A Little Bit Longer

This brilliant banner was made by APRILgrrl !!!

The inspiration for this story is love. That's it. So please enjoy, as my absoloute all is going into this for you guys.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Jonas Brothers, and all famous characters are not mine. All non famous, however, are mine. Personalities of famous characters in here are entirely made up, as I do not know the Jonas Brothers or their personalities. (Much to my dismay.)

She was his girl. He was her boy. They where eachothers life, reason for living, dream when they're not sleeping, destinies and happiness. So, when they're told something that could possibly tear them apart, what will happen?

Also, there is another danger lurking around in this story, which will probably appear in the tenth chapter. Maybe.

Before him, She had always seen the negative side of things. But, then, he came along. She saw things more brightly, more intensely and more lovingly. She approached people with care and consideration, because he taught her that there is more to life than what she saw. He was her all, her everything. It might have been hard to cope, considering he was an international rock star and she was always getting ambushed by the press for dating him, but she didn't care. He was her life. And how could she live if her purpose for living wasn't there?

"You're like the reason I'm here, M. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't see the stars at night, I wouldn't see colours as intense as I do, and the world would definitley be a much scarier place. But when I know that you're there to share my fear with me, to face everything with me, it makes everything worth while. I love you more than words can even express."
He thought the world of her.

Nothing could have changed that, right?


  1. What You Mean To Me.
    'Mia didn't care what they said, though. Because, as long as she had Nick's shoulder to cry on, Nick's arms to fall into, she was happy. Nothing else mattered.'
  2. Why Is She Like That?
    'His eyes aren't evil. They're beautiful. They're chocolate brown and sometimes I can see my whole future in them. They aren't evil.'
  3. Watch Out - Paparazzi About!
    'Mia heard Nick mutter something under his breath, then threaten to run them over if they didn't move. After several attempts to get them to take their business elsewhere, Nick opened the door to his car and jumped out, Mia following behind.'
  4. A Pounding Heart.
    'Few times had Mia seen her boyfriend in such a state, but every time she did it scared her to death. She always felt her heart pounding in her chest.'
  5. Annie.
    'I won't ever forget her, not really. All those years without even mentioning her name, all those years she's been watching me, probably in disgust...'
  6. Vulnerable.
    'What's wrong? I'll tell you whats wrong. I'm so sick and tired of everybody going on about how dependent I am, how I need you all. Well, I don't. I can survive on my own, alright?'
  7. I'm Not Incapable!
    'Her eyes made their way up and down the strange male she that stood in front of her, who she had never seen before. This was not the person she fell in love with. He was staring at the floor again.'
  8. Happiness To Heartbroken.
    'Neither wanted to speak first; for that would be breaking the precious moment that they both yearned to share, but didn't have the courage to show their true affection for one another, in fear of rejection.'
  9. I'm Dieing Without You.
    'She punched again and again, and the fourth time she did so, the pain hit her. She let out a wail, her cheeks drenched in tears. '
  10. Petrified And Merciless.
    'Mia trembled as she felt a wicked surge of fear over power her. She somehow found the strength to reach into her pocket and pull out her cell. She felt his merciless eyes fall on her as her fingers dialed the numbers 911.'
  11. Hostage.
    'Mia had lost all knowledge she had of life; for what was the point in it if it is to be abused like this? '
  12. Alone.
    'Watching in horror as Mia tried with all her might to fight the misery of knowing what was happening, Nick whispered the words he knew would be his last.'
  13. Be Strong.
    'As Denise got in next to her, Mia saw the look on the face, and that look alone was enough to give her the will to carry on. Grabbing her hand as the limo drove away, Mia took a deep breath. The time had come so fast.'
  14. A Little Bit Longer And I'll Be Fine.
    'She sat at the bottom of the grave, staring down at the heap of dirt and soil. Underneath that lay Nicholas. Underneath that lay the one who had his life taken to save Mia's.'