A Little Bit Longer

Petrified And Merciless.

I couldn't look at him, because all I wanted to do was throw my arms around him and believe it was going to be okay. But it wasn't. And he doesn't really love me. I can't even bare to hear his name anymore.

Mia scrawled down her diary, before shutting it and tracing her finger around the picture of the pink fairy and the fairy dust. Aunt Sylvia once told her that if she did this and made a wish, then it would come true. She said if she made a wish then when she went to bed at night she had to leave her window open the tiniest crack for he fairies to come through and grant her wish. Mia soon enough realized this wasn't true. shoving it back underneath her belt. She stood from where she was sat, gazing at the trees, the sun, the one place they used to come. So, now would they come alone?

Walking back home without the feel of his fingers entwined with hers felt odd. Lonely.
As she made her way back up her block, she felt glad to be home for the first time in forever. As she walked through her front door, she saw her father grabbing his jacket and his keys.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"Shopping mall. Why?" Richard made for the door, but his daughter stood in front of it.

"I'll go for you," she said, making yet another spontaneous choice. Richard raised one eyebrow.

"You want to go for me? Well, I suppose you could. Here, let me make you a list of the things I wanted..." His voice trailed off as he wondered into the kitchen in search for some paper and a pen.


Stepping out of her mother's car, Mia said goodbye and rushed off into the center, trying not to be noticed too much, as she walked through the bustling herd of the busy people of New Jersey. Surely people would find it strange to see her alone? She tried to keep her eyes to the ground and away from the stares of others; the last thing she wanted was for people to recognize her and pull out their camera's. Sure, she was only known for dating Nick, but still, people still loved to get their piece of her.

As she entered the first shop for a new suit for her father, she headed straight to the back, as quickly as she could manage.
She browsed through a selection of grey one, black ones, even pink ones, but really knowing none of them would be good enough. One in particular caught her eye, the little silver button on the end of he sleeve. It was a cotton black one, with a small pocket on the right side of the chest. As she looked through the sizes, she pulled out a 32, and took a proper look at it. She remembered back to the day of Annie's funeral, how he'd worn a black one. Nodding in satisfaction to herself, she made her way to the endless queue, still keeping her head down. She held the suit with her left hand, placing her right in her jacket pocket and tensing up as she felt a pair of beady eyes rest on her. Wishing desperately the queue would hurry up, whispers began to form around her. She heard her name mentioned several times, and the name 'Nick'. She felt her heart rate get faster as she panicked, the last thing she wanted was for people to get out their cell phones and camera's.

"Come on, hurry up," she heard herself mutter, peering over the person's shoulder in front of her and at the never ending row of people. Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Turning around in shock, she saw a woman in her late thirties, smiling at her. Looking down, Mia saw a little girl holding the woman's hand, looking shy and sucking her thumb. People were beginning to look.

"Could we have a picture?" The woman asked, looking hopeful. Mia considered it, knowing what a mess she looked. Nodding, Mia knelled down to the child's height and put her arm around her, smiling. Once the picture had been taken, the woman thanked her and wondered off with the little girl in her arms. Great. Mia thought to herself as a group of early teens made their way over to her, all arm in arms and giggling.

"Ohmigod, you date Nick Jonas!" one of them squealed, jumping up and down in the most irritating way. I did. Mia smiled sweetly, turning back to the queue and ignoring the whispers. She heard the sound of a camera behind her, then turned around to find the girls had scampered. After what seemed like an eternity, Mia reached the top of the queue, placing the suit on the counter. After handing over $40, she hurried out of the shop and stopped outside, sitting down and checking her cell phone. No messages or calls.

As Mia made her way into the next shop for a pair of shoes to go with the suit, she noticed Kevin standing by the boots. He looked more stressed than Mia had ever seen him. She then noticed Big Rob and Joe signing autographs to a crowd of people in the far side of the shop. After deciding not to approach Kevin and asked how Nick was, he was swamped by yet more fans. Ducking out of sight and behind a display, she headed to the back of the shop to look a the tuxedo shoes. Why did I have to come here? Of all places I could have gone to?
She picked up a pair of leather shoes, turning them around to look at the size. They weren't big enough, anyway. Once she'd put them back, she moved across, browsing more before being startled, once again.

"Man, why do people keep doing this to me?" she muttered to herself before spotting Joe stood behind her. He too, looked stressed. He looked to the floor suddenly, sighing.

"Hey," he said, looking up at her. She watched as the tight shirt he wore stretched across his body each time he breathed out.

"Hi," Mia turned back to the shoes, wanting to keep her concentration on anything but him. She'd only end up asking after Nick, how he was, where he was. Joe followed her as she moved along. He then placed his hand on her arm, turning her around to face him. Confused, Mia stared at the hand.

"Mia. Are you okay?" he asked, almost a whisper. His voice sounded tired and worn out. Lying, Mia nodded as if nothing troubled her wearied mind. Joe shook his head.

"Well, it's good to know someone is. Because he isn't. It's bringing the whole family down, you know? Even Frankie's feeling it." Joe told Mia, he too staring to look at the shoes. Mia didn't respond.

