Spark of life

Scientific Vwonder!

In a harsh somerset accent the criminal replied: “Whaat? Where am I?”

“Vwhy….you are in your birthplace my friend!”

“But I was born in mother’s house……not ‘ere!”

“Zis is your second birthplace comrade……vwelcome!”

“I’m sorry I don’t follow you……”

“I predicted slight memory loss……you vwere a murderer……you vwere sentenced to death but died of natual causes……I have Vre-animated you……you have changed ze science vworld!”

“Ahh yes……that’s a good story….but it wa’n’t no natural causes…..was much worse than that……let me ‘enlighten’ you……”

The whole room crowded closer to the bedside as the man sat up and recalled his tale.

“Basically it all started in my cell. 2 walls brick, 2 walls plaster. Windows: barred, floor: solid concrete. I was on my bunk, wiling away the night time, smell of night time rain filling my nostrils. Closing my eyes to try and get some kip, strong voice from inside my very cell! I looks up….and there’s a guy by the door……Top hat and cane in hand……‘What the hell?!?!?’ I thought to meself……‘Hello there Roger..’ he said……stepping into the light I see he has a thin Goatee……Black it was……He told me I’d be fine, laid me down and gave me a kiss on the for’head……I trusted him for some reason?.....Looked up…..he weren’t there……lights outside gone out……nowhere, he was! I thought I must’ve been going mad……”

“Any idea who zis man was at all? Roger was it?”

“Aye me names Roger……But no….No idea who that man was….Ain’t seen ‘im before in my life!...”

“Interesting…..” He started brushing and rolling his moustache again…

“Interestin’?!?! Interestin’ you say?!?!?”

“I believe vwhat you experienced was just a dream zat got set in vwith ze electric shock…...”

“I tells you…..I know what’s dreams and what’s not…….THAT was not one!”

Interrupting the conversation, a voice from the back of the group exclaimed “Shouldn’t he be locked up?!?! For the sake of ourselves!”

“Okay sir…..I shall do zat for you……Roger……you must stay in zis room…it will be locked….you vwere a criminal!”

“Oh okay……..but can I ‘ave some grub…..I’m starving away in ‘ere!”

“Zat can be arranged sir!”
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the last chapter of the original block of writing.....the ''tale'' by Roger isn't as good as I would have liked it......but it does it's part....

Next update may not be for a long time....I have no idea when I'll get the urge to write again, but if you like this, leave us a comment and a subscription?...