Spark of life

Did it work?!

“Is it done?! Did it work?!”

“Calm down please Sir Humphries! Vwe vwill have to wait and see!”

The man with the moustache turned off the machine and shortly assured us it was safe.

The rest of the group joined us as we all climbed out of our suits, all eyes fixated at the body still lifeless it appeared.

“You brought me here for this?!” A stout man from the group cried out.

“Do you know how much it was to get here from Berlin?” Another echoed.

Quite soon all that could be heard were screams of rage and fowl words. Sir took me to the side and explained to me:

“I can’t believe Dr Fleischer has made this much of a mistake! I have always trusted his work. But this? This makes no sense!”

I nodded solemnly in response and excused myself to walk to the body on the table. Sir joined me to my left and peered down at the closed eyes.

“How can a man wish to control the fate of another? I fear Fleischer will be banished from the scientific community for this….”

Sir outstretched his arm to the body whispering something under his breath he placed his hand to the body’s brow…Instantly he jumped back, this gained the attention of the room.

“He…….It……He’s Frozen cold!” He cried “The room is warm in here, and the electricity should have baked him…..but he’s cold!”

“Absurd!” A sceptic from the crowd shouted, pushing his way to the bedside.

Placing his arm to where sir’s had been he too swore it was cold…He grabbed the body’s neck and pressed in his fingers…

“PULSE!” He yelled out, tripping backwards towards the others.

At that very moment, in slow motion it seemed, the eyes of the criminal came into life. The whole room were fixated……a silence of shock and fear hang in the air, the silence of the dead. The man’s eyelids started to move, opening slowly; the whole room’s eyes widened as what looked back were eyes with a pupil of white, an iris of deep red and a sclera of deepest black. The inverse of right…

“Hello zere, scientific vwonder!”
♠ ♠ ♠
There's some plot development for you ;)

Just a bit for those who're interested.....the surname ''Fleischer'' apparently has a rough meaning of: Butcher...not the most fitting surname but none had a meaning of ''inventor'' or ''scientist'' :(