A Little Bit Longer

A Pounding Heart.


Making his way out of the back of the classroom and out to break, Nicholas didn't feel resentment fill his body for Mr. Connor, but he did feel apprehension towards him. After all, spending an hour with a giant like man, who towers above you and is big enough to squeeze every last breath out of you isn't a very positive thought. And besides, everybody is afraid of him.
Nick stopped at his locker, opening it up and taking out lunch money. As he took out $4. he was greeted by a hand running through his hair and pulling slightly at his curls.

"Great..." He muttered to himself, as he got on his hands and knees to pick up the money he'd dropped. The hand had made him jump. He turned his head to find three immature sophomore girls standing beside him, giggling. They managed to apologize through their laughs. He was no stranger to attention from younger girls; it happened all the time. Next to greet him was Mia, who knelt down beside him to help gather his money. She chuckled as they both reached for the same coin, Nick's hand grabbing hers. His touch always had an impact on her. As they both stood up, Mia shot a look at the sophomore girls, making them suddenly silent. She muttered something to them, and they scampered. Putting his arm around Mia's waist, Nick lead her off down to the cafeteria.


"... You didn't have to do that, you know," Mia perched herself on the Jonas's lap, taking a sip from her Capri-Sun. She glanced at Nick; his frangible looking face, his chocolate eyes staring deeply into nothing in particular, his curls dancing in the wind. He was aware of Mia's comment, but did not reply. She stroked his hand that held her right arm, tracing her finger around the lines. He looked so delicate, so easily hurt. But deep down was a strong, powerful and capable person. But if you didn't know him, you would never imagine this. He opened his mouth to talk, then closed it again, as if it wasn't worth it. His eyes were suddenly drawn to something else, or rather, somebody else. Running towards them, looking desperate to get away from the crowd of fans following them, was Joe and Kevin. (Who were both looking a little less than pleased.)

"Guys? What are you doing here?" Nick asked, as they reached the table. Suddenly, Mia felt two hands on her arms, pulling her up and off of Nick. She looked up to see Kevin.

"We'll explain when we get somewhere a bit more... Private," Joe told them, looking around him at the forever growing crowd.


Once the four had reached Nick and Mia's home room, they sat themselves at the desks. Joe pulled his phone out of his pocket and started to dial a number, as Kevin began to speak.

"Right, guys. We were just contacted by Big Rob, who was contacted by some TV programme, The Ellen Degeneres Show, and they want an interview with us like... sometime tomorrow," Kevin said, rushing the last part.

"It's just, the people they did want for the show have cancelled, and like, they wanted us at the last minute. And that means you too, by the way, Mia," he said. Joe then put the phone down, saying that Big Rob was coming. Mia sat quietly, not saying a word, teetering on the edge of reluctance. Pictures in teen magazines is one thing, a TV interview is another. There is no way I'm doing this, she thought to herself, stubbornly. Nick sighed, then put his head on the table. I really can't be asked for this right now, a voice said inside his head.

"Well, we were actually hoping for a better reaction... But anyway. We have to leave soon," Joe said, ramming his mobile into his tight pocket. Nick complained a little, saying how he could be doing without this.

"Guys, I can't. I have an hour with my home room teacher tomorrow," Nick suddenly said, lifting his head from the desk. Kevin and Joe looked at their brother as if he were crazy.

"So, you're turning down a TV interview for... A detention?" Kevin asked, bewildered.

"Dude, you're off the chain," Joe laughed, and then started to recite the 'Nick J Is Off The Chain' rhyme. Nick considered this for a moment, knowing Mr. Connor would only take this as an excuse not to attend the detention. Ah, how bad can it be. I suppose I could get Big Rob to have words with him... Nick wondered to himself. After deciding he should go, he turned to Mia, automatically knowing her instincts would be to reject the interview. And besides, she would never be allowed. Mia explained to the two Jonas's how she'd been grounded, and how ever much of a pathetic excuse it was, she wasn't coming, even though she couldn't stand the thought of being without Nick for more than a day. It was like somebody stealing the sun; life is pointless and dark without it.


Deborah and Richard sat indignant on the sofa, a noticeable space between the two. Deborah didn't seem to change her mind; her precious Amelia wasn't going anywhere with the Jonas Brothers.
Richard, on the other hand, wasn't as stubborn. His daughter, along with Nick, Joe and Kevin, were sat on the couch opposite Richard and Deborah, pleading with them. Richard had said how he didn't see the harm in it. After all, it was only a day. But, no. Mrs. Thatcher sat with her nose in the air, prim and proper in her little white bolero and beige skirt. Kevin had already given up, and was starting to get agitated. He kept reminding the rest that Big Rob was waiting outside, growing impatient.

