Status: Done! DoneDoneDone :D

Falling in Love for the Night

The Ritz

We're coming to Jefferson Place. Please collect your personal belongs and exit to the right. Wait until the train comes to a complete stop before approaching the doors.

"Is this our stop?"

"Yep." I said smiling. Alex's impatience was making me giggle.

"Good. What are we doing?"

"Its a secret. I told you that before."

He sighed. We both stood up when we felt the metro come to a stop. "Come on, it'll be fun."

When we got up into the sun again he looked around. "DC?"

"Yep. Washington DC."

"What's so great about Washington DC?"

"I love coming down here! Its beautiful and there's always something to do."

He laughed at my spontaneous outburst. "Okaaay. If you say so. What are we going to do?"

We stopped and ate at a little corner cafe, went to a couple museums and I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Why'd we stop?"

"You're not tired are you?"

"Uh, no. Why?"

"Just wondering..." I said with a grin.

"What was that face for?"

"You'll see."

I rested my arms over his shoulders and leaned in towards his mouth, my lips barely brushed his. I pulled away as he went to kiss more. He almost fell forward. "Come on. I have another place in mind."

"Wha-uh. Okay"

I took his hand and led him away. It was nice being able to kiss him in public and not have to worry about anyone we knew seeing us.

I stopped after about ten minutes and a couple blocks. "We're here!"

He looked up and read the sign out loud. "The Ritz Carlton. Wow."

"Whaddya think?"

"Wow, are we staying the night here?"

"That's the plan. Do you want to stay somewhere else?"

"No no! I mean, this, uh, this will work. It seems accommodating enough."

I laughed at his expression and gave him a kiss. "Let's go."

I walked up to the check-in desk. "Can I help you?" A small woman with pixie-like features asked from behind the counter.

"Yes, I'm checking in. I had a reservation."

"Last name?"


"Okay. Here's your key and everything should be in order and ready, enjoy."

"Thank you." I walked back to Alex dangling the key in between my thumb and index finger.


"I know! Come one, I got a good room. We're on the top floor."

"Aren't those penthouse suites?"

"My parents are good for some stuff."

"How long are we staying?"

"However long you want."

"I don't have any spare clothes."

I lifted my right eyebrow. "Neither do I."

He picked up his pace and half dragged me to the elevator. Right as the doors closed his lips were on mine. The elevator stopped before our floor and someone walked in. They cleared their throat and I pulled away laughing, just slightly embarrassed. he was chuckling. I wiped my lips and he left his arm around my waist.

Finally we got to our floor and rushed down the hall to the double doors. I inserted the key and turned the handle, the two doors swung open.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am SO sorry for taking forever to update.