Spark of life

Lateness is not acceptable

At his words the room rose and filed towards the figure whose back was now turned to us, his long straight hair draping over his high collared coat, and started descending the tight staircase.

“Now we are here, my friends......welcome laboratory! Today is a very special day, ze reason I called you all here so urgently? For this is ze only occasion on vhich a body has been found, suitable for my grandest of experiments!”

A voice from the back of the group erupted, “Hang about! Experiments, perfectly fine but using the body of another man? Steady on!”

“Indeed you are vright to have your concerns! I assure you though, ze body is that of a criminals; ve can’t go body snatching now can we?” A smirk pulled at his lips as he said this, obvious to all of the visitors, he tried to hide it under his hand playing with his moustache.

“But surely there are many criminals executed every week?! Why this one? Why now?” the voice from the back stated again...

“Indeed you are vright friend, many criminals do die, but zis body is special. Zis man fell not by hanging, electrocution or lethal injection but by naturez own hands....Now if we have vasted enough time already! Let uz begin!”

The tall man gestured towards a sub-room with his cane in such a way, as if every second that ticked was as precious as solid silver. We all obliged much to the pleasure of the man with the moustache.

The room onto which we entered consisted of large pieces of equipment and a solitary bed draped in cloth. The tang of metal lingered on the air, the smell of death its accomplice.
“Please observe my equvipment, zis you see here is a Tesla coil....Zis will produce the covect voltage needed for the science of..... Vre-animation!”
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This won't be a best seller.....but it's not all written yet....I have some ideas still and a large any ideas? give us a shout and I'll consider will be given, of course!