A Little Bit Longer


After he'd opened his eyes once more and possibly for the last time, the agony he'd tried to ignore took hold of him and the same involuntary shiver grasped his focus as he spotted the sea of red that surrounded him. A voice broke into his head; a beautiful voice, and for that moment the pain he'd endured evaporated and her face was all he could see. The touch of her hand on his skin sent the fear of death away and he felt her soft lips press against his.
"Mia," he heard his trembling voice speak.

"Don't talk." Mia squeezed his hand tightly as the pain came racing back. He felt himself groan as an unwelcoming tear teased his eye and rolled down his cheek.
Watching in horror as Mia tried with all her might to fight the misery of knowing what was happening, Nick whispered the words he knew would be his last.

"You're like the reason I'm here, M. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't see the stars at night, I wouldn't see colours as intense as I do, and the world would definitely be a much scarier place. But when I know that you're there to share my fear with me, to face everything with me, it makes everything worth while. I love you more than words can even express. Don't ever forget that, okay?"

Mia shut her eyes as fresh tears pushed their way through her lids.

"I love you, Mia." Nick said, his voice fading.

"No! Nicholas, don't you dare leave me!" Mia ordered, her heart thumping hard. She shook him rapidly, not able to contain the hurt that was gradually being consumed by anger. He was leaving her; the one man she could've spent the rest of her life with.

"Nicholas, please, hold on!" she screamed, feeling his fingers loosen from her hand and his lids began to close. She slammed her fist against the ground, ignoring the Police and the growing crowd behind her. She sobbed hard as she felt the love of her life slowly slip out of her reach. She felt as though she might as well go with him, go with him to where ever he was heading now. Because he was gone. He was gone and there was nothing Mia could do to stop that.

"Please. Please don't leave me..." Her voice quietened as the harsh reality of his death began to sink in. She pulled his cold hand up to her lips. She kissed it before putting it down and leaning her head on his chest, as her whole entire world broke into millions of pieces before her very eyes. She stayed there for a moment, drowning in her own anguish. But Mia still wouldn't give up. She began to thump hard against his chest, screaming for him to open his eyes. She did this multiple times before she felt the strong arms of another wrap around her and pull her away. She resisted, though, struggling free and reaching out for the lifeless body that she longed to spend the rest of her life with.

"He's gone, Mia, he's gone!" She'd recognized this voice as Joe's, but his empty words meant nothing to her. You're wrong. Mia tried to bring Nicholas back by giving him mouth to mouth, but knew deep down this would do nothing against the evil will of a gun shot. She couldn't fight it anymore, she broke down next to the body that had once been Nick, hitting him on his leg in frustration. He was empty, an empty body who no longer felt anything. No love, no resent, no fear, and no pain. At this moment, Mia stopped moving and began to speak to words that seemed to come to her naturally.

"You weren't supposed to leave me here. I never had the chance to tell you I was sorry. We were still supposed to experience things together. We were supposed to spend the rest of our lives together, grow old together, stand by each other through thick and thin. But now you're gone, and I never even said thank you. Thank you for understanding me when no body else did, when no body else cared. Thank you for just being there.
You know, I was heart broken over my sister, but it hurts more when you've grown to love someone, I mean really love them. And then they're taken away from you, and you realize... You realize how much they meant to you. I don't know how I'm going to cope on my own, without you there to hold on to. You were right, Nicholas, you don't know what you've got till it's gone. And you don't know what it's like to feel so... Alone. So, I don't know where you are now, but in case somehow you can hear me, I want you to know... I love you. I'll always love you." She pushed back the tears that begged to roll down her cheeks, reaching over to his ice cold lips and placing a kiss on them. She ran her hand through the curls she'd adored, and whispered, "goodbye," in his ear.
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