Deborah wasn't too keen on the idea of her daughter going on a trip with three boys, being the only female. So, it wasn't the most attractive idea to any mother.

"I'm putting my foot down, Amelia," Deborah said, stamping her foot. Mia immediatly sighed and Kevin, Joe and Nick gave a little whine. Rolling her eyes, Deborah told the four to be quiet, and then looked to the ceiling in thought. This usually is a good thing, I hope... Mia thought to herself, turning her head to see Nick with his head in his hands. Richard suddenly leant towards his wife and whispered something in her ear. When he pulled away, Deborah cleared her throat.

"Alright! You may go to your Ellen interview. Amelia, I'm going to call you. I'll call you in half an hour to make sure you are on the coach just fine, and if you don't answer you won't be going anywhere with these brothers ever again," she told her daughter, pointing her finger. She stood from the chair, smoothed down her clothes and made her way out of the living area, pointing her nose in the air. The brothers exchanged looks, then gave a feeble chuckle.


"Look, darling, if you're going to be on TV, wear something memorable," Deborah said to her daughter, pulling clothes out of the wardrobe. Mia's attention was turned to Kevin calling up to warn her she had better hurry. Mia decided to take her favorite pair of white and red converse, a pair of skinny fit jeans and a V neck black jumper, for before she got changed for Ellen. For the show, she packed a petite red linen shift dress, the one that Nick loved but she refused to wear. Now she would wear it. After all, she'd never been anywhere worth wearing a dress like that. Carefully folding away her clothes into her rucksack, her mother snorted at her choice of bag.

"Mum, I really don't have the time to pick any other bag," she said, swinging her bag over her shoulder and rushing downstairs, her mother not far behind. Nick greeted her at the bottom of the stairs, opening the front door. Mia saw Big Rob waiting in front of the coach, wearing his t-shirt with the words 'BIG ROB' across the chest.

"Come on, you guys, let's go," he called, beckoning the four towards the coach. Mia said goodbye to her parents, secretly glad to be away from her mother. Deborah shut the door without so much as bidding her daughter goodbye.


The coach ride wasn't how she'd imagined. Nick was quieter than ever, and seemed to stay in the same position for over an hour. Mia was sat silently next to him, holding her knees to her chest. Joe had been singing 'Single Ladies' by Beyoncé repeatedly for the past hour, and Kevin was asleep. His legs where lying across Nick's lap and his head was next to Mia's converse. Pushing his brothers legs off of him, Nick got to his feet and sat on the chair opposite, rubbing his eyes as he did so. As he sat down, he sighed and closed his eyes, as if he were about to fall asleep. He suddenly wiped his forehead, and did the same over again. Sighed, rubbed his eyes and then his forehead. But the fourth time he did so, Mia stood and sat down next to him.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything?" she asked, worried. She fully well understood how his diabetes effected him sometimes. He shrugged his shoulders, closing his eyes again. Joe was talking to Big Rob at this point, so he hadn't noticed his weak and faint brother. His eyes were drooping, and the grip he had on Mia's hand was starting to loosen.

"Joe," Mia called to the front of the coach. As he approached them, he fell to his knees at the sight of Nick.

"Nick? Nicky?" Joe was holding Nick by his shoulders, shaking him slightly.

"He needs some sugar, man," Joe decided, shaking Mia on her arm. Mia stood and opened her bag, taking out a bottle of orange juice and handing it to Nick. Unscrewing the lid, he drank it down without reluctance. After he'd finished half the bottle, he handed it back to Mia and nodded, to signify he was alright.
Few times had Mia seen her boyfriend in such a state, but every time she did it scared her to death. She always felt her heart pounding in her chest. her mind playing games with her, telling her Nick wasn't going to be okay, that something terrible was going to happen. But she knew all he needed was some sugar, and he'd be just fine. Nick felt his heart rate slowly reach it's normal pace, his breathing calming down.

"You alright, dude?" Joe asked, placing his hand on his brother's leg. Nick nodded, and then
grabbed Mia's hand. As she sat down next to him, Joe patted his brother on the leg and stood, going back to join Big Rob at the front of the coach.

"Thanks, M," Nick said, as he pulled Mia closer to him and kissed the top of her head. He smiled to himself as he breathed in the sweet fragrance from her hair, the sweet fragrance he adored so much.
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Things really are going to get serious in this. I'm thinking of re-naming the title to 'A Little Bit Longer' because through out the whole time I've been writing this, the song A Little Bit Longer has been playing through my head. It seems to fit.