A Little Bit Longer

What You Mean To Me.


She looked up at him, the way she always did; he was the center of her world. The only one who could lift her up when she was down, the only one who made her feel like she was important. Mia knew that they were forever.
He looked down at her, saw her brilliant blue eyes sparkle and kissed her head. When he was with her, he felt like his whole life revolved around her, that one girl in his arms. Sometimes, if he looked into them long enough, he could see his whole life with Mia, all reflecting in her eyes.

"It's getting dark," Mia admitted, not wanting one bit to have to go home to her ego loving family.

She glanced around them, the sun setting over the top of the oak trees. Nick just nodded, squeezing Mia to him tighter, but still gently. Mia always loved it when they came out here, it was like a routine. They'd come home from school, eat their dinner with their families, then meet up at the hill. Nick would put his arm around Mia, and she would fit underneath his armpit and then they would stay there, for hours, not doing anything in particular. Just loving each others company. And it was the only place the press couldn't follow them, the only place they didn't know about.
Nick suddenly lifted his arm away from Mia, and stood up.

"Maybe we should go," he said, holding out his hand.

'Go' was the last thing Mia wanted to do. Her family would only throw all sorts of questions at her when she stepped through the door, like 'where have you been, why are you late, who were you with?' Mia reluctantly took his hand, as Nick pulled her up and put his arms around her.

"Don't worry. I'll back you up," he told her, releasing himself from the hug.
To Mia's surprise, he didn't pull out his mobile to call Big Rob, he just took her hand and lead her away from the hill.
Now she would have to go and face her family, her snob like Mum, her Dad with too much ego. They thought that Mia was their little darling, never put a toe out of line, never said the wrong word. But when she did, god, Mia would know about it. Every time she and Nick had gone to the hill, they'd been home before eight. It was now half nine. America was settled down and the only disturbance was the sight of an international rock star walking the streets holding an average girl's hand. To everyone else, she was just a wannabe. She wanted to be famous, wanted the boyfriend that the entire world wanted, but that wasn't Mia. Nick came to her.

She remembered it all too well, the way he'd approached her while she'd been stood by her locker, trying to remember her code. She didn't usually forget it. And yes, she'd heard of the ultra famous Jonas Brother who walked the halls of her school, but she never thought he'd be interested in her, not after Miley. But he'd seen something in her. That was why he was so special, not because of the money and fame. Although, many of the papers and magazines stated otherwise. Mia didn't care what they said, though. Because, as long as she had Nick's shoulder to cry on, Nick's arms to fall into, she was happy. Nothing else mattered.

"Mum and Dad are going to kill me." Mia broke the silence, the silence that they enjoyed so much.

"No, they won't. I'll say it was all my idea," Nick rubbed his finger against Mia's hand, giving her a soft smile. He knew exactly what her parents were like.
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Kay, first chapter people. Please comment and tell me what you think.
I have Big plans for this story!
Banners would be good!