooked my nude colorpush up bra on and shimmied into an outfit. "There," I said with a smile. "We're not allowed to stay here, then we're going some where else." I continued, still talking to myself.

I walked back out into the front room. "Wow, you got ready quick."

"Hm, guess I did." I shrugged like it wasn't a big deal. "Ready?" I said as I put my hand on the back of his chair.

"Sure. Am I allowed to know where we're going?"

"Nope, its a surprise."

"Alright. I'll see you guys later."



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Outfit 2.