A Little Bit Longer

I'm Dieing Without You.


Not being able to control the emotion that longed to pour out of her, Mia threw herself on her bed and sobbed the hardest she'd ever sobbed. Her broken heart pounded hard against her chest, and with every movement her body made she felt it ache that little bit more. She wiped away the mascara that run down her cheeks with the sleeve of Nicholas's jacket, breathing in his scent, the scent she longed for. She felt non respondent, completely ignoring the knocks on her door. Her eyes felt sore from the river of tears she'd cried. His cold words echoed around her head, and his beautiful face was the first thing she could see when she closed her eyes. Lifting her head from her now soaked pillow, her eyes ran across the endless amount of pictures that littered her walls of him. She picked up her empty body and marched straight up to them, snatching them off of the walls and tearing them up. With each tear, she felt herself slipping further away from the one she'd given her heart to. That's when his lyrics entered her mind.

I don't want to fall asleep,
don't know if I'll wake up.
And I don't want to 'cause a scene,
but I'm dieing without your love.

Begging to hear your voice,
tell me you love me too.
'Cause I'd rather just be alone;
If I know that I can't have you...

She was dieing. Inside, she was being eaten up by sorrow and her unconditional love for him was slowly killing her. She wanted him to tell her he loved her, to promise it wouldn't happen again. But he meant what he said. He didn't care anymore. And, much to her dismay, he still had one half of Mia's heart.


After insisting to her mother and father that she was perfectly alright, the rest of the day became worse. Every moment knowing that she wasn't his made the pain increase.
She lay immobile on the couch for hours after her folks had gone to bed, staring at the ceiling. It appeared to be getting smaller but Mia put this down to the amount of time she'd been staring at it. She made a spontaneous decision to go into the back yard and get some fresh air, in a hope it would ease the agony.

Stepping out of the door and embracing the coolness, she allowed herself to close her eyes, trying to ignore the face in her head. Breathing in the fresh air felt wonderful, as she'd felt like since he left her she had been holding her breath. The hurt defeated her, though, and she let herself fall the the hard ground and whack her fist against it, feeling it bruise
and her skin pierce against a piece of sharp glass. Although, nothing could compare to what she'd felt that day. She looked at her wound, blood seeping out of her purple and blue knuckles. She didn't seem to care. But now she couldn't stop. She punched the ground again with her other fist, it seemed to help. She punched again and again, and the fourth time she did so, the pain hit her. She let out a wail, her cheeks drenched in tears.

"Why are you doing this to me, Nicholas?" Mia spoke, gazing up into the dark sky. After another punch, she gave in, struggling off of her knees and onto her feet, she made her way back into the kitchen, taking out the first aid box and bandaging up her knuckles. It hurt even more every time she wrapped it around. After sticking it with tape, she slumped into the living room and fell onto the couch, no longer able to rebel against sleep.


"Amelia?" Mia suddenly heard. She thought she was dreaming as she finally came to, and her vision became un-blurred. But, after opening her eyes properly, trapped tears fell down her face. Quickly rubbing them away, she saw her mother and father standing over her. Deborah was still in her dressing gown, and Richard was standing there in stripped pajamas. Sitting up, Mia tried to hide how she felt. Her mother's face hid concern; instead, she looked serious, her arms folded. She turned her head to the side, taking in the way her daughter looked. And, to be frank, it was a mess. She still worse yesterdays clothes, make up ran down her face and her hair was like a lions mane. There were dark bags underneath her drooping eyes, and there were red tear trails leading down her face.

"Mia, are you alright, dear?" Richard turned his head also, observing his daughter. Nodding in a pathetic attempt to hid her misery, she hoped her parents would accept her answer, even though she doubted they wouldn't. Her mother gave one of her, 'do you think I look stupid' looks, and sat down on the couch next to Mia, reaching out her hand and placing it on her leg. Slowly ducking her fists under the blanket, Mia stared at her mother.

"No, you're not. Something is wrong. Is it... Nicholas?" She asked. Just the mention of his name made her shudder. She shook her head maniacally, knowing they weren't that clueless.

"Mia, I know it might be hard to talk to me, after everything, but I want you to know I've changed. You can talk to me whenever you feel the need to," Deborah assured her girl, patting her leg and standing up. Richard smiled at his daughter and sat down onto the couch opposite hers, switching on the television. Wanting to reach over and kiss Mia on the cheek but feeling like it wasn't right, Deborah did the same, sitting down next to her husband. Hauling her empty body off the chair, Mia rushed out of the lounge and upstairs, finding the energy to skip a few.

Pulling a pair of denim jeans, a long sleeved plain white top, a 'I Love NY' grey jacket and throwing her hair up into a pony tail, Mia slammed shut the doors of her closet and slapped on some powder, in an attempt to disguise her tiredness. Then, after brushing her teeth and hurrying downstairs, she made her way out of the front door, ignoring the shouts for her folks.
She'd only made it half way up the street when her phone started vibrating in her pocket. Pulling it out, she saw the name 'Nick' flashing across the screen. No way could she bring herself to speak to him. Pressing the cancel button was the hardest thing. The first time she'd ever ignored his calls, the first time she'd break down at the sound of his voice. And then, just as she thought things couldn't get any worse, several people came rushing around the corner of the street, and a mess of lights flashed in her face.

"Leave me alone!" she shouted, covering her face and pushing past them and running anywhere away from them. She kept running, looking over her shoulder every now and then. She didn't stop until she came to an abrupt halt, smacking straight into someone. Falling to her feet, she murmured "I'm so sorry," and then looked up to find the last person in the world she would have wanted to be staring down at her, No. This can't be happening. There, standing in front of her with dried tear stains on his face, his eyes red and his wild curls a mess, was Nicholas. Mia stood up immediately, trying to keep from making eye contact with him, and made her way around him. Not having enough strength to pull her back and apologize again, he let her go, continuing to walk on, aimlessly. That was when he turned back and watched her as she slowly walked out of his now pointless life. He wanted to scream "I LOVE YOU," as loud as he could, then watch her turn around and take him back. But she hated him now, right? He'd destroyed her.

But little did Mia know, her worst fears were soon to be confirmed ...
♠ ♠ ♠
Not much to say. ;)
Oh, yeah, sorry for the cliff hanger.