It Takes Someone Special to be a Dad

Broken Leg

I looked away from Max and Louise and towards my bedroom door.

Come in!

Mom’s face peered around the edge of my bedroom door.

“Holly, I have some bad news.”

“Oh God, Max is actually human.” Louise butted in. I grinned at Max.

“No, they haven’t been able to prove that yet.” Mom said with a smile and sat on my bed.

“What’s wrong?”

“Your grandma has had an accident.”

“Is she okay?”

“Not really. She’s broken her leg and needs help to get around everywhere.” Mom said quietly.

I didn’t know what to say. I loved my grandma but after I found out what she did to my father, I wasn’t sure how to act.

“Oh, I see.”

“Sophia has gone to be with her until I can get up to her.” She added. “I’ve booked two tickets for us to fly up to Canada and see her tomorrow afternoon.”

“Really? That soon?” I asked sadly. Mom nodded.

“We’ll be there for the whole of your holidays, so I suggest you pack now.” She said and left my room quickly.

I looked back towards Max and Louise and my vision was blocked by a large amount of curly brown hair.

“Lou, I can’t breathe!” I gasped and she let me go.

“I’m going to miss you. 2 months without you hanging around and breaking up mine and Max’s arguments, how the hell am I going to live?” She asked.

“I haven’t even left yet!”

“Still, 2 months is a long time, Hol.” Max added. I looked into his blue eyes and pulled him into a hug.

“I know, but my mom can’t take care of grandma by herself. I have to go and help her.” I mumbled into his neck.

“Your grandma always picks the worst times to fall ill doesn’t she? Now I can’t speak to you for 2 months!” Louise cried and pulled Max and I into a three person hug.

“Lou, there is such a thing as computers and phones.” I pointed out.

“Yeah, but it’s not the same. I want to see your hyperness, not just hear it!” She said.

“Please don’t cry you’ll start me off.” I grumbled and pulled away from the hug. Louise looked at me with watery eyes and I sighed.

I didn’t really want to leave, but she was my grandma after all.

Even with what she did to Gerard, she was still part of me and I couldn’t let my mom go alone to care for the old bat.