"Please, Mia. You have to talk to him for us~"

"I already have, Joe! And look what good that did!" she shot back in a sharp whisper. Joe stopped walking, for a moment, took a deep breath, then started again. He ran his hands through his hair.

"He loves you so much, M. He really does, you can't imagine it. He's gone through so much the past few years, you know that. He just needs you to be strong for him. Understand that, Mia." He turned away from her, heading towards Kevin and Big Rob. He didn't say anything to them; they just left the shop and didn't look back through the window once. Feeling cruel and like she'd let them down, Mia forgot about the shoes and headed out, walking aimlessly down through the crowds of people. She need not know where she was heading; for it didn't seem to matter.

Stopping at a coffee shop and ordering a drink, Mia sat down at a table and put her head in her hands, feeling fed up and useless. Joe was right, she needed to be strong by Nick. But she didn't, she walked away and didn't turn back, didn't ask him to stick her heart back together. She sipped at her cappuccino, beginning to hate herself more and more. She felt every evidence of her ever being a good person disappear, and all the love she had left in her evaporated. She just felt empty. She felt as though you could bang on her chest and you'd hear an echo, because there was nothing there. Nothing at all. She put the mug down and stared in the drink, and a face formed inside the froth. It was her own. She had red eyes, red for evil, and she was frowning. Of course she was frowning. It was the only thing she did anymore. Gulping the drink down and slamming the mug on the table, she sat back in her seat, contemplating on herself. Again, I'm thinking about myself. I'm such a horrible person. If they gave out a medal for the most self centered person in the world, I'd win gold.


Now, after purchasing her father a pair of shoes, Mia headed into The Modern World, the shop in which she'd been asked to buy her mother a birthday present. Not that Mia had a clue what sort of thing her mother would want. She picked up a manicure set, hen put it back down after thinking that Deborah could just pay to have them done professionally. She looked through skirts, trousers, blouses, shoes, and even moved on to the technical section. Mia considered buying a new cell phone, but thought twice once remembering her mother criticizing technology. Apparently it was a disgrace, and 'whatever happened to writing a letter?'

Making her way back to the front of the shop, Mia jumped in fear as a loud bang echoed around the shop. Throwing her hands to her ears and looking around in panic, she pushed her way through people, wanting to know what was happening. She heard shouts and people pleading, and another bang was let out and screams were the only thing anyone was able to hear. Frantic and apprehensive, Mia made her way to one woman who was crouched over her baby boy protectively.

"It's him, it's... it's..." she stuttered, pointing her shaking finger towards someone that Mia wasn't able to make out. As Mia made her way to the front of the crowd, she saw something she wished she hadn't. There was a man crying over a woman's body, A woman's dead body. He was hysterical, grasping her hand and wailing through sobs for her to wake up. Underneath her was a pool of blood, that was slowly getting bigger as it traveled through the crowd. Standing over the pair was a man, a man holding a gun in the air. This man showed no mercy, his eyes dark and evil like a vultures. He was grinning, exposing a cave of gleaming white teeth. His bald head shone from sweat, and every moment he stood there, every moment he became more frightening to the eyes. That's when it hit Mia. She thought back to the night their coach has been stopped by the police, the night the police officer showed them the picture... Dex Turner. Mia trembled as she felt a wicked surge of fear over power her. She somehow found the strength to reach into her pocket and pull out her cell. She felt his merciless eyes fall on her as her fingers dialed the numbers 911. He did not speak; for he knew no speech would overcome as more frightening. Instead, he took baby steps toward Mia. Petrified, Mia let the mobile slip out of her hands. She wanted to move back, but her body wouldn't let her. It had shut down out of sheer trepidation.
Her eyes followed him as he bent down and reached for the phone, then threw it back on the floor before stamping on it.

"I don't think so," he sneered, looming over the shaking and powerless girl. He had the whole shop under his command, and boy did he know it. He could do what ever he liked. A intrigued mob of people emerged outside the shop, staring straight through the now padlocked doors. People outside began to call the emergency number. Dex walked back to the wailing man on the floor, and stuck the gun to his head. A gasp passed through the crowd, each and every person under his demand. Placing a finger on the trigger the man leaned his head on the dead woman. Somebody screamed, "NO!" But they were ignored. Mia looked away, not ever wanting to witness such a disgusting sin. She felt herself tense as the gun shot echoed around the room.

"Now," Dex began, his eyes staring down at them, "if any of you in here tries to get out, I'll shoot you. Is that clear enough?" he asked. When the crowd didn't respond, he shouted, "IS THAT CLEAR ENOUGH FOR YOU?!" Everyone nodded simultaneously, as a baby began to cry.

"Shut that thing up," he ordered, reloading his gun. Mia watched in horror. How could someone do this? And what did he want? Shooting the ceiling to make sure everyone was listening, Dex chuckled manically, sending chills down Mia's spine. She was alone here, whist most people had a hand to hold onto, a body to feel next to them when the tough got going. Mia was alone.
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Yeaaaahh. Scary stuff, right?
Please comment, guys, it would be much appreciated! ;)